Daily Life

How to stay supple: Fluid Surfer mobility exercises stretch deskbound workers

Think of the perils of sedentary living and heart disease springs to mind. But how about a body that looks old before its time because its movements have morphed from supple to stiff?

Too much sitting is the enemy of fluid movement, but not the only one. The lack of varied movements that comes with 21st century living is another – and that can even apply to those of us who get off the couch and go for or a run or lift weights, says Sydney-based strength and conditioning coach Michelle Drielsma.

Doing squat: Conditioning coach Michelle Drielsma says this one exercise helps everything.
Doing squat: Conditioning coach Michelle Drielsma says this one exercise helps everything. Photo: iStock

"A 20-minute jog doesn't have much variety of movement – a bit of ankle, knee and hip movement, a bit of spinal rotation and a slight swinging of the arms. That's not a lot of movement for 20 minutes," she says.

As for strength training, there may not be much variety in a program where machine-based exercises are mainly one dimensional and where training with free weights is done in a rigid, repetitive way.

"These exercises have a purpose but again the movements are limited – if you've worked out like this for years you need to challenge your muscles, tendons and joints from a variety of angles and directions," says Drielsma, the author of Fluid Surfer, a body maintenance bible originally written for surfers but with lessons for all us, including the deskbound.

"The most common conditions affecting surfers and non-surfers alike come from too much sitting such as tight hip flexor muscles [the muscles that connect the thigh bone to the pelvis], stiff back and tight upper shoulders and necks. Whether we surf or not, we don't have a balanced and appropriately strung instrument – our body – to create fluid, strong, graceful movement."


We can also end up with aches and pains – like back injury caused by tight hip flexors.

The antidote? Better flexibility and mobility – and they're not the same thing.

"Flexibility predominantly involves muscle stretch – where you lie on your back pull your straight leg towards your head to improve hamstring flexibility, for example," she explains.

"Mobility is different – it's the ability to move with grace and fluidity, such as smoothly squatting to the floor or pulling your bodyweight up towards a bar with no undue tightness or movement blocks felt through your shoulders."

It's also a new buzzword at the gym.

If the '80s and '90s were all about cardio and the early 2000s was the decade of muscle and strength, we're now in the age of mobility, with more yoga, calisthenics and gymnastics, and a sharper awareness that flexibility and mobility are key to preventing injury and enhancing performance whether it's running, lifting, surfing or golfing – or just everyday living, says Drielsma, whose clients include surfing champion Tom Carroll.

"With strength training, mobility and flexibility are a priority.

"A common gym scenario is the man or woman doing a deep squat but with inadequate mobility in the ankle, hip or upper spine. This causes their upper back to round forward, their hips to shift backward and/or their hips to shift to one side at the bottom of the squat. If they have 60 kilos resting on their back it's placing an incredible amount of stress on their spine, hips, knees and ankles because they're not well-aligned. It's a recipe for disaster," she says.

"With running, good flexibility and mobility help to reduce injury by keeping joints well-aligned so they're better able to handle the repetitive load of running."

For anyone serious about body maintenance, Drielsma's book has a section that helps you diagnose your own trouble spots and shows how to improve them with techniques that include stretching - including lunges to loosen up tight hip flexors, mobility exercises using exercise bands and small weights or the use of a simple tennis or golf ball to massage and free up tight muscles and ligaments.

Sitting for long periods, for example, compresses and stiffens the body's tissues including the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh - and that can lead to knee pain - one remedy is using a tennis ball like a foam roller to soften the tissue.

Drielsma recommends spending ten or 15 minutes daily working on mobility exercises. Here's one technique for tackling a stiff upper back, a common mobility problem that comes with modern living and age and which can lead to lower back pain.

As for me, I'm working on my air squats – that's where you squat with feet flat on the floor, knees over your toes, chest lifted and spine neutral to make a straight diagonal line from your hip to the back of your head.

"Squatting well helps with everything in life," says Drielsma. "It strengthens your legs, hips, butt and core muscles as well as ligaments and tendons of the hips and legs – and improves ankle-hip-upper back mobility as well as ankle-knee-hip stability."

Fluid Surfer by Michelle Drielsma is available online, $49.95