- published: 19 Dec 2015
- views: 354007
Romanians (dated: Rumanians or Roumanians; in Romanian: români pronounced [roˈmɨnʲ] or — historically, but now a seldom-used regionalism — rumâni; dated exonym: Vlachs) are natives of Romania that share a common Romanian culture, ancestry, and speak the Romanian language as a mother tongue, as well as by citizenship or by being subjects to the same country. The Romanian citizenship law legislated in March 1991 establishes the rights of second and third generation descendants of Romanian citizens to obtain a Romanian citizenship, if they speak fluent Romanian and are able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge in Romanian history and culture. 88.9 percent of Romania's people declared themselves as Romanians at the 2011 Romanian Census.
In one interpretation of the census results in Moldova, Moldovans are counted as Romanians, which would mean that the latter form part of the majority in that country as well. Romanians are also an ethnic minority in several nearby countries.
This is a list of some of the most prominent Romanians. It contains historical and important contemporary figures (athletes, actors, directors etc.).
Most of the people listed here are of Romanian ethnicity, whose native tongue is Romanian. There are also a few mentioned who were born in Romania and can speak Romanian, though not of Romanian ethnicity.
In todays video I talk about the incredible country Romania and the Romanian people. I hope you learned something about Romania and the Romanians from watching :) EXPAND FOR MORE INFO » http://www.instagram.com/VictoriaFlamel » http://www.twitter.com/VictoriaFlamel
https://vimeo.com/ticadarie - for more videos http://weloverosia.eu I made this short movie on 29th November, 2012 in Oslo, Norway as a school project. Leave a comment about what YOU think about Romanians, thank you. music http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/stud...
https://www.patreon.com/Veemonro?ty=h https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business;=codrin%2estavri%40yahoo%2ecom&lc;=US&item;_name=Veeh%27s%20donation&no;_note=0¤cy;_code=USD&bn;=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHostedGuesthttps://www.patreon.com/Veemonro?ty=h https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA6XcyXsxXU http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3719817/One-man-taken-hospital-gang-Romanians-storm-barber-shop-baseball-bats-attack-staff-fed-owner-asked-stop-drinking-outside.html
Learn the things not to say to Romanian women in Amsterdam. A complaint that the Shallow Man often hears from Expat Romanian women in Amsterdam, is about the “jokes” told to them by Dutch men. These ‘jokes’ can often be downright offensive. So in order to help both Romanian women and Dutch men, here are things that you should NEVER say to Romanian women in Amsterdam. Especially if you're hoping to date them. My website is http://amsterdamshallowman.com You can also follow my channel on Facebook and the Makerschannel https://www.facebook.com/expatshallowman http://makerschannel.com/amsterdamshallowman
A group of Romanian gypsies are arrested for stealing charity bags but deny the charges and refuse to cooperate with the Romanian translator. An insight of what Romanian gypsies do and how they behave in the UK. The rags to riches stories don't always happen for everyone. Un reportaj pe cat de amuzant pe atat de trist... Un grup de tigani romani arestati pentru furt in UK, neaga acuzatiile insa refuza sa colaboreze cu un tranzlator. Incapacitatea acestora de a se adapta sau macar de a intelege "viata" in Anglia este probabil principalul motiv pentru care ajung sa comita astfel de fapte. Povestile despre cat de usor si cat de repede te poti imbogati in tarile vestice, nu doar in Marea Britanie, sunt adeseori doar... povesti. Speranta si dorinta de a trai mai bine nu le o poate acuza nimen...
Support the video if you enjoyed it! (You know what to do) My Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/nickbunyun My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nickbunyun Google+: http://gplus.to/nickbunyun TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/nickbunyun Paypal Donations: http://goo.gl/kC2RO My PC Config: http://goo.gl/gFmmm Steam Group: http://goo.gl/wjQEW I also play League Of Legends, I do subscriber runs a few times a week. To be part of it, follow me on twitter. If you're gonna sign up, use this link: http://goo.gl/AHPfU Cool Series/Shows I do: • BF3 Top 5 So Far: http://goo.gl/Iclydi • BF3 Say When:http://goo.gl/li8myC • DayZ Taviana: http://goo.gl/FvZxO8 • DayZ Breaking Point: http://goo.gl/6M4rx9 Let's Plays: • Minecraft Season 1: http://goo.gl/NJmD99 • Minecraft Season 2: http://goo.gl/b8lgSu • Skyrim...
Hey guys, how have you been? I'm so sorry to start this description intro with 'Sorry I've missed my Friday night schedule again..', but nevertheless, that's exactly what I'm having to say, sorry! I'm sure if you follow me on Snapchat, or Instagram, with the addition of Instagram Stories, you will have found out that my family life has been very hectic lately, to say the least. Which made keeping up with my Friday evening uploading slots a near impossible task, at least for these past few weeks, or even for the weeks to come... Saying that I am trying my upmost to film and edit whenever and wherever possible, and rest assured, I will be uploading one video every week still, just not necessarily on Friday nights for now. I will however keep you all updated on Snapchat, Instagram as well as ...
