Support HTTP URLs in Your App

App Indexing for iOS 9 or higher uses HTTP URLs to direct users to content in your app. If you've already followed the instructions to support universal links in your app, you can skip this section. Otherwise, do the following:

  1. Add handling for universal links to your app.

    Adopt the UIApplicationDelegate methods so that your app opens the appropriate app content in response to the user's click from search results.

  2. Create the app-to-site association. This involves two things:
    1. Add a entitlement in Xcode that lists each domain associated with your app.
    2. Create an apple-app-site-association file for each associated domain with the content your app supports and host it at the root level.

      Note: The association file must be hosted on a domain that supports HTTPS/TLS, even if the HTTP HTTP URLs are not themselves served via HTTPS.

Next: Check your Implementation

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