Residents of Siberia are attempting to figure out a mysterious bright UFO that entered the atmosphere from space Tuesday and burned brightly in the sky with a green color as it fell to Earth, multiple media outlets are reporting. The makeup of the mysterious white UFO with a green tail sparked a debate among residents – with some suggesting it was a military missile. Others said it was a space satellite making re-entry ... the report said....
Miranda Rader, a 19-year-old Texas A&M University student is in hot water after she took a topless selfie while driving and smashed into the rear of a stopped police car and was arrested, Reuters reported Thursday.Rader also had an open bottle of wine in a cup holder next to her, Bryan Police Department officials said.Wednesday’s accident near the university even caused the airbag to deploy ... ....
In a first-of-its kind nationwide takedown, the U.S. JusticeDepartment announced charges Thursday against 61 defendants in the United States and abroad in connection with call center operations based in India, The Associated Press reported.As agents fanned out across the country to make arrests, officials in Washington said they wanted to alert the public that the calls are all part of a criminal fraud ...U.S ..., Jim Berrie ....
For the past million years or so, the Earth has gone through an ice age every 100,000 years. Nobody knows precisely why. Before that, colder summers occurred about every 40,000 years until the Earth entered a phase called the middle Pleistocene transition where the intervals became over twice as long. Researchers at Cardiff University have just put forward their new theory — — about why this cycle changed so dramatically ... Read more. ....
--> Thu, 27 Oct 2016-09.34am , Peshawar , PTI. If convicted, Sharbat Gula, who was depicted on the cover of the magazine in 1984, could face 14 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Sharbat Gula, the famed green-eyed Afghan girl who was immortalised in 1985 when the National Geographic magazine published her haunting picture on its cover, was arrested on Wednesday for staying in Pakistan with fake identity documents ... ....
AE Smith is excited its trigeneration power system is now supplying power, heating and cooling to the iconic, heritage- listed SydneyTownHall and neighbouring Town HallHouse. In early 2015, the mechanical services firm was awarded the contract to design, construct, operate and maintain the gas-fired, Microturbine trigeneration plant, situated on the Town Hall House roof....
Los Angeles Public Library Celebrates Native AmericanHeritage Month ... 27, 2016-Celebrate Native American Heritage Month this November at the Los Angeles Public Library, where Central Library and the 72 branches will offer a month- long slate of free programming for all ages, such as story times, film screenings and more ... Visit the library's Native American Heritage Month web page for more information and a calendar of events....
Previously the Space and MissileHeritageCenter, the new moniker, Vandenberg's Space and Technology Center aims to communicate the dynamic nature of an always evolving, highly technical field. 'We changed the name from the Vandenberg Space and Missile Heritage Center, to bring our name into a more modern direction of what we do,' said Prichard ... This place of proud heritage....
Chilean researchers are seeking conservation aid to protect a collection of mummified human remains found in northern Chile, the oldest mummies discovered in the world to date ...heritage body UNESCO as a world heritage site ... ....
In the summer of 1964, not long after settling in Hadfield - then part of the former BroadmeadowsCity Council - Noel and Irene became keepers and custodians of the GlenroyCommunityHall. Next year marks 100 years since the hall officially opened its doors, and 53 years since Noel and Irene took it on ... 'It's a hall built by the community, for the community,' said Noel ... For more information visit halls and venues for hire....
BENGALURU ... The CSIMemorial Church was constructed in 1881, a year before Whitefield was created, and is considered of the area's heritage structures. But BBMP officials claimed the peripheral wall, which was demolished, was not a heritage structure ... Click here to download it for your device....
Trick or Treat & Magic at CityHall...Plans are set for the annual free Trick-or-Treat event at Springfield City Hall, which has been a draw for hundreds of local residents in recent years. City Hall is welcoming trick or treaters from 3.30-5 p.m., Monday, Oct ... in City Hall starting at 4 p.m ... in the City Hall Lobby ... City Hall 225 Fifth Street....
Israel and its international allies, including the U.S., allege a resolution passed by UNESCO on the preservation of the Old City in Jerusalem denies any Jewish link to the holy site. The vote by UNESCO’s WorldHeritage Committee agreed to retain the walled city, which is home to holy sites for Jews, Muslims and Christians, on the list of endangered world heritage sites, Fox News reported. It has been on the endangered list since 1982....
Sixteen third-graders from the Mission District turned a bunch of bones into the full-length skeleton of a long-dead juvenile gray whale named Gracie inside CityHall on Thursday, while a posse of politicians looked on amazed ... on exhibit all day and into the evening for curious City Hall visitors....