Another Romanian food taste test! Tasting this Romanian food made me want to learn more about Romania and now I want to travel to Romania one day! Watch my previous Romanian Food video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIf3LnHlF7g S N A P C H A T: ellyawsm I N S T A: EllyAwesome T W I T T E R: ellyawwesome Bigar falls photo source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DV4T9v8R4Vs/UPG0XQsdgWI/AAAAAAAANwU/2_sATMSmeHs/s1600/DSC_0620_1.jpg Trajan’s column photo source: http://www.nationalgeographic.com/trajan-column/img/article/img1_2048.jpg Scarisoara ice cave photo source: http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/04/70/52/19/scarisoara-ice-cave.jpg Tasting Romanian food is fun! If you're Romanian can you give me some recipes for traditional Romanian food in the comments?
An interview with Odessa Toma, an American woman from Louisiana who married a Romanian man and moved to Romania with him. This is the story of the sacrifices they are making in order to be able to live in the country and of the way she copes and has gotten accustomed to living here. This is the seventh episode of "Romania Through Their Eyes", a show featuring interviews with foreigners living in Romania. The show's purpose is to present Romania as foreigners see it, which will lead to a greater understanding of the issues facing Romanians and Romania. Odessa's website is: http://odessatoma.blogspot.com. --- Acesta este un interviu cu Odessa Toma, o femeie din SUA, din statul Louisiana, care s-a maritat cu un barbat roman si s-a mutat in Romania ca sa fie cu el. Aceasta este ...
Antonia Iacobescu first TV interview romanian language - 2009 English sub. interviu romanian girls music -
OCCRP visits Tudor Viola, a human trafficker who describes in his own words how he brought Romanian women to the streets of Spain. He explains the psychology and methodology he believes kept the women from leaving his side or going to the police. In the end, he says Romanian prosecutors intimidated the women into manufacturing a much different, far less benign, version of events.
The fifth episode of "Romania Through Their Eyes", a show featuring interviews with foreigners living in Romania. This interview is with Paul Hemmerth, who is a Saxon born in Romania and raised in Germany. He came back to Romania 1997 and lives here several months each year. The purpose of the show is to get foreigners' impressions about the country and to start a dialogue which will lead to a greater understanding of the issues facing Romanians and Romania. Paul's website is: http://slowlyplanet.org/. --- Al cincilea episod din show-ul "Romania Through Their Eyes (Romania Prin Ochii Lor)", un show care prezinta interviuri cu strainii care locuiesc in Romania. Acest interviu este cu Paul Hemmerth, un sas nascut in Romania, care a emigrat in Germania cu parintii si fratele sa...
Mark Treon and I sat down for a conversation about Romania on 7/8/15, in my studio. Mark has been coming to Romania since 1991, has made over 30 trips to the country and has also adopted a child here, which has bound him even closer to the country. He is now renovating three Saxon homes in the village of Richis and plans to turn them into an inn. This is the tenth episode of "Romania Through Their Eyes", a show featuring interviews with foreigners living in Romania. The show's purpose is to get their impressions about the country and to start a dialogue which will lead to a greater understanding of the issues facing Romanians and Romania. Music: "Ballade no. 4 in F minor, Op. 52" by Frederic Chopin, performed by Frank Levy. Track is public domain, obtained from Musopen.org. RTTE-01...
EU membership stops us controlling who comes into our country, on what terms, and who can be removed. The system is out of control. FACT We cannot stop criminals entering Britain from Europe while job creators from non-European countries are blocked. FACT If we vote ‘remain’, we will lose more and more control of our borders to the EU and European Court. FACT The Government’s deal doesn’t solve the benefits problem. The only way to take control is to Vote Leave.
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An interview with Debbie Stowe, a journalist from Britain who has found her home and her career in Romania for the past 9 years (at the time of filming). This is the eighth episode of "Romania Through Their Eyes", a show featuring interviews with foreigners living in Romania. The show's goal is to present Romania as foreigners see it, which will lead to a greater understanding of the issues facing Romanians and Romania. This interview was featured on TVR International on 3/31/12: http://tvr.ro/inregistrari.php?file=DATA-2012-03-31-6-27.flv&id;=Romania%20in%20vazul%20lumii --- Acesta este un interviu cu Debbie Stowe, or jurnalista din Anglia care si-a gasit casa si cariera in Romania pentru ultimii 9 ani (la timpul filmarii). Acesta este al optulea episod din show-ul "Romania Through...
Bostico International interviews Razvan Boros about the challenges of being a Romanian interpreter. We talk about court interpreting, impartiality, and the funny situations interpreters sometimes find themselves in. https://bostico.uk/translator/romanian-translator-interpreter.htm
Nigel Farage has challenged James O'Brien to a debate over his criticism of Ukip. Watch it live from 11.30 this morning.