- published: 03 Sep 2014
- views: 9657671
2014 (MMXIV) was a common year starting on Wednesday (dominical letter E) of the Gregorian calendar, the 2014th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 14th year of the 3rd millennium, the 14th year of the 21st century, and the 5th year of the 2010s decade.
2014 was designated as:
Best Vines Compilation September 2014 #1
BEST OF SEPTEMBER 2014 «» Best of PietSmiet | HD
NEW The Best Vines of September 2014 | Part 3
NEW The Best Vines of September 2014 | Part 4
Cafe del Mar Chillout Mix September 2014
Best Fails of the Week 2 September 2014 || FailArmy
Crime Patrol - Guilt Or Jilt - Episode 422 - 28th September 2014
CID - Bipasha Par Hamla - Episode 1126 - 12th September 2014
Crime Patrol - Discontented - Episode 412 - 5th September 2014
Crime Patrol - Default Suspect - Episode 418 - 19th September 2014
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SUBSCRIBE to The Best Vines http://bit.ly/TheBestVines Watch more BEST VINES http://bit.ly/1oPhVWP Watch more solo Vine COMPILATIONS http://bit.ly/TL9gt0 - For all business and licensing inquiries please email tbvlicensing@gmail.com Follow us on our social media! http://www.facebook.com/TheBestVinesYT http://www.twitter.com/TheBestVinesYT http://www.TheBestVinesYT.tumblr.com
SUBSCRIBE to The Best Vines http://bit.ly/TheBestVines Watch more BEST VINES http://bit.ly/1oPhVWP Watch more solo Vine COMPILATIONS http://bit.ly/TL9gt0 - For all business and licensing inquiries please email tbvlicensing@gmail.com Follow us on our social media! http://www.facebook.com/TheBestVinesYT http://www.twitter.com/TheBestVinesYT http://www.TheBestVinesYT.tumblr.com
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Are you ready for the best fails of the week? Of course not! Click to SUBSCRIBE for more awesome Fails! ► http://bit.ly/failarmy Submit a Video ► http://bit.ly/SubmitToFailArmy Click to get Fail Army Gear! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyStore Like us on Facebook! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyFacebook Follow us on Twitter! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyTwitter Instagram►http://bit.ly/FailArmyInstagram Tumblr► http://bit.ly/FailArmyTumblr Pinterest► http://bit.ly/FailArmyPinterest Original Links: Drift Car Crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAssHP2mq24 Beach Ball Headsmack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08Vnni15qlI Parkour Tree Fail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwkTjUAme5U Dirt Bike Crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rvW73_P_Rs Road Work Fail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE8jU6Q7v8c Tree ...
"Crime Patrol coming back in its 4th season attempts to bring stories of crime happening all around the country. Crimes that tell us, we need to be careful, we need to be watchful. Crimes that tell us lives could have been saved.Every crime we hear of, either warns us to be careful or scares us, it could happen to us. Every crime ignites a feeling, “It should not have happened”.Would knowing the “Why” behind a crime, help in stopping a crime from happening?“I don’t like the way he looks at me”, “I don’t like the way he/she is behaving”, “I think he/she is out of his/her mind”, “I think he/she has gone crazy”. That gaze, that quirky smile, that persistent stare which unnerves. It is difficult to understand the intentions but the hints are there.In a house a husband and wife argue, fight. A ...
Ep 1126 - C.I.D - There is threat on Bipasha’s life. While she is doing her regular workout in the GYM. A goon attacks her, somehow she manage to dutch him & then complains CID. While CID on chase to find, they comes across murder which is connected with Bipasha. Attacker is behind bipasha to kill her. Why someone want to kill bipasha. Watch out for more. Watch all the latest videos of C.I.D online on SonyLiv official website SonyLiv.com. "The first thrilling investigative series on Indian Television, is today one of the most popular shows on Sony Entertainment Television. Dramatic and absolutely unpredictable, C.I.D. has captivated viewers over the last eleven years and continues to keep audiences glued to their television sets with its thrilling plots and excitement. Also interwoven in ...
Ep 412 - Crime Patrol Satark - In this UP special episode of Crime Patrol Satark, Host Anoop Soni explores the story of 2 Families who go through the same pain of losing one of their loved ones from their Family. Jagdish's Friend Lalit requests him to settle down as he lost his Wife Prerna and also talks about Sarita a divorcee who lost her Child. Jagdish's Father and Prerna get murdered. Who killed them? When this incident occurred in the house, nobody was there accept 2 labors, 2 people who came to meet Babuji and Sarita. Watch to find out. Watch all the latest videos of Crime Patrol Satark online on SonyLiv official website SonyLiv.com. "Crime Patrol coming back in its 4th season attempts to bring stories of crime happening all around the country. Crimes that tell us, we need to be car...
