October 09, 2016

SDS 11th Annual National Convention - REGISTER NOW!

We are happy to announce that Students for a Democratic Society will be holding our tenth National Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 8th and 9th. Registration is now open:


October 05, 2016

SDS Stands Against Police Brutality, Fight for Black Liberation!

Police brutality is an ever-present epidemic in the United States, with the most recent victims these past several weeks being Tyre King, Terence Crutcher, Keith Lamont Scott, and Justin Car. Tyre King was an African American 13 year old shot in Columbus, Ohio by police officer Bryan Mason, who had been involved in another police shooting in 2012. This incident was followed shortly by the police murder of an African American disabled man, Keith Lamon Scott, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Terence Crutcher's car broke down in Tulsa, Oklahoma when he was approached by three officers. His hands were in the air as he walked towards his SUV, before being tased and shot by Officer Betty Shelby. When the Tulsa Police Department released police videos of the police killing, protests ensued. Under pressure, Officer Shelby was indicted with first degree manslaughter.

Keith Lamon Scott is the one of the more recent victim of police brutality, as he was shot Tuesday night on September 20th in Charlotte, North Carolina. He was a black disabled man who was shot unjustifiably by police officers, and his death has spark numerous protests in Charlotte alone.
Justin Carr was a protestor in Charlotte who was apart of the marches against Keith Scott's murder by police officers. He was shot on September 21st, or the 2nd night of the marches in Charlotte.

To understand why police as an institution systemically oppress African Americans, it is important to note the police's origin and history since the late 1700s. Police departments have their history tied in with the Slave Patrols of the South, who sought out and hunted down escaped slaves to return them to the plantations.  Last year, 30% of black victims were unarmed when shot by the police. And, this year, fewer than 1 in 3 black people were allegedly armed or suspected of a crime when shot by the police.

Barely 60 years ago, police were heavily utilized to repress the Civil Rights Movement, as seen with March in Birmingham, Alabama. Police repression continues today, as police have already targeted organizers involved with the protests happening in Charlotte.

Students for a Democratic Society advocates for solidarity with Charlotte during these tragic times, and reaffirms its commitment to actively stand against police brutality. Several chapters of SDS from North Carolina to Texas, have been involved in organizing campaigns against police brutality, to demand justice for all victims, and to build the fight for black liberation on campuses.

Stop Police Brutality!
Fight For Black Liberation!
Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win!

September 09, 2016

National SDS Stands With September 9th Prison Strike

In prisons across the United States, incarcerated workers toil away in sweatshop conditions for little to no pay. But, on Friday, September 9th, 2016, these prisoners will take action to end their servitude. Prisoners, with support from the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC), and the Free Alabama Movement, have called for a nationwide work stoppage, and are calling for support from the outside. National SDS supports the September 9th national prisoner strike.

September 01, 2016

National SDS stands against the Dakota Access Pipeline

National SDS supports the actions of the Standing Rock Sioux people and the thousands of protesters who stand against the Dakota Access Pipeline and its attacks on indigenous land, water, and sovereignty. With support from indigenous communities across the continent, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North Dakota continues to protest against the 1,200-mile Dakota Access Pipeline currently under construction. Protest camps that began in April have steadily grown in strength to massive occupations thousands strong, as individuals from nearly 90 tribes, as well as official statements of support from more than a hundred, have poured in to support the people of Standing Rock. Construction of the pipeline has been periodically halted by protest and inspiring examples of direct action against construction sites, while a federal court reviews the pipeline’s construction permits.

August 23, 2016

National SDS Stands Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza, Demands End of U.S. Aid to Israel and to Fund Education Not Occupation!

In the span of less than an hour Sunday night, the state of Israel, the number one recipient of foreign military aid from the United States government, launched over 50 air strikes against the occupied Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes pounded the entire Strip with artillery fire and airstrikes, ostensibly in retaliation for a rocket that was fired from Gaza into an open field inside of Israel which did not injure a single person. At least five Palestinians have now been injured by the Israeli military attacks, according to Ma’an news agency.

August 18, 2016

Say Her Name: New SDS Stands Against Racist Police Murder of Korryn Gaines

On August 1, 2016, Baltimore County police shot and killed 23­year­old black woman
Korryn Gaines and injured her 5 year old son who was with her. The cops arrived at her
home to arrest her and her boyfriend: him on an assault warrant, and Gaines on
outstanding traffic tickets. Gaines, legally armed, protected herself in her home as police
attempted to enter. She attempted to document the encounter via Facebook video
streaming, but the police had her page taken down before she was killed. They eventually
decided to open fire, killing Gaines and injuring her son who was fleeing the gunfire. Korryn
Gaines was the 683rd person killed by the police since January 1st.

July 25, 2016

Carrying the fight beyond Sanders and the DNC

With the Democratic National Convention approaching, it has now been confirmed that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party nominee in the 2016 Presidential election. While SDS’s focus is primarily on building organizational power within our communities and carrying out direct action, this result is not irrelevant to us. Multiple chapters from SDS will be marching on the DNC along with many other organizations to protest the racist, warmongering platform of the Democratic Party.

Despite her rhetoric, Hillary Clinton ultimately represents the interests of the Wall Street billionaires and the rest of the 1%. As the perfect ‘status quo’ candidate, Clinton carries out a neoliberal agenda, having a history of racist, warmongering, anti­-immigrant, and anti­-worker pursuits and policies. Domestically, Clinton is notorious for “superpredator” bills contributing to mass incarceration, mass deportations, austerity, spending cuts, and the continued support of big business. Abroad, Clinton promotes war over peace, and has been involved in NATO­led wars against Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, as well as coups in Honduras and Ukraine. Hillary Clinton’s record and platform, on par with the policies of both major parties, contribute to the continued attack on all workers and oppressed people.

Clinton secured her nomination by outperforming Bernie Sanders, a candidate who is less of a ‘major player’ in the Democratic Party, but who was able to find a base of support in the youth. The Bernie Sanders campaign, despite his widespread popularity, demonstrates the need to continue as independent organizers. Ultimately, Bernie Sanders could not win the nomination because the interests which control the Democratic Party supported the Clinton campaign. As an organization that supports education rights, economic freedom, social justice, and many other causes that were important to the Sanders campaign, we invite those who wish to continue the struggle to join in political organizing to build people’s power.

While SDS has put out the call to “Dump Trump”, we are not letting the Democratic Party slide either. The neoliberal agenda pursued by the Democrats and Republicans alike is responsible for the economic crises, police brutality, mass deportations, and mass incarceration that have allowed for the rise of a racist, sexist, anti-­immigrant demagogue like Donald Trump. While the Donald Trump campaign is a more openly and acutely racist, anti­-immigrant, fear mongering platform, ultimately the interests of the people are not represented by either party. In fact many of the fears about a potential Trump presidency are already being actively carried out by the current Obama administration, including the deportation of more than 2.5 million immigrants, drone strikes in 7 different countries, anti­-worker austerity measures, and mass incarceration.

Ultimately, the only way to victory is through building people’s power. This is why National SDS is calling upon progressive students and youth everywhere to carry the momentum from the “Dump Trump” rallies forward into the marches on the Democratic National Convention. To those who are disillusioned, do not let the fight end with the Sanders campaign. Join us at the DNC, and then bring that fight back to your communities and schools, and build organizations of people’s power. Our only path to victory is through working together and building a mass movement independent of the establishment. 

Dare to struggle, dare to win!