- published: 19 Feb 2015
- views: 10438
Bombora Wave Power Pty Ltd (South Perth) - Wave energy converter A revolutionary, patented wave energy converter to transform ocean swell into clean, renewable electricity.
http://www.weforum.org 06.01.2011 Japan can build bridges between Asia and the world and promote sustainable economic growth, says Davos 2011 Co-Chair Yorihiko Kojima, Chairman Mitsubishi Corporation.
Mitsubishi Corporation congratulates Sakhalin Energy with 20th anniversary
Agreement between Mitsubishi Corporation, Kamigumi & TCV in Valencia.
Keio Media Design has a class called "Innovator's Seminar". In my session I invited the Senior Vice President of Mitsubishi Corporation. In this lecture there are very useful and important insights in how corporations can lead and survive in the 21st century and how young people should act and innovate.
Ryo Takahashi, Asisten General Manager PT Mitsubishi Corporation, mengapresiasi pelayanan yang diberikan oleh PTSP Pusat BKPM dan menilai bahwa layanan tersebut sangat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan Jepang . Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP) Pusat di BKPM merupakan bentuk pelayanan kepada para investor untuk meningkatkan kemudahan melakukan usaha di Indonesia. BKPM berkoordinasi dengan 22 K/L untuk mendapat pendelegasian wewenang penerbitan perizinan kepada Kepala BKPM dan menugaskan pejabatnya pada PTSP Pusat di BKPM. PTSP Pusat di BKPM saat ini melayani 144 kelompok izin. Dari 144 kelompok izin tersebut, 104 diantaranya sudah didelegasikan kepada BKPM dan 40 lainnya tidak didelegasikan namun dilayani oleh K/L terkait di PTSP Pusat BKPM. Kepala BKPM menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada 22 ...
Grup TCB announced their strategic alliance with Mitsubishi Corporation. This important agreement results, first, into the purchase by Mitsubishi Corporation and Kamigumi Corporation of the 25% of the share capital of Valencia's Port Container Terminal (TCV Stevedoring Company, S.A.).
羅開影音 第二屆亞太青少年隊際賽 韓國隊二連霸 Video provided by LookGolf
Eneco en Mitsubishi Corporation hebben gezamenlijk een windmolenpark op zee gerealiseerd, 23 kilometer uit de kust ter hoogte van Noordwijk en Zandvoort. Het windmolenpark Luchterduinen, dat bestaat uit 43 windmolens, heeft een capaciteit van 129 MegaWatt en levert groene elektriciteit voor bijna 150.000 huishoudens. Dat betekent genoeg duurzame elektriciteit voor de hele duin- en bollenstreek. De bouw is gestart in de tweede helft van 2014 en is inmiddels operationeel. Kijk voor meer informatie op: https://www.eneco.nl/over-ons/projecten/windpark-luchterduinen/
Mitsubishi Electric Co. chose NEC as an IoT solution partner. They enable to improve their productivity and to provide new values to customers with IoT technologies. Longer version (3 Min): https://youtu.be/9bItHCgifeI Subscribe to the NEC Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NECglobalOfficial With our focus on Solutions for Society,NEC’s goal is to lead the advancement of the world‘s social infrastructure by leveraging ICT and new business models. Our Solutions for Society activities will become the pillars of NEC over the company’s next 100 years. Find NEC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nec.global Visit NEC's Website: http://www.nec.com/
Mitsubishi Electric Co. chose NEC as an IoT solution partner. They enable to improve their productivity and to provide new values to customers with IoT technologies. Shorter Version (1min): https://youtu.be/uvIXowob2MM Subscribe to the NEC Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NECglobalOfficial With our focus on Solutions for Society,NEC’s goal is to lead the advancement of the world‘s social infrastructure by leveraging ICT and new business models. Our Solutions for Society activities will become the pillars of NEC over the company’s next 100 years. Find NEC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nec.global Visit NEC's Website: http://www.nec.com/
The two mega firms have appointed construction firm, Kajima Indonesia, to cary out piling and construction plnning of 2 apartment towers in Orang County -- Gendale Park and Newport Park in Cikarang.
