
AdMob by Google is an easy way to monetize mobile apps with targeted, in-app advertising.

AdMob by Google is a mobile advertising platform that you can use to generate revenue from your app. Using AdMob with Firebase Analytics provides you with additional app usage data and analytics capabilities. Firebase integrates with AdMob without requiring changes to your existing AdMob configuration.

iOS SETUP Android Setup

Key capabilities

Earn more from AdMob's in-app ads

Show ads from millions of Google advertisers in real time, or use AdMob Mediation to earn from over 40 premium networks through the AdMob platform to simplify your ad operations, improve competition, and earn more, for free.

AdMob mediation has ad network optimization built in, which automatically adjusts the positions of your other ad networks in your mediation stack to ensure you maximize your revenue.

Improve user experience Native and video ads create a positive user experience as you monetize by matching the look and feel of your app. Choose from different ad templates, customize them, and experiment with different layouts on the fly without republishing your app.
Scale fast

When your app's a global or domestic hit, you can monetize users quickly with AdMob, by showing ads to users in more than 200 markets.

More than one app? AdMob house ads is a free tool that enables you to cross-promote your apps to your userbase, across your family of apps.

Access monetization reports AdMob is the premier monetization platform for mobile. While generating ad revenue, AdMob also produces its own monetization reports that you can use to make smarter decisions about product strategy.

How does it work?

AdMob by Google helps you monetize your mobile app through in-app advertising. Ads can be displayed as banner ads, interstitial ads, video ads, or native ads — which are seamlessly added to platform native UI components. On Android, you can additionally display in-app purchase ads, which allow users to purchase advertised products from within your app.

Before you can display ads within your app, you'll need to create an AdMob account and activate one or more Ad Unit IDs. This is a unique identifier for the places in your app where ads are displayed. If you are already using AdMob in your app, all of your existing Ad Unit IDs continue to work after you've added Firebase to your app.

AdMob uses the Google Mobile Ads SDK. The Google Mobile Ads SDK helps app developers gain insights about their users, drive more in-app purchases, and maximize ad revenue. In order to do so, the default integration of the Mobile Ads SDK collects information such as device information, publisher-provided location information, and general in-app purchase information such as item purchase price and currency.

Implementation path

Connect your app Start by adding Firebase to your new or existing app in the Firebase console.
Update project dependencies Adding AdMob to your app is easier when you use CocoaPods on iOS or Gradle on Android. Either of these methods adds the necessary libraries and dependencies to your app.
Create a banner ad Use the AdMob API to create space in your app UI for a banner ad. You can set the layout to just the way you like it or use smart banners that will resize depending on the device size and orientation.
Create an AdMob account In order to monetize with ads in your production app, you'll need to sign up for an AdMob account. Add any Ad Unit IDs that you've created to your app before you publish.

Next steps

  • Read how to get started on iOS or Android.
  • Follow the Quickstart, a tutorial that guides you through setting up AdMob on iOS and Android.

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AdMob by Google
AdMob by Google