PC Party Leader Sinclair Stevens joins former Progressive Conservative PM Joe Clark on refugees
Monday, 07 September 2015 10:15

PC Party Leader Sinclair Stevens joins former Progressive Conservative PM Joe Clark on refugees

For Immediate Release September 7, 2015

Newmarket, Ont.
- The Hon. Sinclair Stevens, Leader of the Progressive Canadian Party, stated today he personally and the PC Party share the concern raised by former prime minister the Rt. Hon. Joe Clark on the Syrian Refugee Crisis.
"As a member of the Clark Cabinet", Stevens said, "at the time of the Vietnamese "boat people" crisis in 1979 I was part of a government that took human-rights and the plight of refugees very seriously. We acted. Numbers to be accepted were raised to 50,000.  As in the Tehran crisis, we did not posture for political or election purposes even though we quickly found ourselves in a second election campaign later that year.  We acted decisively.  We saved lives.  That is what Canadians expect.  That is what Canadians demand now.  Liberal governments did so too, with no more or less success.  The Progressive Conservative party was a very different party, a very different government, than the party and government led by Mr. Harper today."
On Friday, September 4, the Rt. Hon. Joe Clark Canada's prime minister 1979-1980 and foreign minister in the Mulroney government, which took leadership in North America and in the Commonwealth opposing apartheid and working diplomatically to free Nelson Mandela, cited the important work his Progressive Conservative government and later governments did at that time.   The Clark interviews Friday noted the difficulties of security and impossible scale of the problems faced  by his and later governments posed by refugee emergencies, urging the same determination by the Canadian government today and by the new Government of Canada after the October 19th election.
"Canadians expect our government to take a leadership role in international emergencies and to be a presence on the world stage.  We've lost that part of reputation in recent years because of the agenda driven Harper government. We must do better", Stevens said.

The Hon. Sinclair Stevens,
Leader, PC Party
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Reference: CTV Former PM Joe Clark urges Canada to "do more" to ease Syrian refugee crisis.
Last Updated on Saturday, 19 September 2015 11:25
Progressive Canadian Party favours Bank of Canada funding of infrastructure.
Monday, 31 August 2015 15:54
     Progressive Canadian Party favours Bank of Canada funding of infrastructure.

For Immediate Release August 31, 2015

Newmarket, Ontario -
Infrastructure construction for the 21st Century is needed to build Canada's future.  Progressive Canadians understand the key role Canada's government must play to provide initiative in the tasks of nation-building for Canada's future.  Co-operation and consultation with industry and the provinces is necessary to Canadian national resolve, just as in the days of Sir John A. Macdonald's National Policy whether in national projects like the CPR and the 20th century's St. Lawrence Seaway or national initiatives for tomorrow.  We need 21st Century infrastructure for a 21st Century Canada.  Progressive Canadians are prepared to ask and to answer the key questions: what are the tasks and how do we fund them.

High tech innovation to provide modern opportunity and challenges are part of Canada's future prosperity.  The infrastructure needs of  21st Century industry needs to be supplied with material infrastructure like fibre optic networks, public transit and secure means to provide a healthy environment and educated innovators from the shop floor to corporate offices.  We need to rebuild and maintain the infrastructure built by previous generations, to build new ports, bridges and  roads, schools, hospitals and other facilities.  Building Canada's future infrastructure will create opportunity and provide direct employment for tomorrow while  providing today's needs for materials, jobs, and inspired creativity. Real solutions in this second recession of the last ten years are Progressive Canadian answers to tomorrow's questions.

The value of this undertaking is being challenged by concerns over running deficits.

In power the Progressive Canadian Party will fund infrastructure renewal and innovation, in co-operation with the provinces, municipalities and industry, to identify immediate need and future innovation. Funding for national and co-operative projects will once again be provided through Bank of Canada investment banking facilities, as was the practice between the founding of the Bank of Canada in 1935 and 1974, rather than primarily through private bankers.  Opportunity for renewal of this process is being sought through the courts.

Bank of Canada administrative costs will be added to construction costs.  Repayment could be through long term reverse sinking funds.  Wars were fought, the St. Lawrence Seaway and other projects were constructed in this manner without building the massive debt that has and is continuing to develop through borrowing funds at interest from private banks.

The expressed opinion of David Dodge, former governor of the Bank of Canada is that "At a time when there's a lot of slack in the economy,  it's absolutely appropriate for the government to be spending more than they are taking in, to support the economy and because it's a very good time to get things done. When conditions are more buoyant, governments really ought to be running big surpluses, leaning against that inflationary wind."

Borrowing at these incredibly low interest rates for 30 years to finance this long-lived investment is actually a wonderful thing to be doing," he said.

"At the moment, right across the country we have relatively slow demand for the folks that are needed to build the infrastructure, so the costs to put the infrastructure in place  a bit lower than they have been. It's a good time to do it."

"This is most certainly "a good time to do it," in the view of the Hon. Sinclair Stevens, Leader of the PC Party. In the Progressive Canadian Party view at the lowest possible cost, by our Bank of Canada funding our Canada's needed infrastructure"

Progressive Canadians continue the Progressive Conservative commitment to nation-building, national vision and national unity.


The Honourable Sinclair Stevens,
Leader, Progressive Canadian Party
Newmarket, Ontario
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David Dodge on why the fiscal monitor doesn't matter: CBC The House.
Last Updated on Monday, 07 September 2015 11:16
Integrity Matters: Social Contract with Canadians, Veterans must be honoured – Progressive Canadians
Friday, 21 August 2015 14:03

PC Party continues Progressive Conservative Tradition.
Integrity Matters: Social Contract with Canadians, Veterans must be honoured – Progressive Canadians


In 1917, Prime Minster Robert Borden,Conservative, made this commitment as Canadians soldiers were about to attack Vimy Ridge:

"The government and the country will consider it their first duty to see that a proper appreciation of your effort and of your courage is brought to the notice of people at home that no man, whether he goes back or whether he remains in Flanders, will have just cause to reproach the government for having broken faith with the men who won and the men who died." http://www.canada1867.ca/2014/12/the-harper-governments-contempt-for_30.html

This is a social contract made by the Government of Canada in 1917, that Canadians enlisting are promised that if injured or killed in service Canada will take care of them and their loved ones?

But the Harper Conservative's position is . . .

At no time in Canada's history has any 'social contract' or 'social covenant' been legislated.

The PC Party view . . .

"the PC Party is both progressive and centrist in their politics.  Moreover, they are eager to correct the wrongs that have been done to our Veterans and their families by successive governments.

Joe Hueglin,
PC Party National Director
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Tel: 905-356-3901
Just Days until Canadians elect a new government, Election 2015
Saturday, 08 August 2015 09:49


In 9 Days Canadians will elect a new government after Ten Long Years of “The Harper Government.”

Progressive Canadian MPs need to be members of the new Parliament.  Be a Progressive Canadian in the tradition of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.  Please Donate, Volunteer, Be a PC Party Candidate.
Contact us at 1-888-666-3821.  Help us restore Canadian pride!
Make a Donation

Last Updated on Saturday, 10 October 2015 10:52
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