
Maximize Revenue With A Single SDK


AdRally - Automated Ad Optimization

AdRally is a lot like mediation, only better! AdRally takes all the headaches and hassle out of mediating multiple ad networks and takes care of maximizing ad revenue for you.

AdRally is a rigorously vetted and tested collection of top-performing ad networks and exchanges, all rolled into one powerful SDK. Leveraging our proprietary automated logic, AdRally maximizes your fill rate and increases monetization by optimizing multiple networks. AdRally ensures you secure the highest paying ad to fill your valuable space, in every country, every day and offloads ad optimization from your team.

AdRally Supported Formats

Fuse only works with premium ad formats, so players that see ads are guaranteed a great experience. Fuse supports:

  • Rewarded video - maximize revenue and engagement
  • Full-screen video - beautiful ads that don't annoy players
  • Rich media - interactive and emerging formats
  • Static interstitials - the workhorse of the mobile ad world
Control frequency and target segments in real-time directly within the Fuse dashboard to optimize your strategy.

AdRally Optimization

Our hybrid system uses six layers of optimization to get you the most value out of every single impression. Well beyond your basic ad waterfall, our proprietary optimization techniques and technology maximize your ad revenue in every country, every day.

Our dedicated Ad Ops team works directly with our ad partners informing them of where they are winning and where there is additional inventory they could be filling. Simply put, our team and technology eliminate all the headache and hassle out of manually mediating multiple ad networks.

To see what’s under the hood, download our in-depth deck that captures the art and science of ad optimization.

Set It and Forget It

AdRally is similar to mediation, only better. AdRally is a collection of top-performing ad networks and exchanges, all rolled into one powerful SDK. See how the two compare.

AdRally pays you more money with less hassle so you can focus your time on building great games.

AdRally Comparison Chart

Get Started with AdRally

Our Publisher Growth team will have you set-up in no time.

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