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Hashemite Kinrick o Jordan
المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
Al-Mamlakah al-ʾUrdunniyyah al-Hāšimiyyah
Banner o Jordan
Coat o airms o Jordan
Banner Coat o airms
Naitional motto: God, Kintra, the Keeng; Arabic: الله، الوطن، المليك‎; Allah Al-Watan Al-Malek
Offeecial leid Arabic
Caipital Amman
Lairgest ceety caipital

Heid o State -
Prime Meenister -

Constitutional monarchy

Keeng Abdullah II o Jordan

Marouf al-Bakhit

Area 92,300 km2
35,637 sq mi
Population 6,407,085
Foondin 25 Mey 1946
Siller Jordanian dinar (JOD)
Time zone UTC+2
Simmer (UTC+3)
Naitional anthem The Ryal Anthem o Jordan
Naitional flouer
Patron saunt
Internet TLD .jo
Cawin code 962

Jordan (/ˈdʒɔrdən/), offeecially the Hashemite Kinrick o Jordan, an forby kent as the JK (short for The Jordanian Kinrick), is a kinrick on the East Bank o the River Jordan in Wastren Asie. It haes mairches wi Saudi Arabie sooth-eastlins, Iraq eastlins, Sirie norlins an Israel an Palestine tae the wast, sharin control o the Dead Sea. Jordan's anerlie port is at its soothren tip, at the Gulf o Aqaba, whilk is skared wi Israel, Egyp, an Saudi Arabie. Hantle o Jordan is kivered bi the Arabian Desert. Housomeivver, the north-wastren pairt o Jordan is pairt o the Fertile Crescent. The caipital ceety is Amman.

Throu its history, Jordan haes seen a thrang o ceevilizations, includin sic auncient near eastren anes as the Canaanites an later ither Semitic fowks lik the Edomites, an the Moabites. Ither ceevilizations possessin poleetical sovereignty an influence in Jordan wur: Akkadian, Assyrian, Israelite/Judean, Babylonian, an Persian empires. The lands o Jordan wur for a time unner the rule o Pharaonic Egyp, componed pairt o the greater Kinrick o Israel (includin the later Judaean Kinrick, Hasmonaen Kinrick o Israel an Herodian Dynasty), an notably, the region o Jordan gied birth tae the Nabataean ceevilization an aw, whilk left rich airchaeological remains at Petra, ane o the New Seiven Wonders o the Warld locatit in the Ma'an Govrenorate. Cultur faurer wast left their mark an aa, like the Macedonian/Greek/Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, an Ottoman Turkis empires. Syne the seivent century C.E., the aurie haes been unner the primary rule o Muslim an Arab cultur, wi the exceptions briefly for the aurie in wastren Jordan that wis pairt o the Crusader Kinrick o Jerusalem, an for the hale region in the early-mid twintiet century C.E. unner Breetish rule whilk led tae Jordan's establishment as an autonomous state.

The Hashemite Kinrick o Jordan is a constitutional monarchy wi representative govrenment. The reignin monarch is the chief executive an the commander-in-chief o the airmed forces. The keeng exercises his executive authority through the prime meenisters an the Cooncil o Meenisters, or cabinet. The cabinet, atween hauns, is responsible afore the democratically elect Hoose o Deputies whilk, alang wi the Hoose o Notables (Senate), constitutes the legislative branch o the govrenment. The judicial branch is an independent branch o the govrenment.

Etymology[eedit | eedit soorce]

The kinrick is named efter the river Jordan. The name "Jordan" derives frae the Semitic leids an haes multiple meanins (Auncient Arabian الأردن meanin "Steep/Slope" frae the ruit أرد Arda, Ebreu ruit ירד Yrd an Canaanite), via the Aramaic Yarden meanin "a bodie wha descends".

Admeenistrative diveesions[eedit | eedit soorce]

Main article: Govrenorates o Jordan

The Admeenistrative Diveesions seestem bi the Meenistry o Interior dividit Jordan intae 12 provinces cried govrenorates, ilkane heidit bi a govrenor appoint bi the keeng. They are the anerly authorities for aw govrenment depairtments an development projects in their respective auries.