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Contra Info is an international multi-language counter-information and translation node, an infrastructure maintained by anarchists, anti-authoritarians and libertarians who are active in different parts of the globe. More »

The Hague, The Netherland: (Demonstration)Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists!

cropped-headerfightrepression-1On Saturday November 19th, there will be a demonstration in The Hague, The Netherlands, against the wave of repression that Hague anti-fascists and anarchists have been facing in the last year. One who attacks one of us, attacks all of us. Solidarity through struggle!

Within the last year, repression against anti-fascists and anarchists has greatly increased, with The Hague in the middle of it. An area ban for anarchists was issued for the Schilderswijk, in an attempt to break the struggle against the racist, violent, and murderous police. After that that, another area ban was issued, this time against anti-fascists who have been resisting against the extreme right wing Pegida demonstrations. Damage claims of 50,000 euro were demanded from several anarchists who resisted against the eviction of social center De Vloek, which had been squatted for 13 years. The mayor also tried to shutter the local Autonomous Center. Furthermore, subsequent demonstrations were forbidden, people were intimidated by the police at home and on the street, numerous preventative arrests were made, and attempts were made to recruit informants.

But these are not just attacks against individual anarchists and anti-fascists. This is an attack against all who fight  against racism, this is an attack against all who stand for a world without exploitation and discrimination, this is an attack on all of us. And this attack cannot go unanswered! This is a call for solidarity, because solidarity is our weapon against the isolation being forced on us by the police and the mayor. We must defend our autonomous spaces and structures!

Come to The Hague on November 19th. Because the chains of the state dripping with racism and oppression must be broken! Because one who doesn’t fight has already lost.

Fight repression!

More information you find on:

Call for renewed worldwide actions in solidarity with the prison strike, October 15-22

o1522-sqIt hardly seems necessary to summarize what has gone down inside U.S. prisons since September 9th. Hunger strikes, work stoppages, and riots have spread throughout the country on a scale that we likely aren’t even fully aware of yet. Some uprisings appeared took us by surprise, such as in several Florida prisons, while others presumably grew from recent organizing endeavors on the inside, such as at Kinross in Michigan or Holman in Alabama. By rough estimates, over 20,000 prisoners were involved in some way. That’s huge.

On the outside, solidarity burned so brightly all over the world. Banner drops, graffiti slogans, noise demonstrations and more showed that we had the backs of all who would partake in the strike. It is worth noting however that the vast majority of this took place the first weekend of the strike. But this prison strike—and the struggle against prisons more broadly—is about more than a day or a week. It didn’t start on September 9th and it isn’t ending any time soon. Some prisoners may return to work while others decide to stop working for the first time. It’s easier when there is a definitive date to take action on, to build momentum towards, but that’s not going to be enough.

Therefore, we would like to offer a call for renewed actions in solidarity with the prison strike and the struggle against prison society. Right now many are organizing anti-repression campaigns for striking prisoners and that is of course very necessary and not nearly as exciting work. But it would be a mistake to conceive of this struggle in a linear fashion—that is to say, a single wave where we demonstrate as it crests and write letters as it crashes. How many prisoners hadn’t heard about the strike until after it had started? How many knew but didn’t think people would actually be there to support them? Three weeks after the start of the strike, inmates in Turbeville, South Carolina rebelled against a guard and took over their dorm. How can we stop while inmates are still risking their lives for freedom?

We propose the week of October 15th – 22nd for a concentration of actions to remind everyone locked up by the State that we will always have their back. Once again, it is important to take these dates with a grain of salt. No one’s going to judge you if you take action on October 23rd, or in November, or even in 2017. Neither should anyone sit on their hands waiting for the 15th to get going. New Year’s Eve should also be kept in mind, which has traditionally seen noise demonstrations outside of prisons every year, despite being an equally arbitrary date.

    “When times seem slow and uneventful we let ourselves stagnate, but imagination and revolt are like muscles: the less we use them the weaker they become. We can push back the boredom of less eventful times and point towards insurrection. Solidarity actions and struggling on our own timelines is a way we can create momentum and tension when there isn’t much.”

