Daily Life

Activated charcoal: hot stuff for your insides?

Activated charcoal is something I first came across on a health retreat several years ago when my colonic therapist (the alarm bells should have been ringing already, right?) was singing its virtues, essentially saying, if you do nothing else, do this.

Its second questionable bit of PR is from Gwyneth Paltrow, who believes drinking it makes for a "clean skin miracle" and the best type of juice cleanse. Uh-huh.

Activated charcoal: Fab or fad?
Activated charcoal: Fab or fad? Photo: iStock

Typically used in a medical setting to mop up the poison from drug or alcohol overdoses, activated charcoal has now been adopted by the "detox" community. The idea is that its blackened pores suck the toxins from our bodies, purifying our innards in the same way it purifies the water we drink it with.

As with many "detox" remedies the  number of uses of activated charcoal appears limitless. From acne to teeth whitening to digestive cleansing, anti-ageing and even mosquito bites, activated charcoal can do no wrong. At least that's the marketing schtick, which unfortunately – and unsurprisingly – misses a couple of key points. 

"Activated charcoal is fab to take with you when travelling to prevent Bali belly and nasty tummy bugs, however to take it regularly in juices and food as a detox aid is a fad," nutritional medicine practitioner Fiona Tuck says.

"Charcoal will absorb not only toxins but also nutrients and medications so the latest trend of adding charcoal to food is completely pointless if not dangerous.  


"Activated charcoal binds to medications, decreasing their effectiveness, and can lower nutrient absorption, a particular risk for those with anaemia, underactive thyroid conditions, malabsorption gut issues such as [irritable bowel syndrome] and Crohn's disease, and pregnancy. There are even side effects involved with taking activated charcoal such as diarrhoea, vomiting and constipation."

Although Tuck says activated charcoal (which is different to the black dust in your fireplace) can be used to brush your teeth, as a natural whitener, and applied topically for acne, she says its effects may be different for each person.

"My suggestion is to try activated charcoal externally for two weeks and see how your skin reacts – then you will know if it's something that will work for you or not," she says.

And what about the other claims?

"While activated charcoal certainly has a beneficial role in professional medicine," Tuck says, "taking it regularly to detoxify the body by adding it to juices and foods is misleading."

Fairfax Media