A fourth century fragment of papyrus, believed to be fake, quotes Jesus explicitly referring to having a wife. Like the new Dead Sea Scrolls that attack homosexuality, it is the very ‘topicality’ and ‘marketability’ of such messages that raise the suspisions of researchers.
media_cameraA fourth century fragment of papyrus, believed to be fake, quotes Jesus explicitly referring to having a wife. Like the new Dead Sea Scrolls that attack homosexuality, it is the very ‘topicality’ and ‘marketability’ of such messages that raise the suspisions of researchers.

Doubts raised over ‘New’ Dead Sea Scroll fragment finds

SUSPICIONS have been raised about the authenticity of 70 supposedly new fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls — and it’s the ancient message they carry that has raised eyebrows.

It was 1947 when the original treasure trove of ancient documents was uncovered by Bedouin tribespeople in a cave in a desert cliff.

The scraps of writing sparked an international sensation.

Not only did they contain verses from some of the oldest Jewish texts, they also revealed the writings of a sect called the Essenes which inhabited a remote monastery near the caves shortly before the time of Jesus Christ.

Most of the recovered fragments have been assembled at the Shrine of the Book, part of the Israel Museum in Jerusualem.

media_cameraMen explore one of the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, near Quamran, Israel.

But ‘new’ fragments have frequently been produced over the decades. Many have been controversial.

The latest ‘discovery’ was a scattering of 70 pieces of papyrus but their origins remain unclear.

Some are said to have been from the personal collection of descendants of an Arab antiquities dealer in Bethelehem who sold the first Dead Sea Scrolls. But they have since been sold to private collectors — among them the head of the controversial US Hobby Lobby craft chain — and their true sources are hard to prove.

The US Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary owns one piece which contains two of the Bible’s most strident anti-homosexual passages — from the widely separated sections of Leviticus 18 and 20.

It’s the very convenience — and marketability — of this text that has some experts raising questions.

“It is extremely unlikely that a small Dead Sea Scroll fragment would preserve text from both chapters,” Dead Sea Scroll researcher Arstein Justnes, at University of Agder in Norway, told Newsweek.

media_cameraPart of the Isaiah Scroll, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, inside the vault of the Shrine of the Book building at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Picture: AP

He said the ‘new’ fragments appeared to be ‘amateurish’ forgeries, copied from textbooks about the real Dead Sea Scrolls.

“I think this fragment was produced for American evangelicals,” he reportedly said. “There is a real danger that an increasing number of forgeries is accepted into the datasets on which we base our knowledge of the ancient world.”

Many recent biblical archaeological ‘finds’ have been proven to be false: often after enthusiastic collectors have handed over large wads of cash for an artefact that appears to be a direct link to their faith.

Another recent papyrus ‘find’ — the ‘Jesus wife’ fragment — appeared to imply the central figure of Christianity was married to a prostitute, Mary Magdalene. However, its history cannot be traced beyond the dealer who sold it.

Another object, an ancient stone ossuary (container of bones), appeared to have had the phrase ‘James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus’ inscribed on its side. After being sold for millions, the engraving was found to be a more recent addition.

Virtually unwrapping the En-Gedi scroll2:12

Scientists have used digital scanning technologies to virtually unravel an ancient scroll that was once thought destroyed.

Virtually unwrapping the En-Gedi scroll

Originally published as Dead Sea Scroll fragments ‘suspicious’