    – “Our Own Timelines” Anathema, Vol 2 Issue 6

It is undeniable that many comrades exist outside of realities where organizing a protest or noise demonstration is tenable. Many of us are still searching for a few like-minded comrades, let alone attempting to bring out a crowd. There are still opportunities to act, whether it is a one or two person team dropping a banner or putting up posters, or hosting a letter writing or informational event that can help connect future accomplices. It certainly can never be overstated how important writing letters of support and calling in to prisons is in and of itself, but why pass on an opportunity to build our capacity?

If nothing else, we should all feel ashamed that the most active city in terms of U.S. prison strike solidarity actions is Athens, Greece. They already have such a head start but we can at least give them a bit of challenge, can’t we?

– Some Restless Uncontrollables / // /

in German

Mexico: Libertarian Book and Publication Fair in Tijuana

The poster in Spanish

[The Netherlands] Another area-ban for Hague anarchist


received 6th of october, 2016

Yesterday, an antifascist and anarchist from The Hague received another area-ban imposed upon them, five days after the expiration of the previous area-ban for several Hague anarchists.

This time, the area-ban applies to the center of The Hague and the Haagse Hout neighborhood during the coming Pegida demonstrations, and is accompanied by the requirement to report to the police station.

The police showed up yesterday at the house of an anarchist in The Hague to issue another area-ban. This time in the context of actions that were taken against the extreme-right wing group Pegida, which has announced that it will demonstrate every month in the Hague from now on. The area-ban is in force during the coming three Pegida demonstrations in The Hague and applies to The Hague city center and the Haagse Hout neighborhood. On three dates, October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th, the anarchist and antifascist may not come into this area and they must report to the police station twice a day.

The previous area-ban was issued in the name of the mayor and aimed against resistance against police brutality in the Schilderswijk. This time, it is the Public Prosecutor’s office issuing the area ban, with the intention of breaking resistance against fascism. This is the latest step in a series of repressive measures against anarchists and anti-fascists in The Hague. Several Hague anarchists previously wrote about this in the article ‘The area-ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague’*.

The Public Prosecutor, the police and the mayor of The Hague are committed to crushing the anarchist struggle and resistance against fascism. But if they think that we will let repression hold us back, then they’ve got another thing coming. The struggle against fascism and for a better world does not need to be legitimized by the state which is saturated with racism and discrimination. The struggle against fascism is always legitimate; then, now, and in the future.

Stop repression against anarchists and antifascists.

France: Engie vehicle torched in Paris

“Written words remain”? Deeds, not words!

In the face of repression that has struck anarchist comrades in Italy (Op. Scripta Manent), in the face of our enemies -the State and Capital- we still and always think that the best solidarity is attack. They are paying for actions belonging to all anarchists across the world. We want to send them a sign of our proximity with deeds; contrary to others here and elsewhere that are content with a bit of rhetoric on their internet sites.

The night between the 3rd and 4th of October, on Candale Prolongée St. in the area of Pantin, we burned down a vehicle belonging to Engie enterprise that collaborates with the State on incarceration (administration of prisons and detention centers).

Fire to the prisons!
Solidarity means attack!

Some other anarchists in solidarity from Paris.

in French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese

Buenos Aires: SUV belonging to the Presidency of the Argentine Nation burned down

In response to the repression suffered by anarchist comrades living in the region dominated by the Italian State, by the DIGOS (Division of General Investigations and Special Operations) in the context of “Scripta Manent” operation, we burned down an SUV belonging to the Presidency of the Argentine Nation on September 25, at 1 a.m. at the junction of Marcos Paz and Pedro Lozano St., in the area of Villa Devoto in Buenos Aires.

Anna, Marco, Sandrone, Daniele, Danilo and Valentina: you should know you are not alone and that those of us on this side of prison walls will continue to attack authority and burn down the cities across the world.

Freedom or death (Informal Anarchist Federation)

in Spanish, Greek

[Exarchia] Themistokleous 58 Squat: Graffiti in solidarity with the U$ prison struggle

Fire to the prison society

Strength to the fighting prisoners in the U$

From Greece to America, fire and blast at every prison

Against every type of incarceration, fire to the foundations of civilization

On Saturday evening October 1st, that was proposed by ABC cell as international day of solidarity with the U$ prison struggle, we spray-painted slogans in the streets of Exarchia.


