Winner of the Prime Minister's 2016 Science Award Professor Richard (Rick) Shine with a Black Headed Python in Canberra today. Picture: Ray Strange
media_cameraWinner of the Prime Minister's 2016 Science Award Professor Richard (Rick) Shine with a Black Headed Python in Canberra today. Picture: Ray Strange

Professor Rick Shine’s idea to feed small, less toxic cane toads to Australian animals wins Prime Minister’s science prize

“AT first it sounds crazy — but here goes.” Famous last words? The idea of feeding toxic cane toads to unsuspecting Australian animals has won the Prime Minister’s national science prize.

University of Sydney reptile researcher Professor Rick Shine wants to deliberately release small cane toads into cane-toad free areas in a bid to protect native snakes, lizards and marsupial quolls.

Sounds counterintuitive?

“At first sight, it sounds crazy — but here goes,” Professor Shine’s website says.

“We could introduce small cane toads in advance of the main toad invasion, so that the predator’s first encounter is with a tiny toad not a big one.

“That would give many predators a chance to learn that toads are poisonous — and so, avoid toads from then on.”

The idea has won Professor Shine and his University of Sydney Team $250,000 at this year’s Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.


media_cameraProfessor Rick Shine with a cane toad at his laboratory at Sydney University.

Small cane toads are less toxic.

Animals that eat them suffer stomach cramps and discomfort — but not death.

But it’s a lesson they don’t forget.

Professor Shine has been closely studying the impact and behaviour of cane toads ever since they arrived at his tropical study site on the Adelaide River floodplain near Darwin in 2005.

In that time he’s observed the direct impact (or lack of it) of many suggested cane toad ‘final solutions’.

His team’s website,, is a comprehensive source of toad titbits, from their habits and physiology through to debunking myths about how they can be controlled.

Mass culls simply don’t cut it.

media_cameraFood for thought ... Feeding baby cane toads to Australia’s animals.

“Even if 95 per cent of them are killed, the other 5 per cent will keep moving forward,” his site says.

And these, in turn, rapidly reproduce anyway.

“And there’s another problem,” it goes on.

“Even if the numbers of toads are much lower, the few that are left will have a major impact.

“The reason is that unlike frogs, toads are really obvious — they like to sit out in the open, in places where they are easy for predators to find ... (which) just think they have found a particularly large, particularly stupid edible frog.”

Professor Shine’s research shows that while Australia’s predators may be ignorant about this alien invader, they’re not stupid.

One bite, twice shy ...

If they survive.

“This may sound like it requires a bit more intelligence than we expect from goannas and so forth, but Team BUFO’s work has shown remarkably fast learning in many native species.”

Simply dumping small toads in selected strategic areas shortly before the main ‘front’ of the cane toad invasion arrives may educate local predators — and give them a chance to survive once the more toxic adults arrive.

“We wouldn’t try to dump small toads everywhere across the landscape — the idea would be to create small pockets of resistance (with “toad-smart” predators) ... Those pockets of “toad-smart” animals could eventually recolonise the local landscape.”

media_cameraProfessor Rick Shine says that his team's innovation could be used to reduce the impact of cane toads on native predators.

The full list of 2016 Prime Minister’s Science Prize award winners include:

Prime Minister’s Prize for Science: Rick Shine, The University of Sydney

Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation: Michael Aitken, Capital Markets CRC. He created services that capture two million trades a second, enabling rapid analysis of markets and systems to detect fraud. His researchers have developed a spin-off company that is targeting health and other markets and identifying billion dollar frauds and inefficiencies in Australia’s health markets.

Prize for New Innovators: Colin Hall, University of South Australia. His plastic mirrors are the beginning of a new manufacturing technology, and jobs.

Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year: Richard Payne, The University of Sydney. He is re-engineering proteins from ticks, bacteria, and leeches to create new drugs to fight stroke, TB, malaria and cancer.

Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year: Kerrie Wilson, University of Queensland. She is providing the evidence base for good conservation decisions by putting a value on clean air, water, food, tourism and the other benefits that forests, rivers, oceans provide.

Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools: Suzy Urbaniak, Kent Street Senior High School, Perth. Her fresh ideas are setting up students for geoscience jobs in mining, conservation, tourism and more.

Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools: Gary Tilley, Seaforth Public School, Sydney. He is turning the next generation of primary teachers on to science at Seaforth school and Macquarie Uni in Sydney.

Originally published as Cane toad solution hard to stomach