Topic of the Week: Cross-Pollination

  • Posted on: 10 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

Drawing from last week's TOTW and the politics of everyday life. How does anarchism influence our actions, activities, jobs, hobbies, or other interests beyond the scope of anarchism? Where does this cross-pollination between anarchism and the rest of your life feel more substantial? What are some examples of anarchism informing or influencing your actions, interactions, or opinions in ways that have been positive? When have you tried to apply anarchist ethics, ideas, framework, etc. to something that didn't work out, either at all or how you hoped?

Italy – On the 28th September’s trial against a comrade from Genoa

  • Posted on: 11 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

Originally from

Reposted from the translation at Act for Freedom Now


On the 28th September’s trial against a comrade from Genoa

TFSRadio: ATL Antifa on Hammerfest, info about the Prison Strike, and some words on the NAABC conference

  • Posted on: 10 October 2016
  • By: Bursts

Podcasting at Episodes can also be found at TheFinalStrawRadio.NoBlogs.Org and you can now subscribe to us via iTunes! You can email us at and you can send us mail at:

The Final Straw
c/o AshevilleFM
864 Haywood rd
Asheville, NC 28806

Is Trumpism Fascism?

  • Posted on: 9 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Anarkismo - by Wayne Price

Summary: Donald Trump and those who follow him have shown certain specific traits of a fascist movement. Does that make Trump or the Trumpets into fascists? What is fascism? How is it counterposed to bourgeois democracy? Is there likely to be a fascist movement in the U.S.A.? How do we fight fascism?

What’s an Anarchy? A Response to ‘Delusion’ Among Anarchists

  • Posted on: 9 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Love and Rage (a Utica, NY Media Collective) by Derek Scarlino

In a recent article for The Hitch titled Libertarians and Anarchists: Delusion at the Political Extremes, site co-founder and senior contributor Josh Turner attempted a dissection of the respective ideologies aimed at proving his hypothesis that in spite of appearances, the horseshoe theory of political science brings these models closer together than adherents might otherwise allege. Turner certainly argues his case convincingly, but in the process sidesteps that aforementioned history dating back well over a century and instead takes easy aim at common misperceptions of anarchism.

[The Netherlands] Another area-ban for Hague anarchist

  • Posted on: 9 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

from contrainfo

Yesterday, an antifascist and anarchist from The Hague received another area-ban imposed upon them, five days after the expiration of the previous area-ban for several Hague anarchists.

This time, the area-ban applies to the center of The Hague and the Haagse Hout neighborhood during the coming Pegida demonstrations, and is accompanied by the requirement to report to the police station.

Blasphegme: An anarchist broadsheet on the walls of Paris

  • Posted on: 8 October 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

[From the first issue of Blasphegme: An anarchist broadsheet on the walls of Paris. It’s been getting pasted up around the city in the past month.

Blasphegme: A neologisme designating a blasphemy delivered in the form of spit (or phlegm) on all religions, whether monotheist or polytheist, whether the religion of the state or of capital, the religion of work or of the ego.

The blasphegme spits in the face of all gods and of all prophets, with no distinction between the various collective delusions that poison us, that keep us in awe of a higher power before which we must kneel.


Buenos Aires: SUV belonging to the Presidency of the Argentine Nation burned down

  • Posted on: 7 October 2016
  • By: thecollective

In response to the repression suffered by anarchist comrades living in the region dominated by the Italian State, by the DIGOS (Division of General Investigations and Special Operations) in the context of “Scripta Manent” operation, we burned down an SUV belonging to the Presidency of the Argentine Nation on September 25, at 1 a.m. at the junction of Marcos Paz and Pedro Lozano St., in the area of Villa Devoto in Buenos Aires.
