Information & Privacy

Our Information & Privacy group helps both public and private sector clients with a range of information- and privacy-related matters, such as managing Internet-related harms, recovering stolen information, data breach management, access and privacy and anti-spam compliance.

With increased concerns about potential privacy liabilities, many institutions have found it critical to have legal representation and advice on information and privacy issues. We have over 10 years of experience coaching organizations on security incident response and personal information loss and theft. In acting for our clients, we have been successful in recovering stolen information – and in providing expert representation in defence of regulatory charges, complaints and class action claims.

We acted for the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers as intervenors in Supreme Court of Canada proceedings in R v. Cole. This 2012 decision is the leading case on employee privacy and employer access to business system information.


When privacy issues arise, we take a business-minded approach to help our clients with solutions that are both effective and operationally feasible. We provide assistance in the following areas:

  • privacy breach and data loss incidents – management and response
  • privacy legislation
  • information management and governance – improving operational efficiency and reducing risk
  • privacy protocols
  • access to information requests
  • CASL (anti-spam) compliance
  • records retention policies and procedures
  • Internet-related harms

We also provide forceful and effective advocacy of client positions in privacy and access to information matters before privacy tribunals and the courts.


The Hicks Morley Advantage

We are expert advocates for management – and represent their interests in all that we do. This sole focus has allowed us to gain intimate and extensive knowledge of management issues and concerns – and we take a practical, business-minded approach to our advice and representation.

While information and privacy is still an emerging concern for many organizations, we have more than 20 years of experience in developing best practices for our clients. We understand that privacy policies and other information management guidelines are only effective if people can access, understand and act on them. So we place a significant emphasis on ensuring clarity and certainty on privacy protocol within an organization.