Christmas entertaining dos and don’ts

Want to be the perfect Christmas host? Follow our foolproof entertaining tips to make your festive party a guaranteed success.


DO: plan ahead.

Work out the menu and how many people will be coming. Stock up on the non-perishable ingredients well in advance and start clearing out your fridge and freezer so you have plenty of room for the festive eats.


DON'T: be afraid to ask for help.

Just because you’re the host doesn’t mean you have to be responsible for absolutely everything. Ask your guests to chip in however they can, whether it’s bringing something to eat or drink or asking them to help tidy up at the end of the day.


DO: add special touches.

Every family has their own special traditions or rituals that they do each year. From homemade decorations to favourite songs or even heirloom ornaments, make everyone feel at home with a touch of something special.


DON'T: attempt something that will stress you out.

Don’t wait until Christmas Day to try some finicky new recipe or elaborate decorating idea. If you have time beforehand, see if it works first before attempting it on the day, otherwise stick to something simple. After all, Christmas is all about spending time together. No one will mind if there isn’t a three-foot-tall croquembouche on the dessert table.


DO: clean as you go.

With people coming in and out of the house and kitchen, it’s easy for the mess to get out of hand. Try to wipe bench tops and wash implements as you use them so you don’t end up with double the work at the end of the day. Investing in some disposable containers or plastic knives and forks can also reduce the amount of washing up you have to do.


DON'T: forget to enjoy yourself.

It’s also Christmas for you too, so take a break from the preparations and pour yourself something to drink, sing a carol, open your prezzies and spend some time with the family.


DO: have a few plain food options available.

Whether it’s fussy kids or dietary requirement, there may be food on the table that not everyone can eat. Make sure all your guests enjoy the day by having a few options that suit everyone. Some easy options are plain bread rolls (or gluten-free rolls if necessary), a selection of cheeses, a plain garden salad and fresh fruit.


DON'T: have too little food.

It’s always better to err on the side of over-catering rather than under-catering. This doesn’t have to mean making double portions of everything, but allowing for a few extra mouths at the table means you’re well prepared for unexpected visitors. Worst case scenario: if they’re not needed, you end up with delicious leftovers for lunch and dinner the next day too!

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