- published: 27 Apr 2016
- views: 1942
Loen is a village in Stryn Municipality in Sogn og Fjordane county, Norway. It is located in the inner part of the Nordfjord region, at the easternmost end of the Nordfjorden. Loen is located about 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) north of the village of Olden and about 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) southeast of the municipal center of Stryn. The lake Lovatnet is located just to the southeast of the village of Loen. The Hotel Alexandra was established in Loen in 1884. The historic Loen Church is also located in the village.
Loen is the home to some of the oldest farms in Norway: Sæten (Setin), Tjugen (Tyfin), and Loen. They were probably established long before the time of Christianity. Much of the upper Loen valley was devastated from two rockfall slides (one in 1905 and one in 1936) that created huge waves that swept with them most of the houses and vegetation. A total of 135 people were killed in these two incidents.
Some nearby attractions include the Jostedalsbreen nasjonalparksenter museum, Jostedalsbreen National Park, the mountain Skåla, the Tindefjellbreen glacier, and the Ramnefjellsfossen waterfall.
A via ferrata (Italian for "iron road", plural vie ferrate or in English via ferratas) is a protected climbing route found in the Alps and certain other locations. The essence of a modern via ferrata is a steel cable which runs along the route and is periodically (every 3 to 10 metres (9.8 to 32.8 ft)) fixed to the rock. Using a via ferrata kit, climbers can secure themselves to the cable, limiting any fall. The cable can also be used as aid to climbing, and additional climbing aids, such as iron rungs (stemples), pegs, carved steps and even ladders and bridges are often provided. Thus via ferratas allow otherwise dangerous routes to be undertaken without the risks associated with unprotected scrambling and climbing or the need for climbing equipment such as ropes. They offer the relatively inexperienced a means of enjoying dramatic positions and accessing difficult peaks, normally the preserve of the serious mountaineer; although, as there is a need for some equipment, a good head for heights and basic technique, the via ferrata can be seen as a distinct step up from ordinary mountain walking. Conversely, the modest equipment requirements, ability to do them solo, and potential to cover a lot of ground, mean that via ferratas can also appeal to more experienced climbers.
Loen riéndose
Loen Skylift
[Produce 101] Proved Talent from KPOP STAR! LOEN Park So Yeon - ♬Leon EP.02 20160219
Hoven Loen 2017 - Aerial Ropeway | Nordfjord | Fjord Norway (English version)
[THE BEST] Kpop Groups/Solo Under LOEN Ent.*Top Kpop*
Loen Skylift | Norway
Marcus & Martinus - Behind the scenes og video fra Loen!
Major lezeur (loen on):)
b.a.s.e. wingsuit fly.культовые экзиты норвегии-Loen
Via Ferrata, Loen, Norway
Via ferrata and speedflying // Loen Norway
2014 IU(아이유)_나의 옛날이야기(My old story) MV
Norway 2010
From fjord to sky in 5. Official opening on May 20th 2017. Cable Car from the fjord to Mount Hoven (1011 m.a.s.l.) in Loen, Stryn, Nordfjord in Fjord Norway. Enjoy outdoor adventures and the Hoven Restaurant. www.loenskylift.no Video: Lars Korvald Music: Tightrope by Lovespeake
[2회]K팝스타 출신 실력파! 로엔 박소연 - ♬레옹 ▶ 지금 ′프로듀스101′ 홈페이지에서 당신의 소녀에게 투표하세요! 당신의 한표가 소녀들의 운명을 결정합니다! http://mnettv.interest.me/produce101 - 국민 걸그룹 육성 프로젝트 [프로듀스101] 매주 금요일 밤11시 ★′프로듀스101′ 설문 EVENT★ ′프로듀스101′ 설문조사 참여하고 투썸 아메리카노 교환권 받자! 아래 ′프로듀스101′ 설문 EVENT 참여하기를 클릭하여 설문조사에 참여하시면 투썸 아메리카노 교환권을 드립니다! 지금 바로 참여하세요! (20분 선정하여 1인 2매 증정) (설문조사 링크가 안보이시면 여기로 접속하세요! http://me2.do/FgeBYh6v) 당첨자 발표: 2016/2/5 (당첨자 개별 통보)
An Aerial Ropeway (cable car) will open in Loen, Nordfjord in May 2017. From the fjord station in Loen you can take the aerial ropeway up to 1011 meters. A restaurant and a viewing platform at the mountain station will be the starting point for a wide range of nature-based activities and adventures year round. Film by Falkeblikk
*Like *Subscribe *Share Intro Song: IU - Friday Songs: *Lena Park - Sweet *Ra.D - As Always *Zia - Rumor *IU - Good Day *Yoon Hyun Sang - When Would It Be *Shin Zisu - Listen *Sunny Hill - Midnight Circus *Fiestar - Vista *History - Might Just Die *I.B.I - Molae Molae *Sistar - Give Me To Me *Boyfriend - Jackpot *Uniq - Eoeo *Monsta X - Trespass *Cosmic Girls - Catch Me *K.Will - I Need You *Mad Clown - Without You *Junggigo - 247 *Jooyoung - Call You Mine *Brother Su - Like Romance Comics *Yu Seung Woo - Hello *Huh Gak - Memory Of Your Scent *Apink - No No No *Victon - What's Time Is It Now *Melody Day - Speed Up I do not own these videos No copyright infringement intented.
From fjord to sky in 5 Loen Skylift takes you sky high in 5 minutes – to Mount Hoven at 1011 metres. This is where the adventures of the mountain await you, whether you want to enjoy the majestic view outside or inside the spectacular restaurant, or start a hike rested and refreshed. Whether you arrive in pumps or mountain boots, you will return full of memories and awe over nature’s greatness. Loen, Stryn, Nordfjord, Fjord Norway.
