Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tijuana: PEP stash house raid reveals arsenal and 122 kilos of crystal

PEP raid stash house 

In the latest in a series operations by the PEP (State Preventative Police) 122 kilos of crystal and an arsenal of weapons were found in a stash house, in Colonia La Cienega, La Mesa.  This comes just days after the PEP recovered 16.5 kilos of cocaine in an arrest, a crystal laborotio, and another 16 kilos of crystal in the last 24 hours.

In addition elements of the Army, and the PEP were involved in finding a narco tunnel, near the Tijuana airport on Thursday.  The PEP has been at the forefront of most of the latest hits to criminal groups in Tijuana, mostly involving CJNG.  Their tactics, outside activities, and motivations have been questioned.  

This latest seizure comes after a citizen complaint, (which is how many of these alleged seizures begin), the complaint detailed a man moving packages out of a vehicle, and into a store.  Elements of SEDENA and the PEP arrested one person at the scene, and seized 42 plastic bags containing 122 kilos of crystal, as well as boxes containing more crystal and marijuana.  

Reflective of the undercurrent of killing and war in Tijuana, also found was 13 rifles, including at least one rocket launcher, nine magazines, 163 cartridges.  It isn't unknown if these weapons were for shipment further south to areas like La Paz, Sinaloa, Jalisco, to aid in fights there.  It is likely they were to support groups in Tijuana, and likely were brought across from the United States.  

It is also probable all these recent seizures are tied to one group or cell leader operating in Tijuana, given their domino like trajectory, and the involvement of the PEP.  Fall leaves and wind sweep through San Diego and Tijuana, a slight chill of death and looming killing hangs in the air, with the weather, a cold winter of executions and death....

Sources: AFN Tijuana 


  1. Anyone else think it's weird how most pictures from Mexico have awful quality? Like you would think because of the proximity to the border or all the money that these narcos get that someone would atleast have a 720 HD camera or even a higher resolution picture camcorder. But I guess not, it's like they like taking crappy quality videos/pictures.

    1. You should be grateful that people behind the scenes work and take time to at least post these pictures for us to be informed, if you ain't like the quality gtfo of here and find a better site with pics that will pass your standard you fucking malagradecido, ah and this goes to ya'll that think like this goffy.


    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I dont think these are actual pics of the bust...i dont even think these are even real "busts" just another day in narco-tijuas

    4. The reason they use low resolution is because high resolution can give your location relatively easy.
      A simple hill in the background, a fresh paint on the wall, etc can very well used by intelligence agencies and spot you within minutes...

      These are not ISIS that are a state. These are criminals hiding in the shadows.

  2. If you want high quality pictures buy them some so you could get hd. The Narcos do have high quality videos look up the videos of CJNG or la tuta videos

  3. It looks like an agreement was finally made with the politicos and sinaloa is showing it's force. More to come gentleman...

    1. Y si. Ami se me ase que esos PEP's andan trabajando PAL Chapo.

    2. looks like LA Tia needs some CJNG freedom :) will be interesting how they will change their tactics from jungle fighting to urban warfare

  4. Jalisco taking blows left and right. - el perro miado

  5. Crystal is the weirdest of the drugs.

    122Kilos back in th day would have been detrimental.
    122Kilos today is getting cheaper and cheaper but purer and purer, the next person can cut it and Mark it up then the next then the next till it's terrible quality and over priced but who ever does is the bottom of the chain and the weakest link

    That stash house had 13 rifles 9 mags 163 rounds and a rocket launcher
    Hardly an arsenal or enough to have an armory.
    These guys where snitched on, but it's hard to think they are the main players

    That cell phone always traces back up the chain though

  6. How much does it cost the cartel with labor,materials etc etc to produce a pound of crystal and how much does it sell for wholesale to first person on us side of food chain? Also of topic but you never hear about how much it cost them to produce a kilogram of black tar? Also is cds and cjnj the ones that run the Heroin production or is it small cells of farmers that pay piso to the cartel to produce and move produce through the plaza's. Just curios on how much they are making compared to when the land that is now used for poppy plants was used for marijuana. Since now dirt weed is virtually worthless Cali outdoor is the new mex weed. Are they making as much or less or more? And opinions welcome or better yet anybody that is actually in the know about these things.

    1. Google can answer all those questions

    2. Umm yea not really. Goggle cannot answer what the loss of income from legalization of weed and how much is made up from that by increasing heroin production they cannot answer that.

    3. "Cali" has US military bases, the products they originate and manage as middle men has both 'feets' in the US/colombia shit, --the mexican narco-mierdocracia and its middlemen have one foot in prison, talk about some biiig difference

    4. How much is 122 kilos of meth actually worth? Never have messed with the stuff either using or selling but some family members that do say here in Seattle they can buy a ounce for 400 bucks which seems really cheap but idk, have seen on shows like drugs inc etc etc that a pound on the Texas border goes for 5-6k so how can a ounce cost 400? How much is that garbage in my opinion the worst of all the big 3 ie coke and smack the other 2 obviously tweakers seem to be on a whole other level of fu**ed. Worth?

    5. Por curioso murio el gato.

  7. No not really, but I noticed that the comments by some whining bitches from north of the border are awful quality.

  8. Where's CAF at seems like they went underground. Any how i was looking at the Gente de la Tia page and they said that Flaco has gone to Sinaloa to make a truce with Damaso is that true?

    1. Yes, alliances are being strengthened as we speak mi amigo

    2. So is CAF completely done then ?

    3. Not true, Flaco has no type of truce going in with damaso.The only proof is that article, but on the streets Flaco is still fighting against Sinaloa cartel.

  9. It will be interesting to see how the inter-governmental battle plays out; Feds and military switching to CJNG, state and local authorities (the cheapest to buy off) still remain under the control of CDS...we will see a lot more instances of state and federal forces drawing weapons on each other (as occurred recently in TJ)

  10. Citizen complaint means snitch in PEP talk

    1. that's a loop whole the feds use here too...
      the student has become the master


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