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航空機メーカーの機体の開発状況や将来の展望や計画を説明しています。 2014年11月19日 アジアの航空会社16社で構成され、 全日空や日本航空も加盟する「アソシエーション オブ アジア パシフィック エアラインズ」通称AAPAの社長会が、 東京の帝国ホテルで開催されました。 今回のホスト航空会社はANAで、 AAPAは、主に航空政策に関わる改善要望や施策に対する意見の取りまとめ、各国の航空行政へアプローチする協会です。 参加した航空会社は、 「エア・アスタナ」 「全日本空輸」 「アシアナ航空」 「バンコク・エアウェイズ」 「キャセイパシフィック航空」 「チャイナエアライン」 「香港ドラゴン航空」 「エバー航空」 「ガルーダ・インドネシア航空」 「日本航空」 「大韓航空」 「マレーシア航空」 「フィリピン航空」 「ロイヤルブルネイ航空」 「シンガポール航空」 「タイ国際航空」の16社が出席しました。 午後から、メディア専用のプログラムが開催され、「エアバス」「ボーイング」「三菱航空機」によるプレゼンテーションが行われました。
三菱商事 2015 IWRF アジア・オセアニア チャンピオンシップ Mitsubishi Corporation 2015 IWRF Asia-Oceania Championship
三菱商事 2015 IWRF アジア・オセアニア チャンピオンシップ Mitsubishi Corporation 2015 IWRF Asia-Oceania Championship
Panellists: Chew Gek Khim, Executive Chairman, The Straits Trading Company Limited John Danilovich, Secretary General, International Chamber of Commerce Yorihiko Kojima, Honorary Chairman, Mitsubishi Corporation Vinod Kumar, Chairman, CII India Business Forum, and Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, Tata Communications Limited Dr James Riady, Chief Executive Officer, Lippo Group Dr Wang Huiyao, President, Center for China and Globalization, and Counsellor, State Council of the People’s Republic of China Moderator: Chairul Tanjung Founder and Chairman, CT Corp Former Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Republic of Indonesia
University of Washington Japan Studies program's Mitsubishi Corporation Lecture Series 2014-15.
三菱商事 2015 IWRF アジア・オセアニア チャンピオンシップ Mitsubishi Corporation 2015 IWRF Asia-Oceania Championship
Mitsubishi Materials USA big show IMTS2016 is officially over and for many it’s time to apply what you learned at IMTS. In the months preceding IMTS 2016, Mitsubishi Materials USA introduced many new products in a format a bit different than in past years. Yes, we broke the Industry norm again by not holding back new products until IMTS but releasing them and educating our distribution network and customers as products became available for sale. In fact, over the past year we released over 2500 new products with more on their way just in time for #JIMTOF. If you had time to visit our booth during #IMTS, than we would like to say thank you for visiting and talking with our booth personnel. If you could not make it to #IMTS2016 or just don’t remember everything you saw, videos found in th...
2014香港業餘冰球會冰球邀請賽 HKAHC Invitational Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament 中銀保誠資產管理2014香港業餘冰球會邀請賽完滿結束,「台北冰球隊」勇奪金盃一連三天的邀請賽於9月14日在Mega Ice溜冰場完滿結束。結果「台北冰球隊」以3:0大勝「日本三菱商事隊」成為今屆金盃王者;而「菲律賓冰球隊」和「香港冰球訓練學校騎兵隊」則分別奪得銀碟及洋紫荊組冠軍。 BOCI-Prudential Asset Management 2014 HKAHC Invitational Amateur Ice Hockey Tournament completed on Sep-14 at Mega Ice, MegaBox. Thank you for the support from all players, sponsors, partners, volunteers and audience. After three days of intense competition, Chinese Taipei and Mitsubishi Corporation earned their spots in the Gold Cup Final, after a tense and exciting game, Chinese Taipei finally beat Mitsubishi Corporation in a score of 3:0 and won the Gold Cup Championship. 1. HKAHC Vs HKAIH 2. Manila Vs Yokohama 3. Taipei Vs Tokyo