- published: 31 Jan 2016
- views: 340853
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, IPA /ˈaɪsᵻl/), alternatively translated as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS, /ˈaɪsᵻs/), is a Salafi jihadist militant group that follows an Islamic fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam. The group is also known as Daesh (داعش dāʿish, IPA: [ˈdaːʕiʃ]), which is an acronym derived from its Arabic name ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām (الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام).
«Islamic state of Iraq and Levant» | Every day | April 2013 - January 2016
Face of Terror: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - ISIL Terrorists
Profile: Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
The Evolution of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
ISIL. Islamic State Of Iraq And Levant, ambush Iraqi soldiers 13 June 2014.
Fighters from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant parade through Mosul with black flags.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant Burning The Palestinian Flag
Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant in the Euphrates River
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ᴴᴰ الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام
The Islamic State (Full Length)
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is a Salafi jihadist militant group that follows an Islamic fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam. The group is also known as Daesh, which is an acronym derived from its Arabic name ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām. The group has referred to itself as the Islamic State or IS since it proclaimed a worldwide caliphate in June 2014 and named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as its caliph. As a caliphate, it claims religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. The group's adoption of the name "Islamic State" and idea of a caliphate have been widely criticised, with the United Nations, various governments, and mainstream Muslim groups rejecting its statehood or caliphhood. As of December 2015, the group has control over ...
Face of Terror: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - ISIL Terrorists Everyone who is not us is the enemy and should be branded as infidel. This seems to be the prevailing ideology of the extreme Takfiri terrorists known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Their aim is said to be the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate. Shias, Christians, Sunnis, Yazidies, and whomsoever who dares to question them or raise his voice of dissent are persecuted under their highly distorted version of Islamic Sharia. Gruesome beheadings, crucifixions and mass executions are openly carried out under their iconic black flag which is more like a modern day equivalent of a Jolly Roger. At times, it seems like their victims are whoever who is unlucky enough to be in their path during thei...
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, (ISIL), is a jihadist group active in Iraq and Syria seeking to establish a Islamic caliphate. As an al-Qaeda offshoot with thousands of Arab and foreign fighters under its wing, it has emerged as one of the most powerful groups in the region. It controls several cities in Iraq, and parts of northern Syria. Al Jazeera's Omar Al Saleh reports.
ISIL, Islamic State Of Iraq And Levant ambush Iraqi soldiers 13 June 2014.
Free Syrian attacks and videos, the Free syrian army loses more battles and cities THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED TO BE SHOCKING, IT'S A NEWS VIDEO Forces loyal to Syria’s government are taking advantage of deepening rifts among the country’s rebels to advance into rebel-held territory in northern Syria, overturning some long-held assumptions about the war. The resignation Sunday of a top leader in the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army further underscored the extent to which rebel infighting is undermining the effort not only to topple President Bashar al-Assad but also to hold on to territories won by the opposition in more than two years of conflict. Col. Abdul Jabbar Akaidi, one of the chief recipients of the limited U.S. aid provided to the opposition, said he was standing down to protest the r...
The dirty rats from Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant challenge each other to swim in the cold Euphrates river.
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph. The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state. Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken...
Las autoridades han detenido a cinco presuntos yihadistas, parte de una célula terrorista del autodenominado Estado Islámico, tres de los cuales han sido interceptados en España, según ha informado el Ministerio de Interior, mientras que otros dos han sido arrestados en Wuppertal (Alemania) y Bruselas (Bélgica). Puedes leer la noticia en: http://www.europapress.es/catalunya/noticia-detenidos-dos-yihadistas-centro-barcelona-canovelles-20160928103807.html Visto en: http://www.youtube.com/europapress
Pengerusi Gabungan NGO Malaysia, Datuk Jamal Yunos hari ini mendakwa berdasarkan maklumat yang diterimanya, BERSIH 5 diresapi IS dan Daesh Malah, beliau berkata, mereka bukan setakat mengadakan perhimpunan tetapi akan mengepung tempat strategik seperti KLIA dan KLIA2. BERSIH 5 akan melancarkan Konvoi di lokasi seluruh negara Sabtu ini.
