Blogger To WordPress Migration Guide with Permalink & SEO

About this Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Blogger to WordPress Migration Guide

If you run a blog on (BlogSpot) and want to move to self-hosted WordPress blog, this tutorial is for you. If you want to know why should one move to WordPress, please read this.

This guide is written keeping in mind an average not-so-techie blogger.

If you still find it difficult to follow or have any questions, please use our free support forum for help. Alternatively, you can hire us to do your migrations! 😉

Ok, enough of shameless self-promotion! Let's get your migration started...

#1 Goals - To Lose Nothing

Before we actually start, we should set some goals which we need to achieve in order to migrate without any traffic or search engine ranking loss. Our goals are:

  1. Import all posts, comments & pages.
  2. Maintaining permalinks for posts & pages (1-on-1 mapping between and WordPress pages).
  3. Redirecting permalinks for labels & search archives.
  4. Retaining all feed subscribers.

If you have noticed, in point 2 & 3, I have highlighted the words "Maintaining" & "Redirecting". There is a big difference between maintaining permalinks & redirecting permalinks. You can read more about it here.

Above are the minimum goals that should be achieved in order to retain all your links, traffic, subscribers and page-rank. Yes, Google pagerank can be retained if you follow each and every step without making any mistake.

An additional task can be making your new WordPress blog look like your old blog. You can check official WordPress themes directory for a free theme or simply hire us to get a theme designed.

#2 Different Cases - Subdomain v/s Custom Domain

Our goals are clear. Next you need to understand the differences between having a blog on a subdomain and on a custom-domain. Two different cases are:

  1. Blog with a subdomain address - e.g.
  2. Blog with a custom domain address - e.g.

There are a few more cases, we can skip them here for the sake of simplicity.

Subdomain Case

Technically, you can move to WordPress when your blog is on a subdomain and also maintain 1-on-1 mapping between posts and WordPress posts. But there are a few problems with all migration-related articles spread over the web:

  1. Most articles rely on JavaScript based redirect - search engines cannot understand it so they will be completely ignored.
  2. Some articles, propose the use of "rel=canonical" which has its own set of problems and cannot be relied upon.

In both the above cases, 1-on-1 mapping is achieved through "redirection". Ideally, for search engines, redirection should be 301 (server-side) which is not possible in this case.

On the hand, if you have your own domain, we can make some changes to WordPress so that it follows permalink (Post URL) structure similar to That way, 1-on-1 mapping is achieved through "maintaining" link as opposed to "redirection".

So for the subdomain case, the best solution is to - setup custom domain on You can find instructions for domain setup here.

Note: If you are currently using a subdomain (, this guide is helpful for you as well.

#3 Preparation

At this point, I assume you have:

  1. Your blog is on with Custom Domain Setup
  2. You have a web-hosting where you can install WordPress (WordPress installation Series on different web-servers)
  3. You have access to your domain's DNS records

Installing WordPress - at its final destination

In my article posted around 2 years back, and many other articles on the web, there is an intermediate step to install WordPress locally on your machine.

Over the time, we discovered that this step can be skipped completely. You can install WordPress on the web hosting that you have purchased directly with your custom domain which you are using on without modifying DNS records.

The trick here is to use a firefox extension called switchhosts to override domain locally. So all you need to do is create an entry in switchhosts with your domain name (with WWW) and use the IP address given by your hosting company (you don't need to buy a dedicated IP here)

Detailed instructions on how switchhosts is used are given here.

After creating a SwitchHost entry, install WordPress and check if the WordPress site appears in your browser properly for your custom domain.

At this point we are ready to import from

#4 Importing Data from to WordPress

WordPress comes with a built-in importer tool for Blogger. It is good enough to import posts & comments which are a major part of your blog.

Below are the right steps to do so:

From WordPress Dashboard, go to Settings -> Permalinks and select Custom Structure option and paste the following value next to it and save changes.


This will make your WordPress blog's permalink structure looks like blog. Do not use any other permalink structure at this time. You can change your permalinks structure later.

B. Import blog posts to WordPress

Now its time to import your blog posts to WordPress.

  • Go to Tools -> Import options and select Blogger options. A pop-up box will appear, click on Install Plugin to install the importer plugin in WordPress.
  • Click on the Activate Plugin & Run Importer.
  • Now you must be on Import Blogger page with a button named Authorize. Click on it and you will be taken to a page on (actually where you will be prompted to Grant access to your Blogger account. You may be prompted to log into your Google account if you are not already logged in.
  • Once you grant access, you will be taken back to the Blogger importer on WordPress. If you have more than one blog on your Blogger account, you will see all of them listed here. Just click on the import button next to the blog that you want to import into WordPress.
  • Once you click import, all posts and comments from blog start importing into WordPress. Importer may stop in between. In that case, the text on the button will change from Import to Continue. Keep clicking on it, until the button-text does not change to Set Authors, which indicates all posts and comments have been successfully imported. (NOTE:WordPress Importer does not import the pages from your blog.)
  • If you have more than one author in blog, you may need to click on add users on your WordPress blog (open the add user link in new tab/window of your browser) or you can optionally merge all posts for one author.
  • After creating users in WordPress blog refresh the previous tab. Either way go ahead and hit Save Changes!

At this point, your blog is completely imported. But wait, your images hosted on Blogger's server are still on there so don't delete your blog.

Fixing permalinks for imported post

Note: Please take back-up of your WordPress Database before following the process mentioned below. So that, if something goes wrong you can revert it back.

In step A, we configured permalink structure which makes permalinks look similar to permalinks. But we need to make them identical to retain all our traffic & SEO!

Look at the WordPress post link below:

And the following post link for the same post:

At this point you can use the following php script. Just copy-paste following codes into a file with name like fix.php and save/upload it to the WordPress folder. Then just open its URL from the browser. URL will be like: (replace with your domain name).

$res = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'blogger_permalink'");
foreach ($res as $row){
$slug = explode("/",$row->meta_value);
$slug = explode(".",$slug[3]);
$wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='" . $slug[0] . "' WHERE ID = $row->post_id");
echo "DONE";

On executing this script, the only output you must see is "DONE". If you see any error, please contact us, by using the comment form below.
At this point, check the post links on your WordPress blog. Their path part must now be identical to post link.

Migrating other content - Google Followers (GFC), Gadgets and Pages.

To migrate your Google Friend Connect Followers, follow the steps given in this article.

All other codes that you use on Blogger like in sidebar widgets, adsense, stats-tracking code need to be migrated manually from to WordPress. Follow this instruction.

If you have pages in then you need to create pages in WordPress as well and copy the HTML code from Blogger and paste it into WordPress page.

For Example,

On, the URL of your page looks like -

And after creating a page on WordPress, the URL looks like -

To redirect the Blogger Page URL to the WordPress Page URL, you can use the WordPress Redirection Plugin.

Testing new WordPress permalinks & SEO

Just google for where is your domain name. Click on any link from search results and you should land on the  correct post on your new WordPress blog.

#5 Changing DNS settings for your domain name

After the successful testing of your blog posts and other link result via Google, you can make changes in the DNS settings, which will propagate slowly across the Internet. Accessing and changing DNS settings vary from registrar to registrar. Consult your registrars Help pages or contact them if you are stuck. You can edit DNS settings by configuring the name servers.

For example, if you are using the Dreamhost web hosting, the nameserver values are NS1.DREAMHOST.COM, NS2.DREAMHOST.COM & NS3.DREAMHOST.COM. You can also change the A records and CNAME records associates with your domain name in Domain registrar.

Also you need to flush your computer's DNS cache periodically till you don't see your blog is gone from your custom domain! Please use Google to learn how to flush DNS cache for your operating system.

#6 Miscellaneous but important...

What to do with blog now?

First, swear that you will never delete your (now) old blog! 😛

Now you can go back to blog's custom domain settings and revert back to your old subdomain there. Next, you can use our Blogger To WordPress Redirection plugin and follow the instructions posted here.

At the end of those instructions:

  1. Your blog will become inaccessible. This is must for good SEO!
  2. Your subdomain will be active again but all visitors will be migrated with proper permalink structure.

Moving feed subscribers...

If you are using Feedburner or any third-party service for subscribers, update source feed URL as it will be changed with migration. Check out this post. If you don't use feedburner you can still use .htaccess hack to fix URL of your feed.

Just add following lines at the top of your .htaccess file which can be found in root directory of your WordPress installation.

#ATOM Feeds
RewriteRule atom.xml feed/atom/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule feeds/posts/default feed/atom/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule feeds/posts/default?alt=rss feed/ [L,R=301]
RewriteRule rss.xml feed/ [L,R=301]
#Comments Feed
RewriteRule /feeds/comments/default  comments/feed/  [L,R=301]
RewriteRule /feeds/comments/default?alt=rss comments/feed/  [L,R=301]

OR You can simply add new WordPress feed URL, inside blogger dashboard -> Settings -> Site Feed under Post Feed Redirect URL and then click on Save Settings.

Handling labels/archive pages...

You might face some problems while searching your blog on Google via such as your Labels and Archives links are redirected into WordPress but it still shows you a Not Found (404) Page.

