
2015 VCE Exam Guide: Specialist Maths



Exam 1

When: November 6, 9am-10.15am

Reading: 15 minutes

Writing: 1 hour

Worth: 22 per cent of study score

Exam 2

When: November 9, 3-5.15pm

Reading: 15 minutes

Writing: 2 hours

Worth: 44 per cent of study score

I RECENTLY had the opportunity of visiting Berlin and in particular, the Humboldt

University (29 Nobel Laureates).

The main building, a very grand one at that, is on the elegant central thoroughfare leading from the famous Brandenburg Gates, Unter den Linden.

Established as the University of Berlin in 1810, it was renamed Humboldt University in honour of Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt.

Wilhelm was a linguist and educational reformer who was closely involved in the establishment of the university, and his brother Alexander was an extraordinary scientist who climbed mountains, lowered himself into volcanoes, and took with him on his explorations equipment so he could take accurate measurements.

Alexander (1769-1859) was a colleague of the great mathematician Carl Gauss (1777-1855) and when the examinations are over, I recommend to you an excellent book telling of the lives of these two genii; Measuring the World by Daniel Kehlmann.

But for now, we need to get the measure of the Specialist Mathematics course

content and prepare for the examinations.

By now you will have basically completed the course and with your teacher, will be embarking on a revision program.

Your teacher knows you well and make sure that you heed their advice and work closely with them.

To read the full article click here VCE Specialist Maths exam PDF.