Themistokleous 58 Squat

Mexican prisons: Fernando Bárcenas, Abraham Cortés, Luis Fernando Sotelo and Miguel Peralta initiated days of anti-prison struggle

Since September 28th 2016, the imprisoned compañeros Fernando Bárcenas, Abraham Cortés (in Mexico City’s Reclusorio Norte) and Luis Fernando Sotelo (in Mexico City’s Reclusorio Sur) have undertaken hunger strike, while Miguel Peralta (in Oaxaca’s Cuicatlán prison) abstains from prison meals.

Their joint struggle, marking three years since the imprisonment of Abraham Cortés (on October 2nd 2013), is also in solidarity with Luis Fernando Sotelo, who was recently sentenced to 33 years and 5 months. It’s also their way of supporting the US prisoner struggle and showing solidarity with African-American compas who experience the drug genocide.

Read a statement by comrades Fernando Bárcenas and Abraham Cortés in Spanish & English.

US prisons: Keep an eye on Holman

Report from Holman | September 27th 2016

About 12:00am a prisoner was stabbed by another prisoner while in the bed asleep. The disturbance came after the perpetrator ran out the dorm. The pigs let the prisoner in C-dorm even after being told earlier not let anyone in C-dorm by prisoners who are housed in C-dorm. Prisoners ran after the prisoner who committed the stabbing, got out the dorm, surrounded one pig who came out the control cubicle, but was asked to wait before doing anything and just help the injured prisoner to the infirmary.

What you are seeing in this short clip is a bunch of angry prisoners who see the pigs as facilitators of violence against one another.

This is Mike reporting from Holman prison.

via Anarchy Live!

State Can’t Crush Prison Rebels | September 29th 2016

It is being reported that last week while at the prison, after attending the funeral of the pig who was stabbed here on September 1st and died from his injuries, the regional Coordinator Grantt Culliver stated to several prisoners that he was going to bring the CERT, the department of corrections’ special response squad, to Holman prison in Atmore, Alabama on the 1st of October and that they will be here for the next ninety days to search the prison for every knife and cell phone, and that are going to take the prison apart piece by piece until they have found every weapon and phone.

This is an attempt at intimidation and move to reestablish authority and total control. Control over human beings who have been resisting and saying fuck your authority! Humans who no longer accept the narrative that they are worthless and that the state has a right to punish and use violence without it being returned. No longer will we allow the gross injustices to go unchecked.

We want you all out there in the open air prison called the free world to keep an eye on what happens here. We know that the pigs are angry about the death of their colleague at the hands of a prisoner and all the resistance that has sprung up here within the last year, and have / are planning to crush the resistance. Keep an eye on Holman and continue to show solidarity through direct action.

No gods, no masters! Death to the state! Long live anarchy!

via It’s Going Down

Athens, Greece: Banners in support to the struggle against prison slavery in America

We stand in total and unreserved solidarity with the struggle of prisoners in America against slavery, and as a response to the call for support and solidarity to their resistance we hung two banners in downtown Athens, Greece.

Fight against prison slavery. Until the demolishment of every cage. Until the death of authority.

Support the resistance in US prisons, against slavery and exploitation of prisoners. Brothers/sisters, in this struggle you’re not alone!

Union of anarchist individualities Uroborus

text in Greek

Athens, Greece: Solidarity gesture for the 6 recently imprisoned comrades in Italy, and Lukáš Borl in the Czech Republic

As a gesture of solidarity with the recently imprisoned comrades in Italy and the Czech Republic, we hung a banner in downtown Athens, which reads: “Armed attack until the crushing of the civilization of Power & enforcement; for all the captive anarchist sisters and brothers; for all our stolen moments. Solidarity & complicity with the recently imprisoned anarchists in Italy & the Czech Republic”.

Union of anarchist individualities Uroborus

[September 12th 2016]

Athens, Greece: Incendiary solidarity with the US prison struggle

In the early hours of Sunday, September 25th, a group of comrades participated in the street clashes erupting at Tositsa St., outside the Polytechnic, in Exarchia, Athens.

