i’m in the process of tidying up this website, so i’ve moved the posts related to my eventually-to-be-published zine Ultramodernism… onto their own site.


i have a large format version parked at archive.org. the large size (it is laid out in a full-spread, 11×17 format) is to highlight the zines eye-popping layout.  i got skills, even if they are mostly old-school.

while smoothing out some of the design elements, i noticed that some areas needed more word work as well. kinda difficult to get these ideas across, much of it seems self-evident to me.

i want to get a few things done and start doing some serious writing, actually for the first time in my life, since i’ll have lots of free time this fall and winter, and the vast resources of the internet for research purposes. seems like a winning combination. it’ll be fun to share what i’ve learned over the past few years with the anarchist world. gonna shake things up around here. it’s what i do…


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