Hillary Clinton Gets 'What To Expect' Tips From Aussie Blogger And (Kind Of) Julia Gillard

'Just kindly let Congress know, Madame President will suffice.'

21/10/2016 2:28 PM AEDT | Updated 21/10/2016 2:31 PM AEDT
Maude Garrett, amen sister.

As the polls continue to lean towards Hillary Clinton becoming Leader of the Free World, an Aussie blogger has warned the Democratic presidential candidate just what she's in for as a woman in power.

And yes, she details the slander and derogatory commentary thrust upon Australia's former prime minister Julia Gillard.

Nostalgic, anyone? No? Good.

In case Clinton only skim-read Gillard's open letter in the New York Times in July, Maude Garrett teamed up with US Comedy channel Fusion to deliver a few tips to Clinton, which you can what in all its glory here.

There was the time, in 2011, when 2GB radio shock jock Alan Jones said Gillard should be "put in a chaff bag and thrown into the sea". If that wasn't enough, there was the time in 2012, when he claimed her dad "died of shame".

And the time where Liberal senator Bill Heffernan said Gillard was unfit for the ALP leadership because she was "deliberately barren".

(Okay, that was before she became prime minister but didn't Gillard get sweet, sweet revenge by claiming national top job.)

There were the "ditch the witch" signs, the name calling (read: bitch, sl*utface, we-won't-report-the-other-one).

"But just kindly let Congress know, Madame President will suffice," Garrett said.

Amen, sister.

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