We attacked with molotovs and stones against the cops, not only for what they are -puppets of the State- but also to send strength and solidarity to those fighting inside US prisons. We act against those who capture on the streets, as the prison rebels act against those who keep them locked in cages. We stand together with all those who take action and revolt, wherever they might be, by all means necessary.

Lets abolish with violence what was imposed on us with violence.

Solidarity means attack!

The Holmans

in Greek | German

Brazil: Why some anarchists are in the streets (even if nobody called us…)

A position about vandalism, black bloc and smashy-smashy…

It should be clear that we’re not taking to the streets to defend a government, nor Dilma’s nor any other. We’re not demonstrating against the coup, let alone to defend democracy. We are on the streets because today, like every other day, we’re fighting against the Capital, the State and their tentacles. Letting the rebellious and liberatory violence free and contaminating for those who want to be contaminated. We are on the streets to meet with other social misfits and create complicity in the noise of broken glasses and the warmth of burning garbage bins…

We know that political changes (not only in this territory) aim at an ever stronger repression and barefaced violence against those who don’t conform to the social reality they impose on us. We’re also aware that those who will be fucked the most by the present government are those already fucked for years (if not centuries…).

We don’t deny that there are differences between one government and another, but we can clearly see that above all there’s continuity. At the end of the day, the principles of the Temer government were set by the government of PT/PMDB and Dilma with the repressive reforms that they adopted: the UPPs [Pacifying Police Units] in the favelas, the [proposed constitutional amendment known as] PEC 215, the anti-terror law, etc… What we experience now are also the results of the PT government and their alliance with their current “enemies”: militaries in uniform on the streets, the soy king [Blairo Maggi] in the agriculture ministry, more and more torturers in the Congress… PT, PSOL, PMDB, PP, PSB, PCB, etc… in order to keep existing all of them have to “make alliances” between them, step back on their own principles, their own promises, so as to seize “Power”… A true battle for the throne. All governments and all political parties are a big hypocrisy…

But, besides all this, who likes to be commanded? Who likes to be governed, ordered, oppressed? All political parties are different screws and cogs of the same machinery of domination.

We vandalize, yes, against capitalism, the bourgeoisie and domination. And we’re proud of it.

We smash banks, shops, cars because we remember every attack that each and every government has committed against people. Because when a glass breaks in the middle of the night, there’s a piece of hierarchy, authority, property and domination that falls together with it… Every stone thrown, every firework that explodes, every garbage bin overturned is an act of vengeance against state violence we’re experiencing daily…

The broken windows of Bradesco bank branches are a reminder of the billion reais that were invested in the Olympic Games; because we haven’t forgotten. We smash banks because they are symbols of the Capital and institutions that perpetuate the social and “environmental” collapse we’re living.

Every stone thrown is the expression of indignation of all of us, tired of being used, manipulated and dominated by those in government, by the media, by the multinationals… A brick is charged with rage, frustration and more than anything else the freedom of disobedience, of disrespect to property. A brick into a window is the expression of insubmission, of those instincts that were not and never will be domesticated and pacified. It is the capacity to overcome the margins of citizenist protest towards the path of free rebellion. A brick carries all the courage of leaving the house and abandoning the role of the spectator in front of a screen, to run out to the streets and transform them into a field of political action.

The streets, where we meet, do not belong to anybody but the revolt. The streets open the way to take back our lives, they open the way to insubmission and dignity… They open the doors so that everyone can be responsible for themselves without depending on any institution, they open the way of “fuck the State” and of autonomy… and we are there because our rage is expanding, against the social order, not against the puppet that carries the title of the President, but against the entire state structure… because it’s clear to us that the streets shout much more than “Out With Temer”.

From the streets, we’re uncontrollable, in the complicity of the hoodie we’re stronger, and we can live intensively in spaces where the banks will never be something to be defended but institutions that profit from inequality, that take over lives with blows of credit cards and financial interests. There where the bourgeois car is not a dream but a symbol of vanity; where a shop is selling privileges and not just clothes… where we’re able to attack materially against domination.