For that simply add the following code into the .htaccess file:

#Redirect archives
RewriteRule ^([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_archive.html$ $1/$2/ [L,R=301]
#Redirect labels/categories
RewriteRule ^search/label/(.*)$ category/$1/ [L,R=301]

Enjoy WordPress!

WordPress has tons of plugins to make your life easier and richer! Since you are new to WordPress, don't burden yourself with thousands of plugins. You can start with our WordPress plugin series which covers some of the best WordPress plugins. You can also use this User Guide that will help you to learn the basics of WordPress as compared to blogger.

If something goes wrong...

Please use our free support forum. Avoid using comment form below for technical support-questions. In forum, you may also find your questions being answered already. 🙂

Useful Links [Resources]:

icon wink Maintaining Permalinks vs Redirecting Permalinks vs Broken Permalinks

421 thoughts on “Blogger To WordPress Migration Guide with Permalink & SEO

  1. followed all the things and have to say that’s a great tutorial.
    One thing i like to ask that what should we do with blogger means that i have to assign a custom domain name in blogger or not??

    1. Hi vivek,
      Good to know that you liked this user guide 🙂
      Answer to your question :
      1. you can stay with your current Blogger blog URL, if your blog is already with custom domain then that is fine as well.
      2.Do try out our Blogger to WordPress redirection plugin ? Even then if you have the same problem you can ask your query in our Forum

  2. Thanks a lot for replying to my queries. One more thing i like to ask is that, we have created a .htaccess file and added the following code in it (mentioned by you).
    Now if i want to install wp-db back up plugin to back-up my wordpress blog it create a new .htaccess file with name .htaccess-bak.

    Now i want to know, how to fix this error. two .htaccess file??

    1. Hey Vivek, I think there might be a problem with the Wp-db backup plugin. You can ask your query in our – forum
      I’m sure our team would be able to resolve your issue.

          1. I looked at the link and can’t seem to figure out where to upload the file into my GoDaddy hosting site. I do not use Mozilla and therefore do not use the program shown in the video.

            Thank you in advance.

  3. Is there a variation available in these instructions for a custom domain in blogger to a different custom domain in wordpress.

    My blogger domain is and I established a new blog at a few weeks ago, imported all content/comments across etc, but have not put in place any redirection – foolish I know! Any ideas? Much appreciated.

  4. Thank you very much for this tutorial. but I have to ask a question. my blogger blog using a custom domain like “”. I want to use it( with wordpress without loosing any traffic or page rank.before follow this tutorials must I remove this custom domain on blog and apply it to the wordpress blog? please explain this.

    1. After importing all the contents from blogger account blog, you can change your blogger blog URL to subdomain (, so that people who bookmarked your old subdomain URL will also get redirect to your WordPress URL. And also you will not get blogger page with the message like You are being redirected.

      1. sorry.I have to ask a another question. my blogger blog has about 1000 blog posts and 1500 comments. Is it a problem ? thanks.

      2. Excellent Tutorial Nitun, I have searching this kind of complete guide and finally its ended with this site.

  5. Hi, I haven’t started my migration yet using this tutorial but before I start I want to know… How will I do the migration if I have 4 different blog site from Blogger to move to WordPress MultiSite?

    1. If you have already setup 4 domains or Subdomains for new WordPress Multisite, then import posts and comments from blogger blog to your respective WP blog (domain) by going to its dashboard and use blogger import tool. And follow the above instructions. Or you can contact us directly to migrate your blogs.

  6. I have just completed the migration – Thank you so much. I did run into one problem with the php script. I uploaded to the wordpress folder as mention – but I got “error can not found the page- when I uploaded the url.

    When I checked to see if my pages matched up anyway – some did not – which means the php script did not work for me. Can you help me with this?

  7. Hi, I followed your advice and registered a custom domain name through Blogger. But I’m now confused, what is my next step? By the way, I already have a Hostgator hatch account… I appreciate your assistance..

    1. Hope you followed all the steps given above. There are some .htaccess rules given in this article, you need to add all the rules at the top of your .htaccess file.

  8. Actually the .htaccess rules you mentioned for labels/archives re-direction, i added them AFTER the exsiting rules in .htaccess. Do I need to add them to the TOP of the .htaccess?

  9. Hey ! thanks a lot for the tutorial…….you rock man…….but i cant understand the “Fixing permalinks for imported post” Step.
    How do i upload that script and where will I find these instructions ?
    I started with wordpress today and u’re my 1st guide, pls. help I have no knowledge about this. please explain in detail to me bro.

    Thanks a lot ! 🙂

  10. Hello Nitun, I am using a custom domain in my blogger blog. I want move my blogger blog to wordpress and want to use this same custom domain with WordPress. Following this tutorial, can I do this without loosing traffic and permalinks ? Please reply soon.

    1. Hey Sahan,
      If you are using custom domain with blogger blog and same domain you are going to use for WordPress after migration, then the post URL will be same as in WordPress that currently you have in blog. So the there will be no problem of loosing traffic.
      Note: Follow all the steps given in this article, including “Fix Permalinks..” section.

  11. Thank you very much for your valuable answer. Please tell me at what stage we can change our blogger blog URL from custom domain to blogspot subdomain and apply it to wordpress hosting. Becuse when we installing WordPress to the server we must have a URL for WordPress. Hope you can understand what I mean. Thanks.

    1. Hey, you can install WordPress in hosting server with the same custom domain URL. For that we already mentioned process in Installing WordPress – at its final destination section. No need to change blogger blog URL to subdomain.

  12. I have an existing blog on Blogger. Should I install a new WordPress template BEFORE or AFTER I transfer the blog to WordPress under my own domain? (I have NO experience with WordPress whatsoever, so your transfer tutorial is MUCH appreciated!)

    1. Hi Julia,
      There will be no problem whether you install new WP template Before or After the content importing from blogger blog to WordPress.
      As you are new in WordPress, here is a series of posts for WordPress beginners that might help you to tweak in WordPress.
      If you want, contact us directly for your blog migration.

  13. Hey

    Ok so whenever I move my posts from blogger to wordpress the “read more” link is still in the post and whenever I click on that link it redirects me back to my blogger blog.

    Is there anyway around this?

    1. I think your blog post content itself having “read more” link, so you need to remove that. Because WP importer will only import content part from blogger blog.

      1. But so many of my posts have the read more link embedded into them. Is there anyway to remove all those links with some kind of code or something?

  14. Do you have any suggestions/fixes for when the importer doesn’t work…or doesn’t get all of the comments/posts, etc?

  15. I’m a little confused as to where to put the php script? I can’t figure it out! Is there a specific location? I don’t know how to get to my wordpress folder…

  16. I have a domain name at Ipower that I’ve been pointing to my Blogger blog for the past year or so. (Just pointing to the URL, no change to DNS settings.) So NOW what do I do?

    From your tutorial, it looks like that I should create a “custom domain” at Blogger. No problem, I own a real domain name. But do I have to make a bunch of changes to DNS settings, too? I didn’t see any instructions for Ipower users in your other tutorial.

    I’m nervous about this switch, and I want to get it right the FIRST time! Thanks.

    1. First you can add your custom domain for your blogger blog, then wait for around 3-4 weeks until search engine changes your result with new Domain URL. After that you can make switch to WordPress.
      Yes, we yet to write about Ipower domain registrar(hope we will add in our custom domain setup series very soon). You can ask to your Ipower support team for DNS settings. Or if you want, you can contact us for blog migration.


  17. Everything gone fine even fix.php too said “done”, but when i click on a link to blogger imported post it redirects to homepage

    1. Hi Arun,

      Your blogger blog and all posts are not redirecting to WordPress blog posts. And also I couldn’t find any link which is redirecting to homepage. So please let me know, what exact problem you are facing. Feel free to ask in our support forum OR you can find many of your answers there.

  18. Hello Nitun,

    For example, I have created a blogger post with title “Complete Blogger to WordPress Migration Guide”. URL of the blogger post is :

    Later I have changed the title as “Blogger to WordPress Migration Guide”. As we know blogger post URL did not change when we change the post title.

    My blog has hundreds of blogger posts like this. Will it be a problem to maintain permalinks when I move my blog to WordPress from Blogger, following the steps of this article.


    1. No, it will not create any problem, your blogger blog posts permalinks will work fine after migrating into WordPress. Please follow all the steps given in this article.

      1. Hello Nitun,

        For example, I have created a blogger post with title “Complete Blogger to WordPress Migration Guide”. URL of the blogger post is :

        Later I have changed the post publish date as 2011/07. As we know blogger post URL did not change when we change the post publish date.

        Now when I move my blog post to wordpress, new url look like this:

        My blog has hundreds of blogger posts like this. Will it be a problem to maintain permalinks manually when I move my blog to WordPress from Blogger, are there any code to fix this automatically?

        Thanks again.

        1. Hi Samantha,

          I understood your problem, but there is no predefined code to fix such URLs. Either you may do it manually or you may hire our team to fix this issue.

  19. “A message box will appear, which asks you to completely install SwitchHosts, click OK.”

    When I try to do above step, alert box shows and says “c:windowssystem32driversetchosts is not writable.”

    I am using windows xp service pack 3, with administrator account. please help.

