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03:07 Alibaba's Boss Says Chinese Government Should Use Big Data Techniques On Its 'Citizen Scores' Surveillance Store (19)


23:01 Car-Freshener Wields Little Trees Trademark To Bankrupt Non Profit That Helped Ex-Cons And Recovering Addicts (31)
16:08 Off We Go: Oracle Officially Appeals Google's Fair Use Win (12)
14:38 Facebook's Arbitrary Offensiveness Police Take Down Informational Video About Breast Cancer Screening (17)
12:58 Google's Quiet, Confusing Privacy Policy Change Is Why We Need More Transparency & Control (41)
11:45 Pissed Consumer Sues Reputation Management Firms Over Their Bogus Lawsuit/Fake Defendant/Takedown Scams (33)
10:43 Google Fiber Announces Layoffs & Deployment Pause, Will Likely Pivot To Wireless (21)
10:37 Daily Deal: Novice to Expert Java Bundle (0)
09:39 The Reason The Copyright Office Misrepresented Copyright Law To The FCC: Hollywood Told It To (38)
08:27 Yahoo Asks James Clapper To Please Let It Talk About The Email Scanning It Did For The Government (27)
06:23 Netflix CEO Wary That AT&T's Latest Merger Could Hurt Streaming Competitors (31)
03:23 With Interest In Profile Defenders' Questionable Lawsuits Rising, The Lawsuits Start Falling (20)


23:23 Kuwait Backtracks On Mandatory DNA Database Of All Citizens And Visitors (11)
17:00 ACLU Sues Government Over Unreleased FISA Court Opinions (3)
15:28 As The Cubs Head To The World Series, The Team Is Also Raging Against Single-Word Trademarks (11)
13:35 Free Open Shared: A Conversation With Me About Copyright At Wikimedia (12)
13:08 Techdirt Podcast Episode 96: Death Knell For Software Patents (3)
11:56 New Docs Detail How AT&T; Planned To Profit Massively By Helping Law Enforcement Spy On The Public (23)
10:46 Shameful: Perfectly Reasonable Academic Book On Gene Kelly Killed By Bogus Copyright Claims (31)
10:40 Daily Deal: VPN Unlimited And To Do Checklist Bundle (0)
09:37 The Clinton Campaign Should Stop Denying That The Wikileaks Emails Are Valid; They Are And They're Real (118)
08:27 Shake Up At The Copyright Office A Possible Preview To Fight Over Copyright Reform (23)
06:24 Chickenshit American Bar Association Scared Out Of Publishing Report Calling Trump A Libel Bully (37)
03:24 Leaked Documents Show New Zealand Company's Connection To GCHQ's Internet Dragnet (15)


22:58 Corporate Sovereignty Helps To Bring EU-Canada Trade Deal To Brink Of Collapse (11)
17:23 PINAC Director Sues Miami Beach Mayor Over Refusal To Release Social Media Blocklists (12)
15:20 Shadow Warrior 2 Developers: We'd Rather Spend Our Time Making A Great Game Than Worrying About Piracy (20)
13:33 Judge Orders FBI To Turn Over Information On How Many People Around The World It Snagged With Its Playpen NIT (14)
13:06 The Easiest Thing You Can Do Today To Raise Money For The EFF (9)
11:40 Chinese Company Recalls Cameras, DVRs Used In Last Week's Massive DDoS Attack (30)
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