That the internal repression led by candidates and affiliates of political parties don’t put a halt to our rage, that they don’t put a halt to direct actions…

We had enough of being commanded…

We’re not asking for anything, we’re gonna smash it all…

For uncontrollable upheaval, for revolt, for anarchy

Source + more photos: Cumplicidade (September 8th 2016)

Greek translation on the way

London: Free the Warsaw 3 Banner drop and upcoming events

Last weekend, individuals handed out zines and dropped a banner at TRESPASS (DIY Punk show) to raise awareness and support for the Warsaw 3; three anarchist arrested and charged under new anti-terror laws. Donations were also collected to go towards their legal costs. banner-drop_censored On the 28th September 7pm, there’s an info night being held in Decentre to discuss the Warsaw 3 and how their case is part of a growing pattern of state repression of anarchists and those involved in social movements and struggles. There will be a talk with a comrade from ROD collective based in Warsaw, short movie screening and bar and food for donation.w31-page-001On the 7th October 8pm, come along to the solidarity SQUAT gig & party with London based bands and musicians to help raise funds for the Warsaw 3!

Free the Warsaw 3 and all hostages of the State !

Links for events: Info Night / Gig


Greece: Solidarity with the U.$. prison struggle from Themistokleous 58 Squat

From the wing 58 of this open air prison called Athens we send our warmest greetings to the U.$. prison rebels and all those taking action in solidarity with them around the globe. We understand your fight to end prison slavery as a call to end prison society as a whole. We understand mass imprisonment behind tones of concrete and iron as a reflection of the mass society that shackles us all and as an inevitable consequence of the techno-industrial kingdom that determines our lives daily in all possible ways.

We know that contexts might be different from place to place and that some times we get lost into the partiality of our small or big fights against this or that expression of domination and Power. Nevertheless, we believe this is a good opportunity to build up the so much needed intersectionality, to foment it with a borderless perception of the struggle for total self-determination and liberation from hierarchies and authorities that chain us all.

We salute all means of struggle deployed so far against the murderous apparatus of the U.$. prison-industrial complex, and we are happy to know that at least one jailer got what he deserved. While bars of steel and walls of stone may physically contain those in prison, the recent uprisings all over the U.$. have shown that they can never take away the fighting spirit from countless rebels.

As small tokens of our solidarity, on September 11th we hung a banner in Kamara, downtown Thessaloniki, that reads “Victory to the prisoners’ strike in the U.$. // Fire to the prison society” and on September 20th we participated alongside ABC Solidarity Cell and other comrades in a 2 hour blockade at the McDonald’s in the Athenian district of Ilion, holding a banner that reads “Solidarity with the U.$. prison uprising”. After the blockade we dropped the banner from the 58 in Exarchia, where it can be seen daily by hundreds passing by.

As the strike continues, so will our actions. As prisons exist, so will our fight to destroy them.

Themistokleous 58 Squat, Exarchia, Athens

in Greek

Italy: About the arrest of anarchist Divine Umoru

On August the 2nd 2016 the Italian police stormed the house of anarchist Divine Umoru in the city of Bologna arresting him under the accusation of possessing explosive materials for fabricating bombs. The comrade was first send to the prison of Bologna and then transferred to the high security section AS 2 of the prison of Ferrara, staying in isolation and without being able to communicate with nobody for 18 days.

On August 21st there was a solidarity gathering held outside the Ferrara prison, while on August 24th it became known that Divine had his first visit from a family member, saluting all those who supported him and communicating that he felt loud and clear the affection, warmth and rage of those gathered outside Ferrara prison.

The comrade can send and receive letters, though his correspondence is being controlled by the COs. His address at the moment is the following:

Divine Umoru
via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara

A video from the solidarity gathering on August 21st:


Avalanche – Anarchist Correspondence, issue 8

Click image to read/download Avalanche no° 8

French versions is also available, on

For copies, contact: correspondance[at]

Warsaw: Judge posts bail for the Warsaw 3. A week to collect funds

screen-shot-2016-09-15-at-19-16-09The Warsaw 3 have been arrested in May and kept since then in a high security jail with very limited contact to the outside and are facing severe sentences under the new anti-terrorist and anti-anarchist laws. They are still awaiting trial.

