- published: 15 Jul 2007
- views: 158083
LRC may refer to:
L.R.C-Sensuale (text)
LRC "extasy"
Band Of Horses - Ode to LRC
L.r.c ft Natti - Shining like a star
L.R.C-Ekstazi ft Master Bass (text)
LRC-Ma pyit tint tot te'
LRC Original | 1000% | SKIPS vs. NAIM
LRC OPEN MIC - 1000% - KEN vs SAKU
LRC-Sensuale Kur te shoh neper qytet kur del je model, perher ndodh karrambol aty ku kemba jote shkel, polici qarkullimit shpesh rrin si drufi dhe per shkakun tend te shkretit i bllokohet dhe trafiku, pleqt neper lulishta si dikur ma nuk i gjen konfliktet qohen zemer se tensionin jua ngren,dhe per adoleshentat tashi bahesh shum problem,gjith diten ne WC per nje pun qe dot se them. Paraqitja ideale te ben teper sensuale, veshja jote provokuse m'jep sinjale anormale ti je seksi-seksi shum ti te mbyt me parfum me shikim te ven ne gjum kur zemra ban bum bum,shum-shum je unike shum fantasitike femer shum e papershkrushme shum e embel tipike,pra luj luj luj ne ket ven m len pa mend, ti je superseksi tregoma stilin tend. Ref:(X2) Tregoma tani stilin tend (sensual) asyen pse te gjith i qm...
Prodhuar nga Lucky kur kishte ON-OFF Production bashkepunim me K.Zizo
L.R.C-Ekstazi ft Master Bass Ref:(X2) Hip-hop is sound for ecstasy everybody pop your hands and come with me. Hip-hop hip-hop master bass ne mikrofon, vec te flas per ekstazi direkt nga lezha rappers zon.Se di se kush hip-hopin e shpiku i pari si loj,vec di se kret i smuri me ket virus na infektoi. Pervec hip-hopit i madh a i vogel s preferon tjeter sen,edhe gjyshja qe kam n'shpi po nigjon 50-cent. mos t'bajn qudi qe tash njerzia per hip-hop po kallet kret,tash mora vesht se n'vatikan tupac shakur po bahet shenjt. Hej ding-dong digi digi way dong, tash ekstazia po fillon nga lezha ne hong kong. Veserisht ktu rapp rrespekt qe per hip-hop nuk dijn me t'fal hajde ktu ku ka rrespekt, shum rrep qe sdin me u ndal. Shpejt ke me kuptu se kjo rrym ka me t'kall, se fjala hip-hop nese ke dek ka...
You keep one talking bout these winter blues
All across the lowlands
People getting used to the walking in the daytime
While the little men go choose
Arrested fathers with their Monday heads
Get suspicious of the women who know more in bed
And the whole thing shows what the space race failed to prove
After the light show and the ball of flames
All the elephants go back to their poker games
And the money takes a one-way trip on a southbound train
Amazing brandy and the Ace of Spades
Talk to Dylan with the only who didn't get laid
And everyone agreed on the meaning behind the news
We're being used
I've never been here but the brochures' nice
Says the staff here is friendly but the management lies
And the ceiling comes free if we just get online and dice
Too many owners and not enough teams
Too many ideas and not enough wet wet wet dreams
So pu that wallet away cause i can't pay what's due
And nor can you
We're being used
I'd bow my head if the king walked by
But he'd better stay focued on the glint oin my eye
For his right hand man may taste a bullet and die
If immagration stops us getting through
Thenj we'll hit 'em with the joke bout the 2ft shoe
And if that doesn't work then we'll just hi 'em with the truth
Were bieng used
Heaven's got a porblem with the casting couch
Cause if God does the interview, You'd better watch out
It's a rumour right now
But Jesus won't you tell us the truth