    1. Hi Sahan,
      As the message is showing in alert box, you need to give write permission to hosts file.

  20. Hi, I have the latest version of firefox 4.0.1 and the instructions you’ve linked to for using switch host is for an older version. I have installed it but cannot figure out how to make the changes as the format is completely different. Do you have any updated instructions please?

    Thanks a lot!

  21. I am thinking of migrating my Blogspot blog to WordPress soon. I have read your tutorial above and I’m wondering, is this the best and safe method of redirecting Blogger to WordPress? Could I get banned by Google, as I have read in the Blogger forum. Please advise.

    1. Hi Ralph,
      Yes, this is the best method to migrate your blog into WordPress. We wrote this article by our own experience, hope you are aware of our migrated blogs portfolio (150+). We never faced such issue with our migration process further more our developed Blogger To WordPress Redirection Plugin is successful (7000+ downloads) and we never found any query in our free support forum. So that you no need to worry about this method, just follow all the steps given in this tutorial.

  22. Hi, If any error has occurred, can I revert to the Blogger again without affecting permalinks or any SEO ?

  23. Hi,
    I did a 303 redirect using a wordpress pluggin for my old blog to the new website. Now the redirect has worked well but there is a logical problem. If i try to click on any old post links they are diverted to the home page of my site and no to the particular article which should have been.
    Is there any tweak on .htaccess file. please help me 🙂
    my .htaccess looks like this

    # BEGIN WordPress

    #Redirect archives
    RewriteRule ^([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{1,2})_([0-9]{1,2})_archive.html$ $1/$2/ [L,R=301]
    #Redirect labels/categories
    RewriteRule ^search/label/(.*)$ category/$1/ [L,R=301]

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress
    Please help

      1. buddy i have seen all your forums and the links that you have spoken about. i told them to disable the security and they screwed by site to a 404 error. so i have asked them to revert back.since the hosting people are dumb so can you tell what i should tell them so that they can rectify it or i can manage to do so . thanks for ur reply.

        1. The same problem was faced by one of our reader Palla Ramarao with hostgator hosting support and on next attempt he got the solution from them, you can find that here. The term that you need to ask in support team is To release the security rule for connecting remote sites.

          1. Thanks Nitun, u guys just are ROCKSTARS and hostgator india have some amazing dumb people who are still not able to figure out. can i do something from my end .. thanks.

          2. I don’t think, there is another option to release security rule for remote sites for your shared hosting other than support team. Only thing you can do is change hosting server.

          3. THANKS is the word i can tell, if someone follows your simple video he can do the whole redirect process. And guys if you have hostgator service provider just tell them – “To release the security rule for connecting remote sites”. So that your links don’t land on the home page. My problem is resolved and finally I can smile. A big thanks to you guys.

  24. I tried to import the post and it shows

    The page you have requested cannot be displayed. Another site was requesting access to your Google Account, but sent a malformed request. Please contact the site that you were trying to use when you received this message to inform them of the error

    How i solve this

  25. Hey you gotta help me a lil fast on this man.



    I updated the the permalink structure in the admin panel with /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/, I can see all the post in the admin panel having a good permalink structure like this :

    but when I go on the blog and click on the article it takes to a URL like this :

    Both these links refer to the same article. How can I make the first link structure as the default one even when we click on article from the site.

    Somehow I thought that running fix.php might fix this. So I ran it and it did something that my pretty permalink structure no longer refers to the post URL . CAn you please help me revert the changes fix.php did.

    Would appreciate a quick response


    1. Hey Tarun,
      I found few problems:
      1. All the post with this link…. , it something like you have WordPress setup in /wordpress folder.
      2. All the posts links having page_id=… URL instead ?p=.. , means all posts URL are showing page id.
      3. This URL should show WordPress default post listing (if you have WordPress installed in /WordPress/ directory).

      Another thing: fix.php will only update the post slug, it will not make any changes in permalink structure. So this is not the problem with it.
      Hope you will make change in your WordPress setup (you need to do all the steps from beginning).
      OR to overcome from this you can hire our team also.

  26. Is there a way to also redirect pages, not just posts,archives & labels? Everything is working well but now when I visit old pages (not posts) on blogger, they redirect to a “page not found” blogger page.

    1. Hi Nicki,
      If you have .blogspot URL for blogger blog then pages will not redirect to WordPress. And if you are using custom domain for blogger blog from beginning then it is possible to redirect pages in WP.

  27. Hello, I installed wordpress on hostgator for my custom domain. However, I am unable to login into my site at because my domain is pointing to the blogger host. I would like to get my wordpress site finalized before pointing the domain at hostgator. I am confused about how I can accomplish this. Apparently you mention this in the tutorial, but I could not figure it out. I got lost with the switch host instructions. I don’t understand how you can switch hosts without changing the name servers. Thanks

    1. Hi Sean,
      If you followed the steps of the Switch-host tutorial it should work fine. You just need to add IP of your hosting that given by Hostgator in the switch-host add-on settings. Still you are facing some issue, feel free to ask in our Support forum.

      1. Hi! I did follow the steps but I still can not see the wordpress site on my custom domain.
        I bought the hosting from Hostgator and put in siwtchhosts the name of the site (both with and without www) and the IP address I received on Hostgator email.
        Thank you

        1. Hi Francesac,
          Make sure you are switching the correct option with switchost addon. Also you can verify the IP address is correctly associate with your domain name.

  28. I got a question to do with the permalinks.

    My blogger posts will have a link like – “http://example/2011/06/workspaces-6.html”

    However when I copy the post over to WordPress it’ll show “http://example/2011/07/workspaces-6.html”

    The difference I’m trying to point out here is the “MONTH” of the post, first one showing “06” but the second one showing “07”. How can I change the month within the permalink on WordPress?

    1. Yes, I can see that difference. This generally happened when first time you published post in blogger blog then again after some days/months the same post will get updated. But blogger saved that post permalink with previous date. And while importing posts into WordPress it fetch post with latest published post date.
      The solution for this: You need to manually update the date for that post which you have imported into WP with the blogger permalink date. Your post permalink will automatically get changed.

  29. thanks for tutorial. I followed your instructions but I did not get the www version of my domain to show up in wordpress. do i fix that with host gator or in wordpress? all my links point to www version is why i’m concerned. thanks

    1. Hey Sean,
      You need to change site URL and WP URL in your WordPress admin section under Settings->General option, add www in both the URLs. Also make sure in your domain registrar the WWW cname is associates with hosting account IP address.

  30. I purchased my domain and have already loaded my wp template – it is just waiting for me to move my blog posts/comments. If I fix the URL to match blogger and use their import tool – what steps do I take to preserve my page rank? For example, if I set up my domain name on blogger, will that negatively impact all of the wordpress customization I have already accomplished on the new site?

    1. First setup custom domain in your Blogger blog. I will suggest you to wait for 2-3 months (depends on Google results) until Google index your blog with new custom domain. When your complete pages are indexed by Google then move your Blog into WordPress.

      1. i went ahead and moved my posts – I can perform some SEO to get page rank – however, I noticed that the comments did not come over to the new site – although the commenter’s name came over but nothing is in the comment box. Your instructions are great. Clear and easy to follow. thanks!!

        1. Sometime blogger do not provides complete xml (export) file to WordPress default importer tool , hence some comments or posts are not imported in WordPress.

  31. Hi, is there a way to delete recently imported posts and comments from Blogger? I have multisite and accidentally imported to a wrong site, now the posts are added to one of my sites. Do you have some suggestion aside from manually going through some thousand posts? 🙁

    1. Hi Neo,

      Sad to hear that. I guess, its quite painful to do the task manually for thousands of posts. 🙁
      However, Our technical team can fix the issue by getting into the database files, you may contact us for the same.

      Hope we will fix it at the earliest.

  32. Thanks for the great guide. I am moving my blogger blog to a wordpress theme that does not allow me to have my blog on my homepage or index file. The theme is designed for the blog to live on a separate folder ( Will putting my blog in a sub folder mess up my SEO or blog feed? I do not have a feed burner account so am I correct to assume that my subscribers are using Atom for the feed? I’m confused and don’t want to lose rankings or feed subscribers. Thanks

    1. Hi Sean,
      If you are using custom domain with your blogger blog, then you can easily move into WordPress with sub-folder ( with 301 redirection. There will be no problem in SEO and feed. But if you have .blogspot URL then there might be an issue with SEO. My suggestion is to go with custom domain in blogger first then only move over the WordPress after certain duration.

  33. This is great, and I’m glad I found your site. After doing step 4A, WP said I needed to update the .htaccess file with some code it provided. I tried to do that via FTP, but for some reason the file wouldn’t upload….?

    1. Hi Holly,
      Please check the permission for .htaccess file. You need to make it writable, so that you can add/edit code in it.

  34. Hello Nitun,

    This is really a best article about blogger to wordpress migration. I have to ask a one question. When I move my blogger blog(it has a custom domain) into WordPress(with same custom domain), what I must do for my blogger blog? because images hosted on blogger, we can not remove our blogger it has the blogspot domain. can’t Google identified our new wordpress version of the blog as a spam?

    1. Hi Wickram,
      You can keep all the post images on blogger account, no need to remove blogger blog, all the images will work fine on new WordPress and serve by old blogger blog.
      And now blogger blog has .blogspot domain as you said; hence all the old blog posts will redirect automatically to new WordPress blog (Make sure you are using our Blogger To WordPress Redirection Plugin and followed all the steps given in above article) so Google couldn’t find duplicate content.