Today during a court hearing concerning the filed complaint for the prolonged arrest of the 3 anarchists, a decision was made to release them on bail. A fee of 20 thousand PLN (4600 euro) of bail was set for each of them. If the money is transferred in a weeks time (7 days from today, until 21st of september), the arrested will be released and kept under police surveillance instead.

60 thousands PLN (13 800 euro) is a fortune for the families and friends of the arrested. Gathering these funds in one week time seems barely possible. If you can – show your support, either financially or by forwarding the call for collecting funds. Every euro brings us closer to getting them out.

Leaving the arrest would mean for the arrested anarchists the end of everyday tortures they suffer after more than 3 months in solitary confinement. We cannot let this chance slip out of our hands!

Support here:

Account Holder: VpKK e.V.
IBAN: DE 4085 0205 0000 0361 5700
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
Note: Donation ABC Warsaw \ ACK Warszawa

IMPORTANT: Do not forget about the note “Donation ABC Warsaw” or “ACK Warszawa”. Without it nobody will know that your donation is specially for three anarchists from Warsaw.

More info:

Athens, Greece: Prison profiteer McDonald’s blockaded at Syntagma Square

Banners read: “From Koridallos to Lucasville, fight against prison slavery” / “Solidarity with the struggle of US prison inmates against slavery”

On Saturday evening September 10th 2016, McDonald’s at Syntagma Square was blockaded for two hours in solidarity with the struggle against slavery which has already begun in American prisons, as of September 9th.

McDonald’s is one of the key companies that exploit the regime of slavery imposed on prisoners in the United States, a regime securing the multinational giant more profits.

During the 2-hour blockade we distributed many texts to passersby, in both Greek and English, and threw flyers. We ended our action without incident when demonstrators from hot spots (migrant camps) and migrants housing squats arrived in Syntagma. We joined their demonstration, chanting slogans in solidarity with migrants.

Assembly of Solidarity with the Struggle of Prisoners against Slavery

Next open meeting:
Monday September 12th, 7pm, Athens Polytechnic School (Gini building), Exarchia.

[Agrinio, Western Greece] Apertus squat: Solidarity with the struggle against slavery in US prisons

The US prison operation relies heavily on the work of the prisoners themselves, while many prisons have now been privatized. Also, prison labor is being exploited by multinational companies (Honda, McDonald’s, Victoria’s Secret, Starbucks, etc.). Payment that prisoner-workers receive for their labor varies from minimal to nonexistent. Furthermore, surveillance, inhumane conditions of detention, discipline, various methods of torture, etc., are traditionally the first choices for the smooth operation of these prisons.

Prisoners in the US, experiencing and realizing their exploitation, have taken part in many different mobilizations over the years, often linking their struggle to the oppression of women and juveniles who are in other prisons, and with migrants in the many immigration detention centers throughout the US.

Since September 9th, prisoners across the country, knowing that the prison facilities cannot function without them, have started abstaining from work in order to put an “end to prison slavery.”

Sweatshop labor in US prisons is a link in the long chain of modern slavery. A chain that starts by modern slaves (“invisible” migrants), child labor, forced prostitution, and reaches to the conditions of modern “formal” paid employment (unemployed, precarious, black-market workers, uninsured, resilient, temps, etc.). These areas of slavery are important building blocks of capitalism. The armies of modern slaves are producing enormous amounts of surplus value for capital, which is a prerequisite to its expansion. And the capitalist “underworld” of US prisons is an invisible but massive piece of this capitalist puzzle. It is no coincidence that the institutionalization of imprisonment, which was founded beside the ashes of burned “witches” of the Inquisition, to discipline body and spirit, coincides with the beginning of the capitalist mode of production…

Right now, female detainees in Koridallos prison have launched protests (since August 26th 2016) denouncing overcrowding and demanding humane living conditions and full medical care and nutritional support for HIV-positive prisoners. We can only stand in solidarity with the struggle for dignity waged by prisoners anywhere on Earth, considering that resistance to the barbarity of incarceration is an integral part of social and class struggles taking place everywhere.



