
Assange says US benefited from Clinton email leaks

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

'The real victor is the US public which is better informed as a result of our work,' Assange wrote. 'It would be unconscionable for WikiLeaks to withhold such an archive from the public during an election.'

Fake news spreads online as US goes to polls


With US election fever hitting its climax the web is filling with dubious information, from concerted efforts to influence voters to straight-up trolling to old-fashioned clickbait.

Hands on: Freeview FV streaming TV app

The Freeview FV app lets Australians watch live television on the go.

Putting most free-to-air broadcasts at your fingertips, most of the time, the Freeview FV app is a rare sign of cooperation between Australia's squabbling TV networks.

Gmail app for iOS finally updated


Anyone who has used the Gmail app on both Android and iPhone has noticed that one version is far inferior to the other. While Google has tended to make sure its offerings across all platforms are of a high quality, Gmail on iPhone has — for whatever reason — remained a weird, squashed and semi-broken version of its mobile website since 2012.

Why light bulbs may be the next hacker target

Researchers say they have uncovered a flaw in a wireless technology that is often included in smart home devices.

Researchers say they have uncovered a flaw in wireless technology that is often included in smart home devices like lights, switches, locks, and many of the components of the "smart home" of the future.