Teenager credits her boyfriend for helping her recover from 5 year battle with anorexia

Tiffany Mulligan, 19 credits her boyfriend Seth Altimus, 21, for helping her on the road to recovery from anorexia.
Tiffany Mulligan, 19 credits her boyfriend Seth Altimus, 21, for helping her on the road to recovery from anorexia.  Photo: Instagram@here2happiness

A teen who battled anorexia for five years is now on the road to recovery - thanks to her high school sweetheart.

For Tiffany Mulligan, 19, who developed the serious eating disorder in 2010, came to a turning point came when she realised her boyfriend of seven years, Seth Altimus, 21, could be forced to watch her die.

After suffering from depression, Tiffany began reducing her food intake –eating fewer than 1,000 calories per day. Exercising daily for two hours, the young woman reached a BMI of 14.4, weighing just 38kg (84lbs).

Tiffany told the Daily Mail that she also drank soft drinks to stop her from fainting during her workouts.

"Because I had so little energy I found that I couldn't even open doors or shut windows," she said, adding that her body looked "starved".

Tiffany described, that because of her protruding bones, it hurt to sit – preventing her from staying in the same position for too long.

"People were surprised at how thin I was, my bones stuck out a lot and my clothes didn't fit me - they would hang off me," she says.

When it came to her relationship with her boyfriend, the young woman, who is now studying medicine, says she constantly put her eating disorder first. Last year, Tiffany realised she needed to beat her illness so that the couple could have a healthy relationship.

"I was terrified that if I didn't recover, my boyfriend would have to witness my premature death, which I couldn't do," she says.

While recovery hasn't been easy, Seth, she says, has been there every step of the way. The 20-year-old eats meals with her, packs lunches when the pair goes out and constantly tells Tiffany how proud he is of her progress.

"He would always hold me during the night when I would break down and cry from feeling sick or overwhelmed.

"And even kept ice cream at his house just for me because it was something easy for me to eat that wouldn't make me sick."

This month, Tiffany reached a healthy weight. Despite the milestone however, the teen admits it's still tough.

"Every time I gain weight I have to remind myself that I need to do this and that no one wants me to lose weight.

"I have a boyfriend and a family who love me, and I won't let myself do it to them again."

The young woman has been sharing her journey on Instagram, where she posts pictures of her meals. She's hopeful the pictures will help others recover, too.

"Don't be ashamed to say it. You are badass every time you disobey your eating disorder."


I recover to have candy for breakfast and not give two shits about it! I had a bowl of rasberry yogurt, nanners, and skittles and a rasberry muffin with chunky peanut butter, and I honestly felt pretty badass. Don't be ashamed to say it. You are badass every time you disobey your eating disorder. I'm actually feeling much better today! My boyfriend hates that I tend to rely on planning everything, rather than just relaxing and letting things happen. I was worried we wouldn't get to carve pumpkins together this year due to my schedule compared to his, and I could tell my worries were getting on his nerves! I like to know what's happening from one moment to the next. I can't help it. I'm so used to planning meals and workouts, plus my family is big into planning. He's perfect for me in this way because he takes me outside of my comfort zone and makes me do things spontaneously. When his family is ready to carve pumpkins, they'll let me know when it's time. I spontaneously had candy for breakfast this morning because nobody broke into the pack of skittles yet and hey, it's candy! I'm learning to just live life, rather than control it. #ana #anawho #anawarrior #edrecovery #edfighter #edfamily #edsoldier #ed #healthyeating #healthyrecovery #realrecovery #anarecovery #prorecovery #anorexiarecovery #eattolive #beatana #beated #anorexia #anorexianervosarecovery #healthyweightgain #edfree

A photo posted by Tiffany Mulligan (@heres2happiness) on

"I'm now not afraid to admit I like fries with my fast food!"


My cold seems to be subsiding! I survived an 8-hour shift, so it can't be too bad. I even let myself eat, rather than making my sickness as an excuse not to eat. I actually added more to my lunch! I had an extra protein bar with my usual sandwich and veggies with dip, and it was very yummy. I was hungry for dinner by the time I got home. My parents got me two Arby's roast beef sandwiches. I asked them why they got Arby's without getting curly fries, but I can't blame them for not knowing what foods I like when I used to not eat any of it and refuse to believe I liked any food. If it was higher than 100 calories, I convinced myself I didn't like it. However, I'm now not afraid to admit I like fries with my fast food! I had the one roast beef sandwich with horsey sauce and made up some fries we had at home to satisfy my cravings. We ran out of brownies sadly, but I had a nutter butter and ice cream for dessert. I'll eat the other sandwich for tomorrow's lunch! I believe feeding my body like this and not skipping out or restricting anything is the key to kicking this cold to the curb! I feel much more energetic and strong against this now than I ever would before. #ana #anawho #anawarrior #edrecovery #edfighter #edfamily #edsoldier #ed #healthyeating #healthyrecovery #realrecovery #anarecovery #prorecovery #anorexiarecovery #eattolive #beatana #beated #anorexia #anorexianervosarecovery #healthyweightgain #edfree

A photo posted by Tiffany Mulligan (@heres2happiness) on

"It is amazing to be excited about food again."