September 9th 2016

Apertus squat
Free social space in Agrinio

Greece: Solidarity with prison rebels against slavery & white supremacy in America and beyond

On August 4th 2016, an info event was held at Themistokleous 58 squat in Exarchia (Athens), with the participation of Contra Info translation counter-info network and ABC Solidarity Cell, where a comrade from Portland ABC discussed details about the US wide mobilization against prison slavery and white supremacy on the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison rebellion (September 9th–13th 1971). Check out an interview on Radiofragmata web radio, as well as the recordings of the presentation during that event, here. (You can also hear another conversation, with the same comrade from Portland ABC, aired September 4th 2016 on The Final Straw.)

On August 25th, anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou, currently incarcerated in Koridallos prison (Athens), released a text explaining what September 9th mobilization in the US is all about. Excerpt from his writing: “Since 2010 there have been a number of mobilizations in US prisons, from hunger strikes and work stoppages to rebellions, for either elimination of solitary confinement or betterment of prison conditions, or the improvement of working conditions and remuneration.”

On September 5th, a meeting took place at the Polytechnic School in Exarchia, called for by the Solidarity Assembly for Political Prisoners & Imprisoned and Prosecuted Fighters. A new Athens-based assembly was formed to support the US prison strike. It was decided to release a poster in Greek and English, hold a PA’s gathering outside Koridallos prisons, and make a call for two days of solidarity action across Greece, between 16th and 17th September.

On September 8th, ABC Solidarity Cell published a statement regarding “US Prisons – The Dark Side of Slavery in American Society”. Excerpt from their text: “We are willing to manifest our solidarity in every possible way with US prison inmates throughout the duration of their struggle. In this direction, we call every collective, every cell of Anarchist Black Cross internationally, but also whoever wishes to support in their own way, to coordinate our forces on an International Solidarity Day that will be a point of reference for the international solidarity movement to supporting this struggle and will provide an opportunity for further intensification of our actions in the coming period. We propose this day to be October 1st. We consider the prospects, stakes and legacies that this particular struggle in US prisons may create to be an open challenge for every fighter who wants to contribute to waging an internationalized and coordinated struggle inside and outside prisons against modern slavery and the economic dictatorship of multinationals. Solidarity and strength to the struggle of prisoners in US prisons! Struggle is the only prospect of living with dignity! Fire to the prisons!”

On September 9th, the Urban Guerrilla Cell of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI/FRI, namely Christos Tsakalos, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polidoros and Olga Ekonomidou, anarchists incarcerated in Koridallos prisons, released a revolutionary statement titled “Gentlemen, the Dragon Will Fly Out” in support of the US prison mobilization as of September 9th, and in memory of Jonathan P. Jackson, George L. Jackson, and Attica prison rebels. Excerpt from their writing: “In every part of the Earth, prisons are a monument of people’s enslavement. Prisons are the most concentrated form of tyranny; the face of Power, without any makeup; the punitive nature of democracy; the vengeful sense of its justice. Every attack, every act of rebellion, every mobilization that disturbs the operation of prisons is a kick in the guts of oppression. It challenges its omnipotence, within its own walls. Certainly, the September 9th mobilization against slavery in US prisons may not be the anarchist utopia of freedom we wish for, but it can be a pebble in the pond that creates small ripples in the water. And oftentimes these ripples precede the outbreak of an enormous tide…”

On September 9th, some anarchist prisoners in the 4th wing of Koridallos men’s prison published a collective writing in support of the US prison strike. Excerpt from their text: “We know how hard it is to fight capitalism there where it’s most powerful, in the US; we also know that depriving it of a part of its profits is the only thing that can inflict substantial damage. That’s why this prisoner strike is so important. That’s why we send our solidarity and greetings to the rebellious dignity of prisoners in the US.” (Full text translation here.)