untuk laporan berita, layari www.suara.tv
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Le père Patrick Desbois, conseiller auprès du Vatican et co-auteur de "la fabrique des terroristes", était l'invité de La Matinale Info sur iTELE. Il est revenu sur le génocide non reconnu de la communauté Yézidis. Depuis deux ans, Daesh poursuit l'élimination et l'extermination de milliers de croyants d'une des plus vieilles religion monothéiste au monde. Evoquant "une machine génocidaire structurée", le père Desbois a livré un témoignage poignant de la vie reservée à des milliers d'enfants terrorisés dans des camps d'entraînement, de femmes droguées, violées puis revendues entre l'Irak et la Syrie, mais aussi d'hommes fusillés dans des fosses communes. Le père Desbois reconnait des similitudes avec le régime Nazi, et espère un jour un procès.
SCADY WEB TV CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JZYDfXDLtE article UPR : https://www.upr.fr/communiques-de-presse/decouverte-mysterieuse-de-faux-drapeaux-de-daesh-planque-dune-ecole-militaire-a-saumur
Download Audio MP3 http://bit.ly/U-KgpsDNRvY Urdu Translation & Presentation Of Haram-e Makki Friday Speech of Dr Saleh Ale Talib on 18-08-1436 Hijri /5-6-2015 A.D. It describes the facts & reality of I.S.I.S organisation & reveals that it has no relations with Islam.It has been founded by the enemies of Islam & Muslims.
►☛ Abonnez Vous SVP ! ➽ Restez Branché! ☑ ►Aux côtés des forces irakiennes, une équipe d'ARTE Reportage a assisté à la chute de Daech à Falloujah. Après deux ans et demi passés sous le joug de Daech, la ville de Falloujah vient d'être libérée. A la fin du mois de mai les forces armées irakiennes, avec le soutien de l'aviation de la coalition internationale ont entamé la reconquête de Falloujah. Depuis février 2014, la cité sunnite située à une cinquantaine de kilomètres de Bagdad était sous le contrôle de l'EI, qui en avait fait l'un de ses principaux bastions. Une équipe d'Arte Reportage a pu suivre l'avancée des militaires irakiens et les différentes phases de la libération de la ville. Elle raconte l'histoire de ce qui s'annonce comme la plus grande offensive militaire de rec...
A lire sur le sujet: https://legrandreveil.wordpress.com/2015/02/24/lorigine-satanique-de-daech/comment-page-1/ https://newsofscs.wordpress.com/2015/07/19/des-preuves-incontestables-prouvant-que-daech-est-un-groupe-americano-sioniste/
Islamologue suisse et professeur d’études islamiques contemporaines à l’université d’Oxford, Tariq Ramadan a répondu aux questions de RT France concernant l'Islam, la mixité sociale et différentes questions sur la société contemporaine. Rencontre. Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube de RT France : https://www.youtube.com/user/rtenfrancais RT en français : http://francais.rt.com/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RTFrance Twitter : https://twitter.com/rtenfrancais Google+ : https://plus.google.com/104396643367936605095/posts
Estado Islámico, Daesh en árabe, es la organización terrorista más ponderosa y rica del mundo. Los yihadistas se sostienen gracias a importantes fuentes de financiación que les permiten perpetuar la lucha. Vende algodón y petróleo a precios muy bajos, incluso al enemigo. Esta investigación analiza todos los ingresos y gastos de la economía del Daesh.
- Les soldats de Daesh vont se faire soigner en Israël. -
En la actualidad, unas 3.000 mujeres y niñas yazidíes siguen siendo esclavas del Daesh. En diciembre de 2015, Nadia Murad intervino en el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y pidió al mundo que pusiera fin a la barbarie. Ahí arrancó su misión humanitaria: desde entonces, se reúne con líderes políticos y recorre numerosos países para que la comunidad internacional reconozca el supuesto genocidio y ayude a las víctimas como ella. En su ofensiva en el norte de Irak, el autoproclamado Estado Islámico, llevó a cabo numerosos ataques sistemáticos contra la comunidad yazidí, una minoría religiosa de etnia kurda. El Daesh ejecutó a miles de hombres y secuestró a más de 5.000 mujeres y niñas yazidíes, para convertirlas en esclavas sexuales. Una de las protagonistas de este reportaje, Nadia Murad, ha na...
