Succulent Manicures Take 'Green Thumb' To A Whole Other Level

Best of all: You can still plant the succulents.

22/10/2016 12:39 AM AEDT | Updated 22/10/2016 12:39 AM AEDT

The growing popularity of succulents likely hasn’t been lost on you. Succulents are sprouting up in terrariums, wedding bouquets ― even jewelry. The low-maintenance plant is ubiquitous in hip households and cool girl Instagram shots.

But if you’ve grown weary of the succulent trend, we’ve discovered a new use for these plants that will reinvigorate your love.

Australian artist Roz Borg is a talented creator of succulent terrariums and jewelry. But lately, she’s turned her talents toward creating living nail art.   

A photo posted by Roz Borg (@arozona) on

“I had been making real succulent jewelry and wanted to use the same application on something I had never seen baby succulents used on before,” Borg told The Huffington Post. “I Googled it and didn’t get any hits on anything, so I went for it.”

To create the look, Borg applies baby succulents to a false nail with Oasis glue, a floral adhesive. Once dry, Borg uses nail glue to attach the false nail to her real nail. The time-intensive process takes about an hour per hand, but the results are jaw-dropping.

A photo posted by Roz Borg (@arozona) on

“People are stunned when they realize it’s real live plants, not 3D sculpting,” Borg said. “Some people are grossed out, but most love it!”

If you’re looking for a durable manicure, succulent nail art is probably not the trend for you. The look is “definitely not practical,” according to Borg. But the nail art does have a natural upside.

“The oasis glue eventually releases and I can plant the baby succulents and they can grow happily,” Borg said. “It’s definitely a temporary green thumb.”

A photo posted by Roz Borg (@arozona) on

For more mind-blowing succulent art, head over to Roz Borg’s Instagram account and Facebook page.

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