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  • October 16, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Husband Sets Fire To His 23-year-old Wife In Afghan province A Herat man on Saturday doused his wife in petrol before setting the 23-year-old woman on fire in Anjel district, officials said. According to officials the incident took place after the two had an argument. The woman survived the incident but is in hospital. According to police, the husband fled the area but police are looking for the man.      Full news...

  • October 13, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan?s Shia Hazara Suffer Latest Atrocity
    HRW: A gunman wearing an Afghan National Security Forces uniform opened fire on Shia mourners at Kabul’s landmark Sakhi Shrine on Wednesday, killing 18 people and wounding 54. The attack on members of the Shia Hazara community occurred on the eve of Ashura, the Shia mourning day. Victims included four women, including Sumaya Muhammadi, a member of the Daikundi provincial council, and two children.      Full news...

  • October 12, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan ? Fool?s War
    Global Research: America was furious after the bloody 9/11 attacks. The Bush administration had been caught sleeping on guard duty. Many Americans believed 9/11 was an inside job by pro-war neocons. Afghanistan was picked as the target of US vengeance even though the 9/11 attacks were hatched (if in fact done from abroad) in Germany and Spain. The suicide attackers made clear their kamikaze mission was to punish the US for “occupying” the holy land of Saudi Arabia, and for Washington’s open-ended support of Israel in its occupation of Palestine.      Full news...

  • October 10, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Press under attack
    The Killid Group: Ahead of the second round of presidential polls in 2014, the two candidates – now president and chief executive – had signed an agreement to strengthen media rights and respect liberty of the press. In reality the media has to struggle for access to information and security, and if you are female against sexual harassment, says the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), which represents Afghan journalists.      Full news...

  • October 7, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The US invasion of Afghanistan has further sunk the region in terrorism! Fifteen years ago, the US and its allies bombarded our defenseless and helpless people, and occupied Afghanistan, under the pretext of “war on terror”. The US military intervention was undoubtedly the beginning of a new chapter of pain, suffering, and misery for our nation, as the Jehadi terrorists replaced the Taliban terrorists, and our country plunged into the abyss of fundamentalism, misogyny, corruption, insecurity, poverty, unemployment, drug trade, pillage of national assets, intervention of neighboring countries, and thousands of other catastrophes.      Full news...

  • October 2, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Gulbuddin Hekmatyar?s second coming is a US-Pakistan enterprise
    Asia Times: One of the most colorful figures of the Afghan jihad, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, recently signed a peace deal with Kabul which is also seen as a back-to-back US-Pakistan deal. Hekmatyar, who lives in Pakistan with his family, is known for his anti-Indian views. As India openly supports Baluchi nationalists in Pakistan, Islamabad wants to sever the ties between Delhi and Kabul and Hekmatyar can guarantee that in future. India has reason to be worried.      Full news...

  • September 30, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    U.S. drone strike kills 15 civilians in Afghanistan, United Nations says
    Reuters: At least 15 civilians were killed and 13 wounded in a U.S. unmanned aircraft strike in eastern Afghanistan, the United Nations said, calling for an independent investigation into the incident. The airstrike early on Wednesday morning hit what U.S. officials said was an Islamic State target in the Achin district of Nangarhar province.      Full news...

  • September 25, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan War Crimes Suspect Comes Home
    HRW: Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of Afghanistan’s most notorious war crimes suspects, who as prime minister in 1992 shelled his own capital, is coming home after decades in exile, thanks to a peace deal with the national unity government. His return will compound the culture of impunity that the Afghan government and its foreign donors have fostered by not pursuing accountability for the many victims of forces commanded by Hekmatyar and other warlords that laid waste to much of the country in the 1990s.      Full news...

  • September 19, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    US airstrikes kill up to 8 policemen in Afghanistan ? officials
    RT: Up to eight policemen have been killed in Afghanistan as a result of US airstrikes, officials told media. The US has confirmed one airstrike, but insists the assault was in response to a threat. An initial airstrike killed one policeman late Sunday, while a follow-up strike targeting first responders killed at least seven others, said Rahimullah Khan, commander of the reserve police unit in Uruzgan, according to Reuters.      Full news...

  • September 13, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Girl Exposes the US
    Rising Kashmir: No veil, no dupatta, not even a scarf, Heela Faryal (not her real name), in her early twenties, came wearing a buttoned Purple long sleeved Kurta and straight black pants with silver slippers. Curious Karachi college girls went up to Heela- Afghanistan’s lone woman participant in a conference on women, but the latter swiftly turned, avoiding any selfies with the excited girls. It was not for her to exchange phone numbers or emails. She remained quiet even as her glowing face with a halo of dark curly hair on her shoulders failed to hide her youthful enthusiasm.      Full news...

  • September 9, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Iranian police put Afghan refugees inside cages, on public display
    DW Dari (Translated by RAWA): The police of Sheraz city, Iran, put a number of Afghan refugees on public display inside steel cages as part of the police’s achievements. This action drew strong reactions from everywhere. Afghan parliamentarians protested the action calling it against human rights, human dignity, and international law.      Full news...

  • September 6, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Early Marriage is Cruel Form of Violence in Afghanistan
    Sputnik: According to a recent UN study, Afghanistan is amongst 41 countries in which at least 30 percent of women enter marriage as a minor. “Early marriage creates preconditions for gender inequality and young families have no stable material grounds.,” Nabila Mosleh, director of Ministry of Women’s Rights, told Sputnik.      Full news...