      1. Thank you very much Nitun your for reply. only one thing to ask. I am using my custom domain since the first date I start my blogger blog. so, is it necessary to use “Blogger To WordPress Redirection” for my blog?

        1. Ohh, if you are using custom domain since first day, then no need to use Blogger To WordPress Redirection Plugin. Custom domain will work fine for WordPress blog instead blogger blog.

          1. Nitun. You have said “Your blog will become inaccessible. This is must for good SEO!” under “What to do with blog now?” section. But I am not going to use Blogger To WordPress Redirection Plugin,as you said.So still someone can access to my Blogger blog using blogspot domain. This will be a problem for SEO?

            I am sorry for many questions.

          2. As you have custom domain with blogger blog from day one, so there is no need to change blog URL into .blogspot URL. You just need to change DNS records for custom domain which will be pointing towards WordPress hosting. So everything will work fine and your blogger blog will become inaccessible. In this case your blogger blog post links will be maintained instead of redirection, check this article.
            Note: Please cross check all the steps given in above article.

  35. Hi friend, I have included my feed using json feed to show recent posts of my blog on many other blogs.(about 400 blogs).I have a custom domain since first day. When I move to WordPress, is there a where to still work my json feed code, because changing feed code more than 400 blogs is really painful. Also when I move to wordpress it will be cause to decrease my feedburner readers? Please reply soon.

  36. Hello, is there a reason why you don’t mention using the Post Feed Redirect URL inside of blogger to redirect the blogger feed to WordPress ( It seems less complicated than using a .htaccess hack for users who don’t use feedburner. Thanks

    1. No that will not affect page rank, but you can add www in WP URL by making changes inside WP dashboard Settings -> General

  37. Hello Nitun,

    I am using Feedburner, so I followed this instructions:

    Also is it ok to add the code you have mentioned above into .htaccess file?

    #ATOM Feeds
    RewriteRule atom.xml feed/atom/ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule feeds/posts/default feed/atom/ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule feeds/posts/default?alt=rss feed/ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule rss.xml feed/ [L,R=301]
    #Comments Feed
    RewriteRule /feeds/comments/default comments/feed/ [L,R=301]
    RewriteRule /feeds/comments/default?alt=rss comments/feed/ [L,R=301]

    please reply soon. thank you.

  38. Also my domain register is GoDaddy. Hosting provider is Hostgator. I have created few sub domains and they are working with blogs.changing nameserver of the domain to work with Hostgator, it will affect to my sub domains working with Because when changing nameservers to work with Hostgator, we can not enter into GoDaddy DNS manager.

  39. hello
    I have custom domain on shared hosting with godaddy ! I use it on blogger after long after my blogspot created ,however do I need to restore the dns to the default on godaddy before i transer to wordpress ! any other setup i need to do with blogger before doing anything ! I tried to install wordpress but I don’t see my domain there ,maybe because it’s used with blogger yet !!! any advice please ? thanks a lot….

    1. Hi Saer.

      I would suggest you to read the ‘Installing WordPress – at its final destination’ section of above DIY Tutorial. You may find the process to change IP by using Switch-host. Once its done, you can install WordPress on Godaddy server.

      I hope it will solve your problem.

  40. When I imported my blogger posts to wp, wp used the title of my blogger posts to create the wp url. Why did it do that? Most of my blogger posts titles where different from the actual blogger url so now it’s not redirecting properly at all. Please help. I need for wp to capture the actual url of my old blogger post and not the blogger post titles.

  41. Hi
    I’m moving my blogspot to wordpress. I’m on step#3 of this tutorial. In fact I just made the instalation of WordPress at hostgator using Fantastico. Now I’m stucked with switchhosts, I have version 6.0.2 of Firefox instaled, switchhosts add on doesn’t exist for this version. Now what do you recommend? downgrade firefox for which version? Install wordpress on my pc? Is this going to compromise my blogger to wordpress move. What about the instalation already done at hostgator?
    Thanks in advance for your soon answer.

      1. Thanks Nitun,

        I was expecting something easier, now I have to go and see what my system’s host file is because I never thought that such thing could exist in my system and check what IP adress hostgator use.

        Thanks anyway

  42. Hi Again
    I guess that I won’t need to use switch-hosts. Hostgator has the alternative of use a temporary URL. So I have a working installation of wordpress on that alternative URL and my custom domain is still pointed to Blogger. Being so the system host file with hosgator’s IP adress alternative stays for later and I’m jumping to step#4 of this tutorial.

  43. “Handling labels/archive pages…”
    I have added your code to .htaccess but still having problem with label as you can seen on simple google search “”
    Can you tell me how to rectify it as i have been getting tons of errors on WMT due it

  44. Hi there and congratulations on this excellent guide post!

    I have recently bought a custom domain for and I will wait for 2-3 weeks for the search engines to cache links. I am planning to follow the process described above but I would like to skip the redirection part. If I maintain but, delete all posts except one with redirecting information (link, explanation etc) to, all*.html links will land on blogger “Page not found” page and subsequently (by user clicking) to Do you think this is a viable solution to my problem;

    Thanks in advance!!!

  45. Hello Mr Nitun,
    I have done as what you have instructed in your comprehensive tutorial. My problem is all the post interlinks in my newly setup WordPress are directed to my old Blogger blog posts. Where have I screwed up? Please advise. Thanks in advance.

  46. Hi,

    I am going to officially move the blogger blog over to WP and activate it over the weekend. But I did the import into WP and that went fine. I ran the fix.php and got the ‘Done’ report. Everything looks good except for CATEGORIES. When I view POSTS -> CATEGORIES it shows NO Categories in my list, even though it says that there are 9 items.

    When I go into a an individual post to edit. I see NO Categories in the “All Categories” list, but I do see the 9 Categories in the “Most Used” list. I tried to re-create the ‘Uncategoried’ category, and it let’s me do it, but then it doesn’t register.

    Any idea what is happening here? Did I miss something?


    1. Hello,
      As you said, you can see 9 items(categories) in WordPress, means you have categories inserted into WP database but they are not showing on WP dashboard.
      You can reset WP and database and then re-import it again. Hope next time it would work fine.

  47. Nice tutorial, Nitun.

    I have bookmarked this article along with other sites offering tutorials for the much dreaded swap over from Blogger to WordPress.
    This particular tutorial of yours seems to be the most straightforward I have come across so far.

  48. Finally I have my blogger blog replicated at WordPress and online.
    The blogspot is “gone” now. Gone is between commas because I didn’t deleted it, yes you make all of us swear that we never delete it.
    To me this transition wasn’t easy, what I knew about WordPress was just to hear about it.I’m very happy with my migrating decision because now I can extend my blog in other directions that in Blogger I just could only dream about. This Blogger to WordPress tutorial works fine, the constant assistance given by rtCamp on this tutorial and either on forums is crucial for a clear understanding of the whole process and if for any reason you can’t get there, you can always hire rtCamp to do the job for you, you’re always granted.
    Until I found you I’ve never considered the possibility of migrating this way, but only make a new blog from scratch. Thanks a lot.

  49. Is there another way to import posts? I’ve tried for 4 days to import my blogger posts (from a custom domain) and I can’t get it to load the grant access page.

    1. Hello Brandy,
      We have developed our own importer tool which import all the content from blogger account. You can use our service and hire us to import all the posts from blogger account to new WordPress blog.

  50. Hi Nitun!
    This is the best tutorial I’ve found for migrating (and I’ve done a LOT of searching!). My blogger site is . My new wordpress site is still indevelopment , but I did the migration several weeks ago to make sure it would work…and it worked perfectly. Now that I’m ready to make the official switch I wanted to import a clean copy of my blogger site. So I deleted all my posts in wordpress and tried to reimport. Nothing came over. I deactivated the plugin and reinstalled it, and still I can’t get any posts or comments to import. I’ve searched the web for a solution but can’t find one. And now I’m panicking. Any clues as to how I can fix this?
    Thank you so much for your help!

  51. ..a bit of a correction. I just realized the 63 posts I’ve done in the last few weeks (since the original migration) came over. But the 2500 older posts did not migrate, even after deactivating the blogger plug in and reinstalling it.

  52. Hi Nitun,

    when you say upload fix.php to wordpress – which directory do you mean? I am using Filezilla with Bluehost. So do i just copy fix.php and paste it to public_html, or to a specific folder??

    Thanks for your reply!


    1. Hello Mshah,
      If you installed WordPress in public_html folder only, then you can upload the fix.php file in that folder only.
      For more details have a look in this video.

      1. Hi NItu,

        I had previously run your redirection plugin on my new WP blog (about 2 weeks ago), before knowing about maintain permalinks tutorial. So now I ran the fix.php, and it said DONE. but now, if I try to access my posts from a search page, they do not go to the correct wordpress posts. Do I need to remove your redirection plugin, which I had already ran before? and also remove the redirection code from my blogger template?

        Please advice on the best way to resolve this mess. If I keep redirection too, after maintaining permalinks, will it be a wrong thing to do? or is it that google started indexing my redirected URL;s, and now that I fixed permalinks, they got changed again, so Google will have to index them again?