Vi har i denne videoen ønsket å vise dere hvordan vi redigerer, hva som skjer bak scenen og bare hatt det gøy dagen før vi dro til LA. Husk å Abonner!
Nuevo tema hablando básicamente de la falsedad de la gente, disfrutadlo chavalería. . Grabado por: Loen Insta: @l.de.loen . Letra: La primera lección de vida, sobre las tías, Si te tiraste al hada equivocada, Es lo que tiene, se siente, La buena será la siguiente, No pasa nada, mira, todos tenemos alguna mancha en nuestro expediente Fíate de tu instinto, porque no te miente, Un tinto para el extinto, con complejo de extintor, Casi que prefiero cacique, fuegos que apagar todos los días, Apretando dientes de tanta porquería No te rías de mis ideas, Si meas MDMA como rutina, Vaya puta mierda, Me dijeron que el humano es bueno por naturaleza, Pero su maldad es lo que a día de hoy lo representa, Desde peques, desarrollando fantasías, ''Real'' las detiene, las retiene, las mantiene frías, La...
The Via Ferrata in Loen takes you from sea level to 1000 meters up the the mountains above Loen, Stryn, Norway. // Trygt og godt til topps 1000 meter over Loen, på Via Ferrata frå fjorden.
Wine Fi Mi Baby by Leon Blaze Wine Fi Mi Baby is the single By Leon Blaze. Leon Blaze is a singer songwriter under the Label Nakenterprise Corp. Listen to more of Loen Blaze music at noglokel.com. The is the music video Wine Fi Mi Baby By Leon Blaze. Music Link: http://noglokel.com/artist.php?music=188
4 tricopters and a quad :)
I have full rights to the music displayed in this video because i am part of the L.O.E.N.E. music group. This video is not for those who are younger than 18. it is just for promotional use only. I give credit to youtube.com, worldstrhiphop.com, and ilovepwnage.com..
This is a travel guide to Norway showing the top 10 places you must see if you’re visiting. These tips are from the perspective of a photographer, but the places are perfectly fine to visit if you’re a regular traveller as well. I’ve been fortunate enough to travel around in Norway almost contently for the past few years as a time-lapse photographer. That has given me extensive knowledge of what Norway has to offer, also outside the most touristic places. This list includes some true hidden gems you might not have heard of before. Norway is a fantastic country, and this list could’ve been much, much longer. But these are my favorites, and I’m sure you’ll love them too. The full list: 1. Senja 1. Varangerhalvøya 1. Femundsmarka 4. Loenvatnet 5. Valdres 6. Hardanger 7. Helgeland 8. Lo...
"■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】 ■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button) ■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓) ● Subscribe to YOUTUBE - http://goo.gl/thktbU ● Follow me on TWITTER - https://goo.gl/npQdxL ● Like us on FACEBOOK - http://goo.gl/UKHX33 ● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr [한국어 정보] 로엔 마을에는 빙하가 녹아 흘러 곳곳에서 마을 호수를 향해 흐른다. 람네미엘 폭포는 높이 800m로 세계에서 11번째로 높은 폭포다. 이 빙하들중 단연 눈에 띄는 것은 시에날스브렌이라는 빙하이다. 이 빙하는 마치 왕관 모양으로 햇빛아래에서 반짝이고 있어서 마을에 마치 보석을 박아놓은 것처럼 아름답다. 그렇다면 빙하는 어떻게 생겨난 것일까? 지구 온난화로도 빙하들은 많이 줄어들고 있다. 오랜 세월 녹지 않은 눈이 높은 압력이 쌓이고 쌓여 형성된 빙하의 내부에는 공기도 없고, 불순물도 없다고 한다. 그래서인지 그 녹은 물은 더없이 맑고 깨...
Fantastisk Via Ferrata med flere valgmuligheter: passasje med C/D eller alternativ E-grad, Hengebru eller direkte mot topp, Wire/line over juv eller direkte mot topp. Vi gikk uten guide og med eget utstyr. (På nettsiden til Loen Activ finnes info om hvordan en kan gi støtte til vedlikehold -om du velger å gå med eget utstyr og uten guide ;-)
Norway food porn. We're flying to Norway for a food trip and I can't wait to try out all the Norway food porn. We start our food trip in Norway in the beautiful Bergen with a food tour. At the end of the day I can truly say Norway food porn is amazing! Hope you enjoy this Norway food porn travel vlog but DON'T click the following link: http://bit.ly/1KKCs8V (you just might be stuck with me by subscribing) If you're on a roll here's the playlist with all the Norway vlogs: NOTE: My vlogs are always uploaded 7 days later. DAILY TRAVEL ON I N S T A G R A M: http://instagram.com/iperkovic DAILY TRAVEL ON T W I T T E R: http://twitter.com/ivanaperkovic FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/TravelVlogIv SNAPCHAT: IPERKOVIC SEND ME AN EMAIL: travelvlogiv@gmail.com Travel Vlog Iv is a travel vlog chan...
Follow Cole on his hike to the Skåla summit in Loen, 1800 m above the Nordfjord. Breathtaking views! Follow him also on other adventures like hiking in Sunnhordland and birdwatching in Smøla. http://matadornetwork.com/trips/13-epic-views-from-the-skala-trail-one-of-fjord-norways-most-rewarding-hikes/ (By Cole Rise, Matador Network)
Varied scenery, popular marked trails and tourist attractions, wild and untamed mythical landscapes - go hiking in Norway! https://goo.gl/EMwNcP
I live in a city called Changwon. While I was looking for a shooting spot, I realized that there were many beautiful places in my hometown, So I wanted to introduce my city with love stories between men and women. I hope you to visit my beautiful hometown someday ...