Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ministerial Police attempted to rescue owner and workers of one of the biggest meth labs discovered in Tijuana

Original article available at ZETA   Translated by El Wachito

During Tuesday afternoon of October 18 in the area of La Mesa de Tijuana, Federal Ministerial Police and elements of the Preventive State Police (PEP) pointed their firearms at each other after an argument that led to hand to hand combat. 

PEP officers accused the Ministerial officers of attempting to rescue 3 criminals who were in their possession. Meanwhile, Ministerial officers accused PEP of trying to extort criminals by stealing from them, and lying about being Ministerial officers.
Criminals detained during the operation

In front a house located in 12850 of the Las Ferias avenue of the Colonia Lomas de Agua Caliente, the State police had laying on the ground 3 criminals, identified as Arturo Felix, Rigoberto Mendoza and Jonathan Flores. They were found in possession of meth and the house in front was identified as a possible laboratory of drugs.

At the moment a meeting was taking place at the Second Military Zone Base. A meeting of coordination with the members of the area of operations of the Consejo Estatal de Seguridad de Baja California (Security council),  in the meeting the boss in charge of Minor Scale Drug Dealing "received a phone call" informing him of the address, and that a small group of man who identified themselves as elements of the Minor Scale Drug Dealing Department of the PGJE were asking 50000 USD to the detainees in order for them to be liberated. Therefore a group of man were sent to confirm the facts and stop the extortion, according to the PGJE.

Meanwhile from the Secretaria the data regarding this event is different, there is no complaint phone calls, and the PEP were conducting an operation that only the superiors knew of, and they assured that there is a registry of calls.

According to the State Police the Ministerial officers failed to identify themselves, and were trying to take the detainees with them "rescue" therefore PEP elements assumed a defensive position. They pointed their guns, insulted and accused each other of forming part of the criminal organization; PEP asked for reinforcements, and "two Ministerial officers were man handled".

The bosses communicated themselves through phone lines, and they demanded a change in attitudes and a claimed that there was a lack of coordination between corporations. It was confirmed that in both cases the personnel were part of the security of the State Government, and proceeded to arrest the criminals until they were turned over this morning to the Public Ministry of the Procuraduria General de la Republica (PGR).

Additional Info from "El Mexicano"

The ministerial Police defended Rigoberto Mendoza Gonzales, who according to El Mexicano (Local Newspaper) independent sources had in his cellphone the phone number of a Ministerial Officer.

The cook was Jesus Jonathan Flores Mendivil. The owner of the house 12850 was Arturo Felix Felix.

It is believed that the "Narcolaboratorio" (Drug Lab) belongs to CJNG.

860 grams of meth and a 2009 Dodge Ram white pick up truck with a cooler that contained 430 grams of meth were confiscated.

In the patio of the house plastic containers with 200 liters of an illegal liquid substance and another 200 kilos of the synthetic drug and chemicals were found.


  1. How often does this actually happen and NOT get reported. Looks like things is getting a bit wild.

  2. They were not Federales, they were State officers of the investigation branch. Ministeriales o Judiciales del estado, como se les conocia antes, los Federales ni apra eso sirven en la baja, the federales are useless in baja, they always go to strip clubs and to los tianguis picking up falluqueros, that´s all they do.

    This problem is between PEP and PGJE. Both state agencies.

  3. Replies
    1. 7:56 Cuidando las Casas de epn, MAO CHON' Y VIDEGARAY, mowing and watering the lawn, chasing the help...the usual, genny...

  4. The federales take it easy, orders of the army, and the marinas, they have taken control of the police work and the extortion of narcs and tourists and businessmen...

  5. Oh nice a fight to see who is actually more corrupted

  6. "¡No, este es mio!"

    Arguing over laboratorios de la metanfetamina, while Rome burns...

  7. Typical Mexican clusterfuck

  8. Is Javier Duarte really in Canada???? Can they extradite him to Mexico?

  9. this would NEVER happen in the US

    1. Of course not, ever heard about the Rampart Police Department here in L.A...also there is a movie called training day....

    2. LA PD is known for being corrupt. They pick and choose who to help

  10. First off wends was not the 18th it was the 19th so when did this actually Happen? also how in the world is this supposed to be the biggest lab ever found?

    1. it happened Tuesday night. thanks.. I already corrected the info...

  11. Absolutely hilarious :-))))))
    It could be a good script for a Hollywood comedy.

    1. How is that funny? It's called corruption and it's not a thing that only happens in Mexico

    2. 5:18- I can't stop laughing either. It's almost as ridiculous as a USA Secreatary of State exchanging access to USA and foreign gobs in exchange for contributions to her family entity that flies them around the world (when not on gob dolar) and employs their friends and entire family. In Mexico we call that corruption- in USA you call it your next president. USA is a country of hypocrite who cast stones at glass houses, and your states are united by only one thing - corruption in DC

    3. In the US corruption gets you jail time. In Mexico corruption gets you killed. Oh wait everything in Mexico gets you killed my bad. Collusion with the cartels the ...killed. Money laundering for the cartels....killed. Protecting the cartels....killed. Sentencing a cartel member....killed. Partying at a cartel run establishment....killed. Saying no to the cartel....killed. Saying yes to the cartels....killed. Cartels not recognizing your vehicle....killed. Cartels wanting your vehicle....killed. Standing up to the government....killed. Bad mouthing the government...killed. What I have missed??? Keep drinking the foolaid 6:43 nothing to see here move along lil soldier.

  12. Why doesn't my comments appear on BorderlandBeat this sucks

    1. 1052. If comments appear to interfere with administrator's lifestyles, risking their lives, they will not post it even if Realistically it risks your life and not Actually theirs. It's Mexico, and has its similarities to the "right on" communication like the United States

    2. 10:52 you have complained like a hundred times, please, learn sompim', change names, locations, money involved, country, disguise yourself as anonymous, and post again, whiny boy.

    3. @10:52
      Chale stop whinning ese. My comments don't get posted sometimes and I ain't tripping. Some pass some don't . es todo.

      El mariguano de zapopan

  13. Sounds like just another two gangs of opposite scum fighting over what they think is theirs.
    These fucks will never change yer only hope is the kids that will be doing this job in the future.

  14. They should've had a dance battle to see who would win the prisoners. Winner take all!!!


    1. El bulldog tiene lombrices en el pedorro, pero nomas le da risa.


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