        1. If you are using custom domain on blogger from day one, and used the same domain in WP, then no need to use our redirection plugin in WP blog, it means no need to add redirection code in blogger template. The fix.php code will do the maintaining permalink of all the posts.

  53. Hi Nitun, I’ve read and tried other “blogger to wordpress” articles, but yours seems to be the best of all. Honestly, I tried a couple of websites and their instructions which unfortunately did not work out for me. But I realized I did not switch to custom domain first, before starting the wordpress transfer process, so after reading your preparation assumption, I tried setting my new domain as custom domain on my blogger blog. Doing so, I encountered two problems: The Alexa rank goes for a six, and all my social button counters were reset to ‘zero.’ Nitun, what should I do so as not to loose these? However, thanfully, my Google PR is retained as such. Once this is resolved, then I’d like to take the plunge to WP transfer. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Harleena,
      I am glad you like our article :).
      After changing the custom domain for blogger blog, all the redirection will automatically handle by only. About the social icons and alexa rank, those are different (third party) entities for blogger, that’s why it get affected. You need to change the social icon script with new custom domain URL as well as use the new url for Alexa.
      Make sure that, once the Google search result is high with custom domain then only move your blog into WP.

  54. Hi there – do you know if this fix works with the new 3.3 version? The fix script says “DONE” and yet the permalinks aren’t changed yet. The meta data says – “blogger_b42ca1780c91b5cc52e6de95708d7fdd_permalink” under one of the permalinks NAME and the VALUE is “2907030154803041649” Does that look right? I would love to help donate towards a new script for fixing permalinks if one is needed – just let me know! I use this all the time!


    1. Hi Cathy,
      Yes, its working fine with 3.3 version. We have tested it.
      Regarding Meta Data: Those values are coming for draft posts.
      If your problem is still persist you can contact to hire me and provide some more details with URL.

  55. Hi Niyun

    Your post is very clear and helpful. I am tried to convert my blogger blog to WP but when I tried this –
    “The trick here is to use a firefox extension called switchhosts to override domain locally. So all you need to do is create an entry in switchhosts with your domain name (with WWW) and use the IP address given by your hosting company (you don’t need to buy a dedicated IP here)

    Detailed instructions on how switchhosts is used are given here.”

    I found that switchhosts is not available in current version of Firefox so I install Host admin. Currently I am using Ununtu 11.10, So can you help me how I edit host file manually to use this trick.

    1. Hello Swarup,
      For ubuntu, you can use terminal and edit the host file located here /etc/hosts
      Use the following command: sudo vi /etc/hosts
      Make the changes with domain and IP address.

    1. Hi Amanda,
      Make sure that you have saved the fix.php file on correct path. As I can see the given URL is showing 404 error. For more details refer this video.

  56. Hi Nitun,

    Sorry for the Typo error in my first comment.
    Your article is superb and I successfully convert my test blog to WP now I am going to convert my main blog.

    I just face one problem which is that beginning of my each post’s title and first line I get a “>” . Can you help me to remove this.

    1. Hi Swarup,
      The sign “>” is only inserted for either the localhost or sub-domain WP setup, if you are using the custom domain (like,, in this case you will not see any “>” in the content.
      You need to manually remove the “>” sign from all the posts. there is no other way to do this.
      Or you can hire us, our own developed importer will manage such cases also 🙂

      1. Hi Nitun,

        Thanks for help. I install WP on main domain ( but currently I visit my site by editing hostfile and also not changed to hosting nameserver. Probably for this cause I get this “>” sign.

        1. Hello Swarup,
          We never faced such cause (“>” sign) with custom domain. So I can’t tell you what could be the problem with it.

  57. Your instructions are written very well. I’m getting a 404 error when running fix.php. Could this be because it’s on a subdomain?

    1. Hello Amanda,
      You need to make sure that the fix.php file is located on the correct path with all the WP root folders. OR you can contact to your hosting support team. They might help you for the same.

  58. I am moving an Blogger site into an existing website and I want to put them all under one of my WordPress categories.

    My permalink structure is already set. Won’t I mess up my current SEO if I change the permalinks to properly display the Blogger site permalinks?

    1. Hi Jim,
      You can keep the current WP permalinks, it won’t affect the current SEO of WP.
      When you changed the URLs of any pages, it is vital that you redirect requests for old blogger URLs to the equivalent WP URLs. Hence the only concern is you need to setup one to one redirection of all the links, so that your blog search result should not give 404 error, it should redirect to new WP URL.
      You just need to setup proper redirection of links as mentioned in above article.

      1. Okay, that’s helpful, but could you clear one thing for me?

        It says in “A. Configure Permalinks on New WordPress” to change the permalinks to match Blogger. But if I do that with my existing WordPress site it will ruin my current links and posts. Right?

        My current WordPress permalinks look like this:

        How do I handle this permalink issue? Your instructions say they are for a new WordPress site.

        Also, when I do a test import into WordPress, the Blogger labels come into WordPress as new categories. Is there a way to stop this or do I have to go and manually delete them in WordPress?

        Thanks for your help.

        1. Hello Jim,
          1. We have mentioned the permalinks structure should be like blogger blog posts for the fresh WP installation. But in your case, you can use the existing permalink structure, the redirection of posts from blogger to wordpress will work fine. Only you need to take care that our redirection plugin will not be deactivated.
          2. There is not any other way as such to prevent importing of blogger labels into WP categories. As per my knowledge you need to manual delete all that imported categories.

  59. Hello-

    I’ve run fix.php and got DONE, but it doesn’t appear to have worked. The URLs are still all of the words, instead of truncating at a certain number of letters…I’ve never had this problem before. Help!

    Seems the fix isn’t working anymore?

    1. Hello Krystyn,
      The fix.php is working fine, we have tested it again on our test blog.
      Please cross check the values of custom fields which you are getting into posts editor. I guess that might be creating problem.

  60. Hi Nitun,
    Thanks a lot for a great and detailed article – and all your answers to comments. Like one guy above, I’m having a problem installing the plugin. First I get a message that it’s not tested with the new WordPress, when I try to download anyway it says that it can’t create directory. I tried with another redirection plugin and get the same message – can’t create directory:
    Do you have an idea of what’s wrong?
    the best,

    1. Hi Kim,
      You need to cross check the permission of your WordPress folders (wp-content, plugins and uploads) it should be at-least 755.

  61. Hi, thanks for the great tutorial. I tried importing all the posts from my blogspot into a dummy blog, just to test it out. While all the posts did indeed get imported into the wordpress site, the main problem I’m faced with is formatting. The formatting is off on almost all of the posts, like the spaces between the paragraphs, the italics, the bold letters, and worst of all, the actual video (youtube and vimeo) and audio (soundcloud) links. None of the links work.

    Is there a solution to this? Because having to go back and manually re-format every post on the wordpress site would take ages.

    Thank you.

    1. Hello Ginzy,
      The WordPress default importer imports the same styling and inline CSS of blogger post contents. If you want, you can hire us, we can try our own developed importer tool to migrate the content for you.

  62. Thanks very much,for this DIY tutorial,which is an excellent step by step guide.I had been hesitating to do the migration until I came across this post. My Q for you is this:I have embedded audio podcasts on my blogger blog, if I migrate to wordpress(I have a ready wordpress site on a domain name),will the audio podcasts also be imported?
    Also, the plugin,blogger importer 0.4 is compatible upto wordpress 3.2.1. whereas I have the wordpress 3.3.1 installed. So, I am wondering if it will work?
    Kindly advise.

  63. what if i wanted to have a new domain name on wordpress, im using a custom domain name on blogspot. i dont want to use my custom domain name hosted by blogspot, do you have a DIY guide for this situation? my current domain name is blocked by google adsense so thats why i need to have new domain name and migrate all my post into a wordpress hosted site. tia!

    1. Hello,
      You can forward your domain name via domain registrar to new domain and mentioned in Google Webmaster tool the new address of your blog, then only change blog address.
      But, I can still suggest you to use the same custom domain name for WordPress also. It will retain current ranking and SEO of your blog, after the migration process.

  64. Hi admin,if i transfer to wp,can i delete old blogspot,cause i afraid google will delete it ~~!sr for my bad english!

    1. Hello Athena,
      Do not delete blogger blog, it will cause following points:
      1.URL will not redirect
      2.Images will not work
      3.Feed URL will not redirect.
      4.Blog readers will not get updates.

  65. i install blogger importer but its not work fine when i come to get authorize it generate a following message
    The page you have requested cannot be displayed. Another site was requesting access to your Google Account, but sent a malformed request. Please contact the site that you were trying to use when you received this message to inform them of the error. A detailed error message follows:

    The site “” has not been registered.
    Please Give Me solution soon i am waiting

    1. Hi Shoaib,
      Some time it happens that, do not provide us complete XML to import the content. That’s why WordPress default importer failed in this case. We have developed our own importer tool for blogger content importing. You can hire us, we will try to import all the content from blogger account to WordPress.

    1. Hi There,
      If you move your blog into WordPress with same custom domain name, and you need to keep the same permalink structure like current blogger posts. Then all posts URLs will be maintained instead of redirect. So in this case SEO will not affect. For more details you can refer this article.