ISIS. THE TRIP TO SYRIA`S LAND Produit par le ‘Syrian Center for Geopolitics Studies’ Intervention de Luc MICHEL (à 60’) et de Jan VANZEBROECK (à 52’45) en français, sous-titré anglais : Luc MICHEL y est interviewé, en tant qu’expert des phénomènes djihadistes, par la TV d’Etat syrienne à Damas, le 30 nov. 2014 lors de la Conférence internationale Terrorisme et Extrémisme religieux » … Jan VANZEEBROECK comme expert EODE (Eurasian Observatory for Democracy & Elections) pour les Questions du Proche-Orient … # SUR CETTE CONFÉRENCE, LIRE Sur le Website des ‘Syria Committees / Comités Syrie : * CONFERENCE DE DAMAS / LUC MICHEL: L’EXEMPLE BELGE. COMMENT LES INSTITUTIONS BELGES ET LES MEDIAS MENTENT SUR LES DJIHADISTES ! syria-committees.org/eode-press-office-conference-de-damas-luc-michel-lex...
Yeah, this is the part where the party get live y'all!
My name is CaTashTraphe for the fellas
But all the ladies, y'all can call me "Rico"
Cuz that's my name
And this is my night tonight
And everybody knows "Rico" got the "HOO!"
I got fly hoes lined up like they gettin free weaves
Who's next to test my sex expertise
Mister All-Nighter, excites ya when he bites ya
Tash be havin bitches crawlin walls like a spider
Cuz you heard me on the radio ya seen me on the TV
If you get my drunk enough I'll eat that pussy like a kiwi
My dick be comin at ya like 3-D glasses
I always get it poppin wit my backstage passes
Tash is, mackalicious, rap style vicous
Can't help you wit your rent but you can help me wit these dishes
My little mistress said
"Tash you look suspicious, what the fuck you thinkin 'bout?"
You know my other bitches
I got it, goin on wit the flowin
I'm the flyest rapper out and ladies wouldn't even know it
(Say what!) This how it's goin, Likwit flowin like fluid
Pimpin ain't easy but somebody gotta do it
How you want it baby? (In the front, in the back)
Do you like it baby? (Yeah I like it like that)
Well we can do it baby, fast, slow, hard or soft
Cuz this is what happens when the lights go off
That nigga "Rico" got "HOO!" 3x
"Rico HOO!"
So fuck wastin half the night tryin to find Miss Right
Me and my niggas start to holler first bitch that's tight (hey!)
My Likwit niggas do it right until the broad day light
The best head I ever got was on a airplane flight
Type to death single minglin that lays the pipe well
It's off from the second I smell that Chanel
Wit steel-belted condoms wit the bulletproof shield
If you ain't got no weed, once I fuck, happy trails (See ya!)
Tash tips the scales at one-seventy-nine
I'm designed to push these lyrics down assembly lines
So my style is blue collar but the ladies still holler
If you sayin I'm a dog, that means you fucked a rottweiler
Top dollar rhyme inker, that's half my appeal
No scars on my grill, nah bitch I'm not Seal
I'm just a fly nigga that likes to keep it real
If you don't feel me yet, keep listenin and you will!
So last of all I'd like to say before I get on my way
Is leave your dike friend wit Tash, the next day she won't be gay
Matter of fact, she'll probably say "Last night, it changed my life"
Cuz I beat it up so good she took me home to meet her wife
Cuz Tash lay the wood so good I leave em screamin
I hurt em by myself so no need to double-team em
I stick em wit the pole till they lose control
But I'm not here to save ya, nah girl that's not my goal
I'm comin outta Cali so you know we don't love ya
Even if you was my girl I would still wear a rubber
Cuz this is how it's goin, Likwit flowin like fluid
Pimpin ain't easy but somebody gotta do it