On Friday evening September 9th, the newly formed Assembly of Solidarity with the Struggle of Prisoners against Slavery, alongside other anarchist supporters from Athens, held a noise demo in the proximity of Koridallos prisons to spread the word about the mobilization in US prisons, but also in solidarity with all inmates in Koridallos women’s facility, who are protesting the deplorable prison conditions since August 26th. During the action comrades unfurled banners reading: “Solidarity with the struggle of US prison inmates against slavery” and “From Koridallos to Lucasville, fight against prison slavery”.

On Friday night September 9th, ABC Solidarity Cell hung a banner at the gate of the Polytechnic School, on Patission Street (downtown Athens), reading: “Solidarity with the struggle of prisoners in the US as of September 9th – We are not made by history; we create history”.

In Agrinio (western Greece), comrades of Apertus squat expressed their solidarity with the US prison mobilization, as well as with inmates at Koridallos women’s prison: “(…) resistance to the barbarity of incarceration is an integral part of social and class struggles taking place everywhere; against the restructuring, tightening of security, and privatization of prisons; the road to freedom passes over the debris of every prison.” (Full text translation here.)

Now is the time for uncompromising complicity with prison rebels in the US, Mexico, and all over the world!

Barcelona: McDonald’s spray-painted in solidarity with US prison strike

In the early hours of September 9th, some anarchists of Barcelona went to McDonald’s on Travessera de Gràcia Street to show our solidarity with the imprisoned comrades on strike in the United States.

A small action with which we intend to manifest that solidarity between the oppressed knows no borders or nations.

We also took advantage of this occasion to point to this multinational as responsible for the assassination and exploitation of countless human and nonhuman beings, making it clear that we won’t allow them to continue their criminal work without encountering resistance from the oppressed.

Against every authority!
Death to the State and its false opponents.

Spanish | Greek

Xanthi, Northern Greece: Solidarity with comrades suspected of participation in FAI (Italy)

We dropped a banner from the main entrance of the Polytechnic School in the city centre of Xanthi, reading: “Respect and solidarity to the arrested comrades of FAI”. Our thoughts go out to the comrades arrested for FAI attacks in Italy and all incarcerated comrades everywhere.

[Worldwide] Against Prison Slavery roundup

Roundup of actions across the world on It’s Going Down (continuously updated).

Also watch “Attica Is All Of Us” video from Freedom Archives; via Support Prisoner Resistance.

Italy [Op. Scripta Manent]: Current addresses of anarchists captured on September 6th

On September 6th 2016, Torino’s section of the DIGOS antiterrorist unit unleashed an anti-anarchist operation under the name “Scripta Manent”. House searches were conducted in various regions of Italy. Anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, incarcerated since September 2012 for kneecapping Adinolfi (Olga Cell FAI/FRI), received a new arrest notification in prison. Additionally, six arrests were made on the outside (five in the context of this operation; one as outcome of a house search).

Operation Scripta Manent seeks to attribute to the accused a series of actions claimed by FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation) in Italy. Therefore, the comrades Marco, Sandrone, Anna, Danilo and Valentina, alongside Alfredo and Nicola, are likely to face charges of “subversive association with terrorist intent”.

Below are their mailing addresses (that may change at any time):

Marco Bisesti
Alessandro Mercogliano

C.R. Rebibbia, Via Raffaele Majetti 70, 00156 Roma, Italia

Anna Beniamino
C.C. Via Aurelia nord km 79,500 n. snc 00053 Civitavecchia, Italia

Emiliano Danilo Cremonese
C.C. Via San Donato 2, 65129 Pescara, Italia

Valentina Speziale
C.C. Via Ettore Ianni 30, 66100 Chieti, Italia

Nicola and Alfredo are held in the AS2 wing of Ferrara prison:

Nicola Gai
Alfredo Cospito

C.C. Via dell’Arginone 327, 44122 Ferrara, Italia

Daniele, an editor of Croce Nera Anarchica, was captured that same day in the context of another arrest proceeding, after police found some batteries and an electrician’s manual in his apartment. He is likely to face charges of “possession of materials for the manufacture of explosive devices”.

The comrade can be contacted at:

Daniele Cortelli
C.C. Regina Coeli, Via della Lungara 29, 00165 Roma, Italia

Sources in Italian: Informa-azione & CNA; in English: ActForFreedomNow