- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 4998354
Love's Whirlpool (愛の渦, Ai no Uzu) is a 2014 Japanese erotic romantic drama film directed by Daisuke Miura. The film was adapted from Miura's own award winning play of the same name, and portrays a group of men and women who pay to come to a common location to take part in organized promiscuous sexual activity. It was released in Japan on March 1, 2014.
The entire film is in located in a high rise residential building in Roppongi, Japan where four anonymous men and four anonymous women pay to enter an anonymous sex club. At the beginning of the night the owner comes out and lets them know that they will have from 12 A.M. midnight until 5 A.M. to continue whatever sexual activities they desire. The rules include showering every time after sex and using the restroom, condoms must be worn at all times, and men must respect the wishes of the women.
When the owner leaves they are left in silence to continue spend the night as they wish in sexual activity. After the clerk/bartender leaves to get snacks, the men and women slowly begin small talk amongst themselves until the Freeter finally propositions the office lady to go downstairs. From here the remaining men and women slowly pair with the salaried man and the kindergarten teacher, the NEET ( Sosuke Ikematsu ) and the college student, and the factory worker and the regular customer. Despite her timid nature, the college student is revealed to have a powerful hidden sex drive, while the factory worker is revealed to have been a virgin up until this night.
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー チャンネル登録はコチラ ⇒ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー. 愛の渦オーディションで三浦大輔監督との事を告白 *チャンネル登録をお願いします⇒ コメント・良い評価もお願いしますね.
2013 7/6(土)〜7/19(金)全日20:00〜 渋谷パルコPart3・8F シネクイントにてレイトショー ア然ボー然の低予算、撮影日数わずか4日間のインディーズ映画が連日売切&立ち見の大ヒット!これはもう"事件"だ!! 「モテキ」で絶大な支持を受けた大根仁監督が選んだ待望の新作は、なんと初のインディー映画。「愛の渦」で第50回岸田國士戯曲賞を受賞した、劇団「ポツドール」の主催・三浦大輔の原作・脚本による「恋の渦」の映画化だ。山本政志監督率いる実践映画塾「シネマ☆インパクト」内の1企画として制作された「恋の渦」はオーディトリウム渋谷にて連日キャパオーバーとなる大ヒット1 観客からの圧倒的支持と熱いリクエストに応え、拡大ロードショー公開が決定。 「恋の渦」を観ずに"今"の"映画"は語れない!!!
愛の渦 Love's Whirlpool Official Trailer directed by Daisuke Miura and starring Sosuke Ikematsu, Mugi Kadowaki, Hirofumi Arai From midnight to 5 AM, people gather at a high-end apartment in Roppongi to engage in promiscuous sexual activity. Story depicts the process of the men and women who meet for the first time there to have loveless sex. Release Date: 1 March 2014 Director: Daisuke Miura Cast: Sosuke Ikematsu, Mugi Kadowaki, Hirofumi Arai, Kenichi Takito, Ryusuke Komakine Genre: Drama Country: Japan Check our G+ Page: http://goo.gl/s8s3Pz Click to Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Etb1I3 Check our Website: http://www.filmisnow.com Italian Reviews: http://www.ultimenotizieflash.com/cinema/ Check out our network for more Trailers, Clips, featurette and more - http://www.youtube.com/user/filmis...