- published: 15 Jun 2016
- views: 95
Mireșu Mare (Hungarian: Nagynyíres) is a commune in Maramureș County, northwestern Romania. It is located near Ulmeni, on the right side of the Someș River. The commune is composed of seven villages: Dăneștii Chioarului (Dánfalva), Iadăra (Jeder), Lucăcești (Szamoslukácsi), Mireșu Mare, Remeți pe Someș (Gyökeres), Stejera (Jávorfalu) and Tulghieș (Szamostölgyes).
Coordinates: 47°18′N 23°12′E / 47.3°N 23.2°E / 47.3; 23.2
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How to pronounce Mireșu Mare (Romanian/Romania) - PronounceNames.com
Colindatori de la Şcoala din Mireşu Mare, Maramureş
VBS Miresul Mare
trenuletul zapezii miresu mare actualmm
Clasa a VIII-a A-Miresu Mare.wmv
Ziua Eroilor 2015 la Miresu Mare
Actors: Francesco Scardamaglia (producer), Franco Rossi (writer), Franco Interlenghi (actor), Brianne Siddall (actress), Barry Stigler (actor), Simon Prescott (actor), Irene Papas (actress), Pierre Clémenti (actor), Stephen Apostolina (actor), Maurizio Donadoni (actor), Kerrigan Mahan (actor), Alessandro Gassman (actor), Franco Citti (actor), Francesco Scardamaglia (writer), Franco Rossi (writer),
Genres: Drama, History,Peste 40 de copii din localitatea Mireşu Mare din judeţul Maramureş au învăţat lucruri folositoare despre gaz şi electricitate. Dupa ce au raspuns la o serie de intrebari din concurs, copiii au fost recompesati cu premii.
Geamuri sparte, un acoperis care sta sa cada si imagini ca dupa razboi. Un focar de infectie si un pericol pentru cei care trec prin zona. Asa arata in Romania anului 2016 statia CFR din Miresu Mare, chiar daca in comuna mai sunt navetisti care folosesc ca mijloc de transport trenul.
Audio and video pronunciation of Mireșu Mare brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Mire%C8%99u+Mare
Un colind la Biblioteca Judetenă "Petre Dulfu" Baia Mare 22.12.2011
Verse 1
So cold smile like it's sunny
Side up but you always runny
Scrambled brain with an empty tummy
This high life it looks so yummy
Honey, they like your dress
They like your heals they like your chest
Everybody knows you rock it the best
You got that look you got finesse
And less, is never more
You want more cause less means poor
You don't wanna have to do your chores
The Filipino lady she can clean all the floors
What's in stores not what's in store
Tryna be hard but you got no core
For your conscience you should note
You never looked so cold in your fucking fur coat
Wade in the water
Wade in the water children
Wade in the path that you face
God's going to trouble x2
Verse 2
You saw god soaring above
He was wearing a suit looking all smug
On the brightest cloud with the loudest wings
Even up in heaven they value things
Bring your grit shoot your shit
Kneel at the gates and chat yo chit
Maybe they'll bit your bit
You was always so good at putting on the Ritz
What you willing to do?
With a tuxedo mask you can sail to the moon
A hand full of hearts and a heart full of spades
Dye your hair but baby it fades
Wade in the water child
Up to your knees in jewels and smiles
In the tide hide your tracks
And when it goes out
Don't look back
Chorus X2
See that girl all dressed in red
Seems like we never met
See that girl all dressed in blue
She don't know what she running too
See that girl all dressed in white
Somebody got to show her the light
See that girl all dressed in black
Somebody's got to bring her back
Chorus X3
If you get there before I do
Gods going to trouble the water
Tell my friends I'm going to get there soon