Ep 418 - Crime Patrol Satark - A robbery occurs in a jewellery shop and Nadu gets arrested. 2 Constables who were in charge of the case tortures him and beats him to such an extent that Nadu commits suicide. Later, Nadu's Brother and cops come to know that Nandu wasn't involved. Will Nandu's Brother accept the offer? Watch out for more. Watch all the latest videos of Crime Patrol Satark online on SonyLiv official website SonyLiv.com. "Crime Patrol coming back in its 4th season attempts to bring stories of crime happening all around the country. Crimes that tell us, we need to be careful, we need to be watchful. Crimes that tell us lives could have been saved.Every crime we hear of, either warns us to be careful or scares us, it could happen to us. Every crime ignites a feeling, “It should...
escos o transformados de pesca desde Europa por valor de 115 millones de euros.,Quisiera saber si, efectivamente, como anunció la Comisaria en su blog , se van a movilizar, sin más trámite, recursos del Fondo Marítimo y de Pesca para compensar estas pérdidas; si parte de los productos no almacenables a medio plazo pueden dedicarse de modo sistemático a paliar las necesidades de los europeos más afectados por la crisis; y, finalmente, cómo se va a concretar la propuesta sobre las cuotas no usadas el año pasado para poder mejorar las expectativas de renta para el sector en 2015. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+CRE+20140915+ITEM-018+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=en&query;=INTERV&detail;=1-097-000
go para que un arbitraje europeo iguale los derechos de todos los ciudadanos de la Unión cuando algún Estado miembro se niegue a seguir este sencillo guión. Esas tensiones territoriales son un síntoma más del declive de los Estados tradicionales y una oportunidad para renovar el concepto de nación y para construir la Europa federal en la que partidos como el mío llevamos trabajando siete décadas. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+CRE+20140915+ITEM-021+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=en&query;=INTERV&detail;=1-164-000
, echo de menos un discurso sobre valores y actitudes. No es cómodo hablar de esto, pero hay una responsabilidad de autoridades, personas y familias. Hay que promover otros modelos de referencia, educar en la responsabilidad, enseñar a fracasar y recuperar el prestigio del esfuerzo personal.,El conocimiento rinde más con valores. El talento sin alma, como hemos visto con los financieros sin escrúpulos, genera esta crisis, y este es el mejor ejemplo de lo que digo y de por qué tenemos que cambiar. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+CRE+20140917+ITEM-007+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=en&query;=INTERV&detail;=3-124-000
+~+ Liz in September (2014):+++ http://mixxmovie.com/movie/tt2325833/.html +++
+~+ Liz in September (2014):+++ http://mixxmovie.com/movie/tt2325833/.html +++
+~+ Liz in September (2014):+++ http://mixxmovie.com/movie/tt2325833/.html +++
+~+ Liz in September (2014):+++ http://mixxmovie.com/movie/tt2325833/.html +++
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September had some of the funniest fails this year. See them all in this edition of best fails of the month! Click to SUBSCRIBE for more awesome Fails! ► http://bit.ly/failarmy Submit a Video ► http://bit.ly/SubmitToFailArmy Click to get Fail Army Gear! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyStore WHAT TO WATCH NEXT: Epic Exercise Ball Fails: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-RRVdEhm_o Best Fails of the Week 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qsk2a2khvVA Like us on Facebook! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyFacebook Follow us on Twitter! ► http://bit.ly/FailArmyTwitter Instagram►http://bit.ly/FailArmyInstagram Tumblr► http://bit.ly/FailArmyTumblr Pinterest► http://bit.ly/FailArmyPinterest Original Links: Soccer Trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2iJ5UZNaN8 Car Crash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZePFHX...
COLORS is one of the most favored Hindi channels by its viewers across the globe. Rohit comes to sleep in Rudra's room and speaks about seeing the city of Udaipur, and asks Rudra to be their guide. On the other hand, Myrah is worried about Rohit's arrival in Udaipur. Next morning, Koel sees Myrah sleeping in Dhruv's room and tells him that Myrah is slowly becoming his mother. Later, Myrah takes the papers from the adoption agency's person who comes to deliver them. Watch the episode and know what happens next. Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/108336806150063826507 Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColorsTV Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ColorsTV This is a story of a young village girl, Parvati, and a BSD officer, Rudra.They both follow different id...
COLORS is one of the most favored Hindi channels by its viewers across the globe. Shatabdi and Sumer try to contact Maitalee and Samrat when Koel and Dhruv come into the room, asking for Maitalee. Koel and Dhruv ask for something to eat and Shatabdi goes to the kitchen to cook for something for the children. On the other hand, Rudra asks for an apology from Myrah for speaking to her rudely. Rudra then thanks Myrah for having made the dream of Maitalee come true. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Shatabdi gives an earful to Mohini about what had happened with Maitalee in the morning. Watch the episode and know what happens next. Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/108336806150063826507 Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColorsTV Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Col...
COLORS is Viacom18’s flagship brand in the entertainment space in India. A combination of ‘emotions’ and ‘variety’, COLORS offers an entire spectrum of emotions to its viewers. "Maitalee comes to Rudra and tells him thanks for what he had done. Maitalee then asks him what he will do as Myrah is going away in a few days and he has fallen in love with her. Rudra tries to deny that he has fallen in love with Myrah. Later as Rudra dozes off, he dreams about Paro coming to him and telling him thanks for being a wonderful father. She then tells Rudra that Dhruv needs a mother who can take care of him and asks about Myrah. Watch the episode and know what happens next. Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/108336806150063826507 Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColorsTV Fol...
HeroTheyCallMe presents the best of Achievement Hunter from September 2014!
There's something
That upsets man
More than anything else,
A word is not enough
To define it.
Hate, fear, terror, anguish,
Anger and bitterness,
The will to hit back,
The desperation for the deads,
Rancour exploding
Towards the guilty heads.
Ideological hate.
Always present through the centuries.
The vile and brutal scorn for life.
Billions of people that think,
Talk and suffer
From the same incredible event
Only one point.
Nothing else.
We are here powerless.
We would like
To not be part of this history,
But we are.
And we're on one side, inevitably.
We're humans, man/men/wolves.
The world revolves
In the same old way.
Life will never change.
And God will have pity and mercy
For our souls,
God will have pity and mercy
Even for their' s.
For this reason we'll fight,
Aware of the mistake
We're about to make.