AT&T-Time; Warner deal could create 'seismic shift' in media industry

In what some analysts are calling an unprecedented "seismic shift" for the media and technology world, AT&T; may soon buy the entertainment company Time Warner, a deal that could turn the traditional telecom carrier into a media titan the likes of which the United States has never seen.

A combination of the two companies could rival some of the biggest mergers in history, with AT&T; potentially gaining control over hugely valuable brands spanning television, film, sports, news, video games, and mobile and residential Internet service.

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Trump on the AT&T-Time; Warner deal

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would not approve a proposed deal for AT&T; to buy Time Warner.

Bloomberg reported that AT&T; is close to buying Time Warner for about $US86 billion ($113 billion) and that a deal could be finalised over the weekend. Time Warner stock jumped nearly 8 per cent in regular trading and an additional 5 per cent after hours.

The potential merger highlights one of the most definitive trends of the modern media business: the push from tech and telecommunications giants to control the lucrative, popular content they once passively supplied.

It follows a wave of dealmaking and consolidation that could radically transform viewers' leisure time and media spending, including Comcast's purchase of NBCUniversal, Google's push into live-TV streaming, and the original-programming investments of Amazon and Netflix.

Historic deal

That big wave of media change, analysts said, could just be getting started. Apple approached Time Warner about a combination deal several months ago and continues to watch negotiations, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, citing unnamed sources. Apple did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


A merger between AT&T; and Time Warner would be a historic deal. For starters, it could suddenly give AT&T; control over a massive number of the world's most valuable media brands. It would complete the transformation by the wireless carrier - already the nation's second-largest - into a fully fledged entertainment powerhouse, launching a new chapter in the history of the telecommunications giant. And it would be no less monumental for the rest of the communications industry, a rapidly consolidating area of business in which internet providers are increasingly playing a central role in how consumers work and play.

Never before has a telecom company the size of AT&T; sought to buy a content firm like Time Warner, according to Craig Moffett, an industry analyst at MoffettNathanson.

AT&T's takeover of Time Warner would be one of the biggest mergers in history and could kick off a new chapter for the ...
AT&T;'s takeover of Time Warner would be one of the biggest mergers in history and could kick off a new chapter for the media and technology world. Photo: AP

"A [telecom company] owning content is something that was expressly prohibited for a century" by the government, Moffett said, "and even now, it raises all kinds of unique questions."

The tie-up could see AT&T; gain ownership over a dizzying array of household names. Time Warner - not to be confused with Time Warner Cable, which sold itself to Charter Communications earlier this year - owns HBO, meaning that AT&T; could soon have the rights to "Game of Thrones" and control the most profitable cable subscription business in history.

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper: The news channel is one of the assets AT&T would gain.
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper: The news channel is one of the assets AT&T; would gain. Photo: Getty Images

Also falling into AT&T;'s hands would be the news channel CNN and its multinational operations, as well as all other channels associated with the Turner Broadcasting System. For sports fans, this could mean much of the way they experience March Madness or Major League Baseball's playoffs would be indirectly controlled by AT&T.;

Harry Potter, Batman

AT&T; would also come to own a bevy of valuable films, such as the "Harry Potter" series, and DC Comics, which include Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and a host of other pop-culture icons. The company's Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment division is one of the most prominent US video-game publishers, helping develop the "Lego" series and bestsellers such as "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt." That division made more than $US2 billion in revenue last year alone.

Time Warner's media empire also includes subscription TV channel HBO, which owns the rights to "Game of Thrones".
Time Warner's media empire also includes subscription TV channel HBO, which owns the rights to "Game of Thrones". Photo: HBO / Foxtel

Time Warner was the fourth-largest media company in the United States last year, with about $US28 billion in revenue.

In short, an AT&T-Time; Warner tie-up would create one of the most powerful combinations of content and distribution ever seen in the United States.

A deal would come to epitomise the rapid, dramatic changes affecting the media and technology space. Content producers and cable companies alike are grappling with new internet business models, seeking fresh ways to distribute their shows online as more consumers consider ditching the traditional cable bundle.

People's media consumption is shifting to mobile devices, which is encouraging firms such as AT&T; to bet big on wireless connectivity and forcing providers of fixed broadband to hunt for new ways to compete. Industries that previously had been insulated from one another by the limits of technology are now being forced to contend with each other as entertainment and communications converge on the Internet.

In 2011, Comcast became one of the first companies to acknowledge the trend by buying up NBCUniversal, which created a media and distribution conglomerate that controls theme parks, television shows and access to the internet. At the time, antitrust regulators permitted the acquisition under certain conditions designed to keep Comcast from using the combined company to squeeze out the competition. But some analysts say those conditions weren't effective - and that AT&T; may face similar concerns.

"There'd be an enormous competitive concern about self-dealing, favouring their own properties to the detriment of competition," said Gene Kimmelman, a former antitrust official at the Justice Department who is now the president of the consumer advocacy group Public Knowledge.

The Washington Post