  66. Hi Nitun,tks for rep me :),i still have question,
    hmm,my problem is “readmore”,when i transfer blogger to wordpress,my old readmore doesn work,so can i fix it ? and how ? tks 🙂

    1. Hi Athena,
      You need to remove all the readmore links from your blogger template or from post content, and then try to import content into WordPress blog. Though this is the manual and lengthy process but there is no other way to do it.
      Or you can hire us to do this task, our team might find out some solution for the same.

  67. Hello Nitun,I am migrate successfully to blogger to wp.and I remove custom domain from blogger.Now I get some problem.
    Can i Go back?

  68. I tried to do it, but when importing it imports all the posts, but not all 1200 comments ( not even 30% of it ). Aaaaand it did not import the website of the person who left the comment. Do you have any idea what else I could do?

    1. Hi Mihai,
      Sometime WordPress default import is not able to import everything from blogger blog. For that we have developed our own importer tool which will import all the posts, comments and users profile including website links. You can contact us directly to hire our team.

  69. I’m a bit confused 😉 Moving a pretty decent sized blog from blogger to WP. The blogger I’m doing this for does have her domain name and has for over a year – but it’s not a CUSTOM blogger domain name. Meaning, it’s just redirected. Like this:

    Her domain:, when typed in, takes you to

    I’ve set up new install of WP. I set it up on temp url (did all that BEFORE reading this guide with mention of switchhosts).

    I’ve imported all posts (almost 1000) and comments (almost 1000) from her blog. I’ve set up the 6 main pages of her site via copy paste.

    I’ve tweaked the theme, added plugins, set up ads, and am just about ready to really do this thing. I figured I’d need to install plugin, do the redirect, test and then edit her DNS (currently with godaddy – which means getting rid of the current redirect and setting up new nameservers to point to new host – which happens to be hostgator so I’ll need to have the security mods whitelisted as well).

    Will this work ok since she’s had a domain name for so long, but *technically* her links are (even though if you type in “ post title properly” you currently are taken to the appropriate place on her blog? Confused!!! And still not sure what the heck to do about PAGES!! 😉

  70. I got as far as getting to put the fix.php under wordpress but I get a 404 error. When you say to put it in the wordpress folder..where exactly is it to go? There are 3 wordpress folders with subfolders wp -ad wp-content wp includes etc.

    1. Hello Sking333, the fix.php file must be present in WordPress root folder where wp-config.php file is present. For more details, you can follow this video.

  71. Hi Nitun

    Going to use your plugin and set up to move a blogger to wordpress for the second time.
    This time I want to have all posts from blogger within a WordPress category and each blogger label will have its correspondent sub category at top level category.
    Is this possible? What changes do I have to do?

    Is there any way to avoid blogger permalink structure year/month/post-name for future content so that all new posts have just post-name permalink?

    1. Hi Miguel,
      1. you can try this plugin Term Management Tools. This will help you to re-arrange the categories.
      2. For permalink structure you can change it from Settings->Permalink.

      Hope this will help you.

      Please do not use this comment section for questions. For that, you can use our Technical Support forum.
      Very soon the comment form of this article will be closed.

  72. Thanks for sharing the tutorial. I’m planning to move one of my Blogger blog to WordPress very soon. This guide will come very useful to me.

  73. Can you define “WordPress folder” Is that a plugin I have to add? I moved from blogger to wordpress so I’m still in the process of getting familiar with learning wordpress . You tutorial says to upload to a wordpress folder. I don’t see a folder. There are dozens of varying folder plugins. Which is the correct one? Can this be UNDONE if it is done wrong?

    From your tutorial:

    At this point you can use the following php script. Just copy-paste following codes into a file with name like fix.php and save/upload it to the WordPress folder. Then just open its URL from the browser. URL will be like: (replace with your domain name).

    get_results(“SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = ‘blogger_permalink'”);
    foreach ($res as $row){
    $slug = explode(“/”,$row->meta_value);
    $slug = explode(“.”,$slug[3]);
    $wpdb->query(“UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='” . $slug[0] . “‘ WHERE ID = $row->post_id”);
    echo “DONE”;

  74. The permalink redirector (Dean’s Permalink) plugin for changing them later… doesn’t seem to exist. That makes this whole tutorial no good sense it really depends on that plugin… Unless someone doesn’t care what their permalinks look like.

    1. Yes, the Dean’s permalink is now not part of WordPress. If you really want to use another permalink structure then you can use it. Our plugin will handle one to one redirection on the basis on post id.

  75. wow..probably this is the only article in the web that is gonna help me…other s are too complicated for a new blogger like me…
    however i do have a have told not to delete the old blogger blog….but if we do not delete the older blogspot blog , does it not look like having duplicate content at both custom domain and blogspot???is it not agains search engine policy???

    1. You better make a back up of you blog. Google will delete it themselves. They will view your old blogspot as spam. They deleted mine. I migrated mine to wordpress and before I was 100% complete they deleted my old blog.

  76. thanks mate! this is very helpful. i am planning to migrate my blogger blog into wordpress. thanks you very much for this tutorial, currently bookmarking this page for reference.

  77. Hi Rahul….

    Nice post… I have a job board having more than 1000 job articles with 400 visitors daily.. is it benefial for me to migrate in wordpress from blogger.? adsense earning is also very low.. around 1$/day. kindly suggest

  78. I just copied and pasted the code to fix the permalinks of my imported posts. I did not get a page saying DONE, instead I was sent to the home page of the blog. All images were there. So, does this mean it worked? If not, what can I do? Thanks. – Carla

  79. Nevermind! Made it work! However, now I’m getting an error when I’m trying to install the blogger to wordpress plugin. – Carla

      1. Thanks for your reply! I actually figured out what was happening and successfully completed migrating my blog from Blogger to WordPress. Thanks for the awesome and in detail tutorial. – Carla

  80. Hi want to know if it is possible and how to do the following

    I will pass all the blog content from blogguer to wp

    But I want to individualize each redirect as in:

    On Blogger:

    And I want it to redirect to wordpress:

    I’ve been trying to find out how to do this but have no clew so far

    Can anyone help? Please?

    1. Hello Ricardo,
      If you follow the above article in step by step you will get the solution of one to one redirection of links from blogger to WordPress. Specially the permalink structure and our Blogger to WordPress redirection plugin.

  81. Very well written tutorial with good explanation. With this tutorial even a noob can migrate without any problems… Thanks dude.

    One Question: After completing this will the blog’s traffic, seo etc. remain normal or it will fall?

  82. Hi! I am wondering if I could get a little clarification on step 3. I have not yet created a switch host, but will. Before I found your tutorial, I installed wordpress. Will that be ok?

  83. This is the first time I've had this problem. I can't get fix.php to finish on a site. Is it likely the host isn't allowing the required bandwidth? I've got 1500+ posts.

    1. Hello Krystyn,
      You need to contact hosting support team to increase the bandwidth. Hope it will resolve to run fix.php file. Or you can hire us, so we can do complete blog migration for you.

  84. Hi there,

    I edited my host file instead of using the switchhost, I guess that’s okay, and I installed wordpress on my server. When I open it, it doesn’t show the wordpress blog :(. It shows like a generic site where I can search for things. I’m not sure what to do next. I want to migrate my blog this week and I wanted to get started slowly already. Can you please help me?


    1. @Sharon,
      Make sure you have added the correct IP address of hosting server in hosts file along with domain name (with and without www).
      It should work.

  85. Your guide is great! It has a lot more info than most others.

    I have one concern… Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but it seems like Blogger has recently been adding a new string to the end of post URLs. I’m wondering if it may conflict with the current permalink structure settings in this guide?

    I’m pretty sure post URLs used to be something like,,
    Now they are more like,

    Does the extra string matter?

  86. Hi Nitun,

    Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it. Yes I did use the correct IP, which is my cpanel IP. Then added 2 entries, one with and without www. I’m not sure if this matters, but the domain I have is from godaddy, but my hosting is from another company. Currently my domain is still under go daddy because my blog is still on blogger. To get to my cpanel, I temporarily use the IP that my hosting company provided me. I tried to uninstall and reinstall wordpress but still it won’t come up. It’s showing a page where I can search for stuff. I’m unsure how to proceed from here. I really want to migrate my blog soon.

    Any further assistance is highly appreciated.

    Thanks a lot!

  87. Hello Nitun,
    I have some queries.
    1 Can I setup the DNS setting first?
    2 After migrated the blog what can i do with old blogspot blog?


    1. Hello Rony,
      If you setup the DNS for your domain, then you will not able to import content from blog. The domain will point to your hosting server.
      So, 1) first import content from blogger and then change the DNS setting.
      2) Keep your blogger blog live and just use our plugin to handle redirection of URLs.

      1. Thanks for your reply Nitun,
        It means DNS setting is the last step to migrate blooger to wordpress. But how can I check the new post url? is it seems demo url or preview or it will be automatically done after DNS setting?

  88. Hello Nitun,
    Currently my domain is hosted on blogger. I decided to migrate it on wordpress on my server. I have added my domain on my server and installed the wordpress app on my domain. I have found this error “Your domain isn’t pointed to our servers” (where your domain lives). Now how can i import blog post and how can i open the admin page?
    Can i first point my domain to the server? I am very confused, plz help me to migrate the domain without any issue?