My first day of clinicals went great! However, they begin during lunch time, so I was confused as to when I would eat. Instead of starving myself until they were over, I decided to eat a snack beforehand! Then, I had my lunch after I finished up. This way, I can still be awake and alert, and I definitely need to be when assisting the rad tech! I don't even know if I would have been able to perform much of the tasks when I was at my worst, like being on my feet, transporting patients, and moving them onto the CT bed. I would be much too weak to handle most of it, and I would feel bad for not being able to get the jobs done, but I did today! I helped out as much as possible. When I got home, I even helped my dad move some furniture because I have that energy and strength to do so! When it was time for dinner, I had a huge smile on my face! Shells with cheese?! They used to be a favorite of mine, and I don't remember the last time I've had them. I piled them on my plate beside my hot dog with spicy mustard, ketchup, and relish. It is amazing to be excited about food again. Even if I did like a certain food, my eating disorder convinced me not to like anything because "food is the enemy". Food is medicine! That's why when I was craving chocolate for dessert, I had a Ho Ho with my ice cream! My eating disorder wanted me to regret this decision, and it made me look at my tummy in hopes that it won't get any bigger. I started to feel bad, but I realized that I didn't get the slightest bit sick, and my cravings were satisfied, all while following my recovery perfectly! I regret nothing! #ana #anawho #anawarrior #edrecovery #edfighter #edfamily #edsoldier #ed #healthyeating #healthyrecovery #realrecovery #anarecovery #prorecovery #anorexiarecovery #eattolive #beatana #beated #anorexia #anorexianervosarecovery #healthyweightgain #edfree

A photo posted by Tiffany Mulligan (@heres2happiness) on

"My anxiety is gone for the most part when I eat, and I can relax and eat wherever".


Before I devoured my new ice cream for dessert, I got some dinner! It took about five seconds to pick out what I wanted from the fridge. Onion rings are one of my favorite sides, so I had some dipped in barbecue sauce! I also had kielbasa and peas. I can't believe how much I've just been able to eat what I want lately and how little it's based on calories. It's a whole new freedom that I never thought I'd feel. It's breaking the chains from my eating disorder! My anxiety is gone for the most part when I eat, and I can relax and eat wherever. I don't have to hide and wait to eat alone. Seeing as I'll actually be home for every holiday and fair and other events this year, I can't wait to use this newfound freedom by enjoying the yummy food and the wonderful people at each of them! Maybe I won't focus on food for once, and I'll focus on what really matters, which is spending time with my loved ones! #ana #anawho #anawarrior #edrecovery #edfighter =)#edrecovery #edfighter #edfamily #edsoldier #ed #healthyeating #healthyrecovery #realrecovery #anarecovery #prorecovery #anorexiarecovery #eattolive #beatana #beated #anorexia #anorexianervosarecovery #healthyweightgain #edfree

A photo posted by Tiffany Mulligan (@heres2happiness) on

"The greatest feeling in recovery is when you get to the point where you don't have to plan your meals or where you eat because you are able to eat anything, anytime, anywhere."


My last meal to conquer for the day at Six Flags was dinner. I was more than ready to eat when we were done with the rides! We all decided it would be best to grab something after we left the park, since they like to charge you an arm and a leg for absolutely everything. The greatest feeling in recovery is when you get to the point where you don't have to plan your meals or where you eat because you are able to eat anything, anytime, anywhere. You finally break the barrier your eating disorder put up and open up a world of possibilities. I had no idea where everyone was thinking of going to eat, but I knew we were stopping at a WaWa to get gas and everyone just wanted to get back home, so I suggested we picked up food there! I've never eaten at a WaWa before, so I felt my anxiety kick in when I stepped up to the little ordering kiosk, but to my surprise, it didn't take long for me to order! I picked a roast beef panini with spinach, onions, fontina, and horseradish sauce. It was delicious! I knew I had walked a lot today, and I was hungry for more than just a sandwich. I was honestly looking to get a side of fries, but didn't see any on their menu. Have no fear! I didn't restrict just because a food plan didn't go my way. I broke open the big bag of pretzels I bought! We still weren't going to get home for another 5 hours, and I needed the energy to stay up. I did something I never even would have when I was working out vigorously everyday. I had a white chocolate Starbucks Doubleshot drink and a Kit Kat on the drive home to help keep me energized. This would have completely driven me over the edge with my eating disorder and made me feel like some type of failure, but no! I am a winner because I am beating this thing once and for all! #ana #anawho #anawarrior #edrecovery #edfighter #healthyweightgain #edfree #edfamily #edsoldier #prorecovery #anorexiarecovery #eattolive #beatana #beated #anorexia #anorexianervosarecovery #ed #healthyeating #healthyrecovery #realrecovery #anarecovery

A photo posted by Tiffany Mulligan (@heres2happiness) on

If you need help or support visit The Butterfly Foundation.

Or call their National Helpline on 1800 33 4673 - Monday to Friday (8am – 9pm)

Find a fact sheet on Anorexia Nervosa here.