  • August 31, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Schoolgirls Run Gauntlet of Abuse
    IWPR: Zarlashta still dreams of graduating from school and going on to university, but she was forced to end her studies in the 11th grade. Each day as she made her way to Kandarhar’s Malalay High School she had to run a gauntlet of abuse from men who taunted and sexually propositioned her along the way.      Full news...

  • August 30, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Opium Production 40 Times Higher Since US-NATO Invasion
    teleSUR: Since the U.S.-led NATO invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the production of opium in the country has increased by 40 times according to Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service, fueling organized crime and widespread death. The head of the FSKN, Viktor Ivanov, explained the staggering trend at a March U.N. conference on drugs in Afghanistan. Opium growth in Afghanistan increased 18 percent from 131, 000 hectares to 154, 000, according to Ivanov’s estimates.      Full news...

  • August 26, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    More than 5000 cases of violence against Afghan women recorded in six months
    AP: As the United States prepared to invade Taliban-ruled Afghanistan 15 years ago, then-First Lady Laura Bush took over her husband’s weekly radio address to tell the American people that part of the reason for going to war after the attacks of September 11, 2001, was to liberate Afghan women from the brutality that had been forced on them by the extremists’ regime.      Full news...

  • August 25, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    18-year-old Afghan girl beheaded by in-laws
    VOA Dari (Translated by RAWA): The girl named Raihana, from Sheikh Almand village of Ghor province, married a young man last year and moved to Jowand district of Badghis province. Abdul Hai Khatibi, the spokesman for the governor of Ghor said that the girl was killed by her brother-in-law, with help from his mother and sister.      Full news...

  • August 24, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    17-year-old Afghan girl tortured with hot iron rods and killed by in-laws
    VOA Dari (Translated by RAWA): A 17-year-old woman fell victim to domestic violence, after she was beaten by her mother-in-law and father-in-law, and burned to death. The incident occurred in Guzargahe Noor district of Baghlan province. Khadija Yaqeen, head of Women’s Affairs in Baghlan told VOA that the girl was named Hoorjamal, and she was living with her in-laws after her husband travelled to Iran.      Full news...

  • August 22, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Young woman burned to death in Afghan province
    Khaama Press (Translated by RAWA): A report from Nangarhar province states that a young woman was burned to death the night before in her house. The media offices of Nangarhar have reported that the incident had occurred in Behsood district. The woman was named Sheeba and the reason for her killing is still not known.      Full news...

  • August 21, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghan Girl Dies In Iran Because Of Transplant Law Latifa Rahmani, a 12-year-old Afghan immigrant died in an Iranian hospital on Friday afternoon after being denied the opportunity to undergo liver transplant surgery. Latifa died in the Namazi Hospital in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz from liver failure, Iran media reported.      Full news...

  • August 20, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    The fight over a shrine for a tyrannical Afghan king
    The Washington Post: In the prevailing view of Afghan history, King Habibullah Kalakani was an illiterate highway robber who toppled a reformist monarch in 1929 and spent nine despotic months on the throne, brutally uprooting all traces of modernization, before he was captured by the royal army and hanged in Kabul.      Full news...

  • August 18, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    King Amanullah and the Struggle of Modernity in Afghanistan
    Khaama Press: Similar to our many other national achievements, our Independence Day is a blend of celebration and mourning — on this day in 1919 Afghanistan won full independence from the superpower of the time, it is also a day of remembering the short reign of the enlightened King Amanullah, who took enormous personal and political risks, and failed, to reform the Afghan state and society.      Full news...

  • August 17, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanistan: Rise in Military Use of Schools
    HRW: Afghan security forces are increasingly using schools as bases during military operations in Taliban-held areas, putting children at risk and depriving thousands of an education, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Afghan government should take immediate steps to curtail security force use of schools for military purposes.      Full news...

  • August 16, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    20 civilians killed in US airstrike in Afghan province, government and media silent (Translated by RAWA): According to reports received from Minari village of Khushamand district, Paktika province, more than 20 civilians were killed in an airstrike by US forces on August 12, 2016. Among the victims were Dr. Wirishman and members of his family, including women and children. The photos of the martyred were circulated on Facebook and showed the blood soaked bodies of Dr. Wirishman, his two sons, daughter, and cousin.      Full news...

  • August 10, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Afghanista?s healthcare system struggles to rebound
    Al Jazeera: Afghanistan has one of the worst healthcare systems in the world, with many having little or no access to medical treatment. Years of civil war have devastated the healthcare infrastructure, and unlike other countries in the region, Afghanistan has seen increasing rates of preventable diseases such as diarrhoea and respiratory infections.      Full news...

  • August 7, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Brother Allegedly Shoots Teenage Sister In Badakhshan A 15-year-old girl, who was in eighth grade, was allegedly shot dead by her brother after attending the birthday party of a friend, local officials said Sunday. Badakhshan police said the mother and brother of Chamman Gul were both arrested immediately after the incident.      Full news...

  • August 6, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    High Peace Council, a convention of national traitors and mercenaries of embassies After 9/11, George Bush and Tony Blair immediately attacked Afghanistan under the excuse of the Taliban’s refusal to hand over Osama bin Laden to the US. Additionally, the Taliban lackeys’ expiration date had been reached and the US planned to take its odious games forward through its Jehadi and technocrat creations, who had been under training and education in CIA schools for years.      Full news...

  • August 2, 2016 :: RSS :: Print :: Email
    Taliban publicly execute 19-year-old girl in North of Afghanistan
    Khaama Press: The Taliban militants have publicly executed a 19-year-old girl in northern Sar-e-Pul province on charges of abandoning her family due to a domestic issue. According to local officials, the girl, identified as Azada, was first tried in a desert court and was then shot dead by her brother and Taliban militants.      Full news...

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