    1. @James,
      First you need to change the system host file by adding the IP address of WordPress hosting server, and then install WordPress and import all the content from account. Once everything is done, you can point the domain name to the hosting account by changing DNS records in domain registrar.

      1. I have few questions in my mind:
        1.How to change the system host file?
        2.After changing the system host file the blogger blog on custom domain will live or not?
        3.For DNS setting, may i replace the four IPs and “www” from the A-record with hosting providers IP address?

        1. @James

          1.How to change the system host file?

          Check this comment

          2.After changing the system host file the blogger blog on custom domain will live or not?

          Yes, blogger blog will be live, only you will see the WordPress blog on your system.

          3.For DNS setting, may i replace the four IPs and “www” from the A-record with hosting providers IP address?

          Only need to replace one IP address for A record and remove other 3 IPs. For www you can add @ or domain name (as per your domain registrar instructions).


  89. I’m a bit confused about the blogger subdomain migration. My current blog looks like and I want to migrate that to Should I first reconfigure my google blog with a custom domain name and fix the links, then migrate content to wordpress and change the DNS records to my WP hosted site?

    1. @Ronald,
      There are two options:
      1. If you want, you can fist change the blogspot URL to custom domain on and wait for few months until search engine reflect all the links from old blogspot to new custom URL. Then perform blog migration process.
      2. Or you can first import the content from blogspot URL to your new WordPress and use our redirection plugin to perform blog migration process. Once everything is done you can change DNS records for your custom domain and you WP will be live.

  90. Thanks for this very useful tutorial! I got everything redirected from my old blogger blog to my new wordpress site. The only thing that’s not working well is the redirection of Blogger Pages which is giving me a ‘page not found’ error.

    Take for example this url:
    Should redirect to:

    Based on your tutorial, “To redirect the Blogger Page URL to the WordPress Page URL, you can use the WordPress Redirection Plugin.” – can you teach me how to use this plugin and make it work?

    Thanks for the support!

  91. his is great for migrating blogger content over but I have a problem. Many of my blogger articles have embedded video links. Those articles came into WordPress with images, regular copy and links but none of the embedded video migrated over. Do you know of a solution for this problem?

    1. Hello Mark,

      I think you are using the WordPress default importer tool to import content from blogger to WordPress, then that will not import post content which have embed code of videos and not even iframes and script in your WordPress posts. That is a bug in WordPress default importer.
      We have developed our own importer tool which works nicely for embed code and other extra script present in post content.
      If you need our help, you can hire our team for complete blog migration process.


  92. I am having a lot of errors on my website. I have Googled but never found the correct solution.. In my wordpress website, i am having a lot of under mentioned errors in webmaster tool…….crawl errors

    I here want to mention that i also owns a blog…I imported all my posts from to and redirected my said blog ( to my website but later deleted all the imported posts and cancelled my blogger redirect to since then im having lot of crawl errors when i further click any of my abve mentioned errors i get following (for example for 15 i get) Access denied to linked from

    1. @Qasim,

      I have edited your comment, as you have pasted number of errors in comment form. Do not use this comment section for support, please use our support forum.

      Anyways, errors which you have mentioned, is belongs to some other plugin which you have used for blogger to WordPress migration.
      Since you have deleted the imported content and now using the old blogger blog again, in this case, you can submit the sitemap or feed URL in webmaster tool, so after some time those crawl errors will disable.


  93. No doubts nitun you done a great job. Best tutorial article on the internet. I want to ask you that
    I have only 8 posts in my bloggers blog and I have a custom domain linked with my bloggers blog. Now as the process of shifting is very long I thought if I save my posts in the form of text document in my computer. And then post them in my WordPress account. And then install WordPress on my go daddy custom domain. And delete my bloggers account.
    than is this process is safe for me to shifting my account to WordPress.
    I hope you will answer my query.:D

    1. @Akshay,
      If you do not care about those 8 posts should redirect towards WordPress, then your method is very simple and easy, you can go with it and then delete your blogger account 🙂
      Otherwise you need to follow above steps starting from content importing in WordPress to changing DNS in Godaddy account.


  94. Hi,

    I’have a blogspot with custom permalinks and
    the Plugin is Not Redirecting Properly.
    It Just Redirect to the Wrong Post…
    Let me Know.


    1. Hi Davide,
      This might be a problem because of post slugs are not fixed. Make sure you have uploaded and ran fix.php file.

  95. Hi i am blogger user and i want to know that after above step, may i able to create directory in my link??? as you mentioned in “Configure Permalinks on New WordPress”, you had set the url structure Like blogger url only… reply soon..

    1. @Umesh,
      Yes, you can add the directory link in permalink structure and use the smart 404 plugin also along with our blogger to WordPress redirection plugin.


  96. Hello Nitun,

    Let me start by giving you a HUGE THANK YOU! I have followed this guide and was able to migrate my wifes blogger posts to wordpress custom domain, hosted by godaddy. Now, is there a way to migrate her current layout/design? She had a friend design her blog for her and I’d like to mirror the content from the design created for her on blogger to wordpress.

    Thank you in advance,

    1. Hi Nissim,
      You are welcome.

      Answer to your question: No. You can’t migrate the current design/layout of blogger template into WordPress. For that, you need to create a new WordPress theme. You can hire our team for new WordPress theme, for more details regarding cost and time, email me @ So we can discuss further.

    1. Hi Mahendra,
      If you will use the same custom domain for WordPress blog and maintain the permalink of posts, then you will not lose Google traffic.

  97. Hi there,
    Everything was a success, I have only 1 question.

    All my TAGS from Blogger are now GATEGORIES in WordPress. Is there a way to have Tags as Tags? I don’t want to remove all of them manually for each post.
    Thanks 🙂

    1. @Nadia
      There is a default plugin provided by WordPress to conver tags to categories (and vice-versa), you can use it.


  98. Thanks for this! I am not tech gifted and needed some additional guidance, but the person was impressed you could change the links to match 🙂 . One question : Is GFC now a lost cause? The tutorial did not work because of “pages not found” type errors. I am guessing that ship has sailed, but hope not because I worked so hard building up my fans. Thanks

  99. I did this and migrated everything. I am having issues with the look of my posts. they are all over the place with where the words and pictures are. I use the VIEW in wordpress, but what can I do, so I can format my posts to look the way I want them to look.

    1. @Sharon,
      I am not sure what exact issue you are facing, but if its related to content formatting, then we can’t do anything with it. The WordPress default importer tool missed some formatting of inline styles during importing.

    1. @Udi
      You can keep the images on blogger server, but do not delete your account from All the post content images will work fine without any issue.
      Or if you want to move those images on WordPress hosted server, then you can hire us. We have a images importing tool, which can do this job.

  100. Thanks for this. These instructions saved my blog after I paid someone who did not know what they were doing!

    One question: I still have 404 errors from Google search. Not a big deal. I also added the code to the .htaccess file but the issue continues. Not a big deal.

    Could this be due to the fact that I used the Category to Tag converter in WordPress?

    1. Hi Lisette,

      If you have converted categories into tags, then you can use this rewrite rule in htaccess file
      #Redirect labels/tags
      RewriteRule ^search/label/(.*)$ tag/$1/ [L,R=301]

  101. Great article…Nitun i am confused in the fix.php implementation. My domain is registered with godaddy and my site is hosted on hostgator. Where exactly do i need to upload fix.php file in my hostgator or godaddy. Plz direct me to the exact location as i am a newbie.

      1. thnx alot for timly reply….my i have used a different domain on wordpress…do i still need to apply the same procedure or i need to inser 301 redirect?

  102. I have changed the name of my blog. But Google search result still shows the old blog name, even though I have updated the blog name over at Blogger. Can I reset the Privacy setting of Blogger blog to allow search engines to find it? One more thing, can I delete my Blogger blog?

  103. There is a way to migrate (or exporting, or copying) only the comments??? I am moving from blogger to wordpress and there are many comments in each page….I´d like to keep it on safe. Thank you.

    1. No, there is no way to export only comments from blogger. As blogger export xml file provide full content of posts, comments and labels.

  104. hi , i like your post , thanks for sharing
    i have an issue and need some one to help me ,
    i had 3 bloggers from 3 years ago , they have lot of visitors , i made website and imported all posts from blogs more than month ago and i started writing in it about 2 weeks ago , it has about 2800 posts , i uploaded sitemaps , but i have average 2 visitors a day , is that normal ? my blogs had about 5000 visitors aday ,, what i have to do ? , thank you

  105. I have More than 7000 posts in Blogger and i want to Migrate to WordPress. Is it same process?? I have heard that Importing larger number of posts gives some Error. Please Help me…

    1. @WAQAS
      Yes, WordPress default importer plugin sometime get failed to import all the content from blogger blog to WordPress and also that plugin not able to import the embed code (like youtube video or script/iframe).
      Hence we have developed our own importer tool, which will import all the content (including embed codes,script,etc). You can contact us to get complete blogger to WordPress migration service.

  106. After I follow above steps I got a message like this.Please Help:(

    “You’re about to be redirected

    The blog that used to be here is now at (MY WEBSITE URL)
    Do you wish to be redirected?

    This blog is not hosted by Blogger and has not been checked for spam, viruses and other forms of malware.”

  107. thanx a lot bro.. I wasn’t sure if I could make it… but can’t believe it’s done… everything went well… this is the only tutorial I tried but I can guarantee no body has explained as good as you did… you literally rock.. keep up the great work… you got another fan of yours…

    1. Hi, sorry i think this is doesn ‘t work again because if i migrate my website, always get information if google error,,
      so. what can i do now
      (sorry if my wrote is make you confused)

    1. @akki
      Thanks for your comments.
      There is no way to use the same blogger template in WordPress, you need to create a new fresh theme for WordPress. Or go for any similar WordPress theme.

  108. Hi, I had used that fix.php file which you told to use. I have successfully transfer all my post from blogger to wordpress. But now the link to my previous posts are showing 404 not found. Please help me to fix that.

  109. Hi, Nitun.

    In Blogger we are able to add a search description to every single post. How do we add a search description in

  110. Hi there just to ask , if I my blogger custom domain name was purchased through the google server, will it be possible to use that server instead of getting another one for my WordPress site?

  111. Hi,

    Recently I have successfully transferred blogger blog to WordPress by following your above tutorial. But due to some reason, I need to get back to my old WordPress as it was before importing the blogger blog. So, for that I had deleted all the blogger post and removed, “Blogger To WordPress Redirection Plugin”.
    But now on my Google Webmaster Account I am getting a message, that “Increase in authorization permission errors” and also there is increase in 404 pages day by day.
    Please help me to get back my old WordPress blog as it was before importing Blogger blog.

    1. As you have deleted the blogger posts from WordPress, so webmaster tool is showing those missing posts. You can submit the sitemap in webmaster tool. I hope it will helpful. This is only solution I can suggest you.

      1. Already submitted the Sitemap, but now in “Access Denied” section in crawl errors, it showing 278 errors. All these errors start with ?br=

        How can I remove those links

  112. This is really a best article about blogger to wordpress migration. I followed all steps But Sir i am still facing the Comments feed and mobile view errors 🙁

  113. I’m looking to change my permalink structure now that I’ve successfully migrated from blogger.

    I want to follow the Yoast SEO guide but I don’t want to wreck my site in the process. Is it ok to change the permalink structure?

    Current settings: /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%.html

    Yoast recommends: /%postname%/

    I want to know if I can follow this guide & still maintain the original redirecting from the migration process:

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

  114. First, thank you so much for this very helpful post.

    I wanted to ask, after you’ve completed all the steps, what do you do with your old blogger. I’ve read that you should put it as draft so Google wouldn’t think your blog was a duplicate.

    Should I do this, make all my post on blogger revert to draft? or leave everything as is?

  115. Everything was perfect except for the last step. Blogger changed their HTML template a few months ago, I’m not sure if this is the problem but it won’t save the HTML code from Blogger to WordPress plugin.

    Now, I’m left with my blogger giving me a 404 error and wordpress won’t go farther than page 1 before giving me a 404 error.

    Before the last step, everything worked. Blogger just isn’t letting me save the html from that plugin.

      1. Thanks for all your help. When I asked these questions I didn’t actually read this page because I came from watching your excellent YouTube video.

        Well, I read it afterwards and all the problems have been resolved. Many thanks again. xo

  116. Hi, again.

    I Just wanted to let you know, I figured out what I was doing wrong from reading the threads on this site. I didn’t revert to default properly. My blog now is being redirected to WordPress.. YAY!

    Now, I need to figure out what to do with blogger, do i revert it to draft like some people are saying I should because of SEO?

    Thanks again for this fantastic post!


  117. I wish I could say that this all worked for me, but it didn’t. First, I wasn’t able to get Switchhost to work, so I had to go ahead and switch my DNS settings in order to continue with the instructions. Second, I couldn’t get the fix.php file to produce the “done” – so basically I’m at the point of being totally frustrated that I might just need to give up and be prepared to loose the links that I have already established on the web.

  118. I appreciate the link to the video (I have watched it several times) but the video does not help me. For one, I am not able to use Filezilla and Switchhost, so your instructions regarding those steps do not help me to move forward, and second I did upload the php file into the correct spot but it still points me to a 404 error page.

    1. Yes, switchhost is not working with latest firefox version, you need to change system host file. refer this
      If you are getting 404 error to run fix.php file, then there might be some issue with that file permission. You can take help from your hosting company.

  119. Heh, well, I guess I should have waited a little longer until I got to the end of the article. All is working well now.
    I’m still challenged trying to get analytics moved over so I can keep the old data flowing on the new site. It’s turning out to be a bit of a pain. But the tutorial here worked great. Thanks!
    How much more do you do with your service?

  120. I’d been considering for a few months to make the switch to a self-hosted wordpress. Of course, I had worries that I would lose the permalinks and all the SEO I had put into my blogger account. One quick google search and I found this article on the first page. It has been a great help to me. Thank you, RT camp!

    (also, please delete my previous comment, I think I copied/pasted the wrong thing and sent it by mistake)

  121. Pls if my blogger blog is on, will this tutorial work for me to migrate to wordpress?

  122. Hello,

    A very good work. I really treasure your tutorial because it is the only one I could find which was dealing with the migration from blogger to wordpress over the same domain name. Rest all tutorials were suggesting to buy new domains. though I have extra domains, but I really wanted to maintain the same domain name as it is like a brand to me.

    Now my question.. What does your fix.php script does? does it just strips the new wordpress urls? or it maps blogger urls to wordpress url and make both of them similar? Because I remember earlier blogger did not give us ability to change url, now it gives.. so if your fix.php just strips the url then it will not work for me, because I used custom urls a lot in the later posts of blogger since the feature was released. I know you are busy, but if you can answer this then one big problem will be solved as I think redirection is useless for me as I am using same domain and that I don’t want to be dependent on blogger, what if google deletes or marks it as a spam in later stages.. I really hope your fix.php will prove like a magic wand for me to do the work for me which I would otherwise manually do to change urls of over 400 articles to make it similar to blogger.

  123. Hello! All has worked with the plugin and redirect except that it does not redirect on mobile devices. Thoughts?

    Thanks so much!

  124. Nitun,

    I’m confused and I’m looking for clarity. Can you please explain the difference between the procedure described in this article above versus the one on this page:

    I’ve already moved our blog posts from our subdomain (e.g., to WordPress using the built-in Importer tool, but I’m not sure which of the two methods above I should use?

    I appreciate your guidance!


    1. @Tektoniq
      As you already moved all the content from blogger to WordPress, then just follow the steps mentioned in above article to fix the post slugs, permalink structure and .htaccess rules. Which will useful for the redirection of URLs from blogger blog to WordPress using our plugin (blogger to WordPress redirection).
      Those two articles are different but need to use at a time for migration process.


  125. Amazing Guide and very easy tutorial more than all on internet, Anyway explain one more thing can we also import photos etc? because it is still using google hosted photos.

    1. Yes, you can import images also from blogger server. There are some free plugins also available in WordPress plugin directory, but not sure which one will work fine. We never used those plugins, as we have our own images importer tool/service.

  126. Hi Nitun,

    Maybe this is a bit off topic, but my blog is transferred from regular html, not from blogger, and my problem is that the %postsname%.html trick does not work for pages.

    Any idea what I can do to add .html extensions to pages? I tried plugins but none of them are updated and they don’t work reliably.


      1. Thanks, but I tried to avoid using plugins that were not recently updated.

        The approach I went with in the end is just to use 301s.


  127. I followed all the steps and everything was fine until I started getting 404 errors in webmaster tools which look like this (for pages that don’t exist):


    After a quick Google they seem to be related to Blogger. Is it something I did wrong in the migration?

    1. @Julia
      Make sure you have added the redirection script code provided by our plugin in your blogger template then all the Google results will automatically redirect towards the new WordPress blog.

  128. This guide worked worked for me – I successfully switched my blogging platforms. The challenge now is to ensure that my feed works correctly because I seem not to know what the problem is

  129. i am not spamming, i am fedup with blogspot and single page blog. now will move to wordpress cause i only have 40 posts to my blog. Should i buy a new domain name and start fresh or must move from blogger to wordpress?

  130. I have tried a lot but somehow I could not figure out how to get it working I am getting an error.
    Seems like %POSTNAME% is not fitting well

  131. Thanks for the tut. But there is a problem with my website. When Someone browse from Google Chrome, it sometimes says ” This webpage has a redirect loop “. How can I fix it.

  132. Thank you for this helpful tutorial!

    I am stuck at the FIX.PHP script step. When I run the script, by browsing to it in Safari, I get “ERROR 500 – INTERNAL SERVER ERROR.”

    My hosting is with HostGator.

    Thank you,

  133. Hi there, I am trying to convert from blogspot over to wordpress. I am in the settings and can’t find “PERMALINKs” anywhere. Please help..!

  134. When I was going the ‘Fixing permalinks for imported posts’ section. I received this message

    Not Found
    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?

    Did I do something wrong? And How do I go about fixing this?

  135. Once again, RTcamp has proved to be bloggers help ground, thanks for this wonderful and excellent tutorial on how to move from blogger to wordpress, i really appreciate it,

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