Firebase Dynamic Linksplat_iosplat_androidplat_web

Firebase Dynamic Links are deep links that survive the install process, which can convert your mobile web users to native app users, and increase conversion for user-to-user sharing.

Dynamic Links can link to different content depending on the platform they're opened on. In addition, Dynamic Links work across app installs: if a user opens a Dynamic Link and doesn't have your app installed, the user can be prompted to install it; then, after installation, your app starts and can access the link.

Use Dynamic Links in web, email, social media, referral, and physical promotions to increase user acquisition, retention, and lifetime value. Gain end-to-end insight into all your growth channels through analytics on the Firebase console.

iOS SETUP Android Setup

Key capabilities

Dynamic Links are durable and survive app installs Delight users by personalizing the first-open experience. Avoid losing conversions when potential users don't already have your app installed.
Dynamically control the user experience Dynamic Links work seamlessly across iOS, Android, and desktop and mobile web. Dynamic Links can be configured to provide the best possible user experience, whether that's a personalized app launch, a fast interstitial, or opening your mobile website.
Know which content and campaigns are working Use Dynamic Links to know exactly which initiatives and content drive growth. Analytics in the Firebase console let you understand which links drive installs and app use. Referrer tracking associates behavior within your app to specific growth channels.

Firebase Dynamic Links must only be used for the purpose of deep-linking into app content. You may not track users beyond the link click without their knowledge and consent.

Complete list of features

Works whether or not your app is installed
Maintain context across app installs

If your app needs to be installed to open a link, your app automatically opens the link after installation

iOS: the link opens Safari, which redirects to the App Store

Android: no disambiguation dialog, and no bounce through a browser is required

Maintain context across app upgrades

Android only: if your app needs to be upgraded to open a link, your app automatically opens the link after upgrading

Existing users taken directly to linked content

If app installation isn't needed, the link is opened immediately

iOS 8: Safari is opened first, which redirects to your app

iOS 9: links are opened directly using Universal Links

Android: links are opened directly in your app, with no disambiguation dialog, and no bounce through a browser

Integrated analytics
Access to attribution and referrer information

iOS: browser fingerprinting

Android: complete attribution, including installs per campaign. Fast—no Play Store broadcast required!

Built-in analytics Basic analytics in the Dynamic Links panel of the Firebase console and advanced analytics using Firebase Analytics integration
Flexible link creation
Short links Create short links using the Firebase console
Pass arbitrary link parameters to app URL parameters added to a Dynamic Link are passed through to the underlying links
Free Free, unlimited use

How does it work?

Convert web users to app users

You create a Dynamic Link either by using the Firebase console or by forming a URL by adding Dynamic Link parameters to a domain specific to your app. These parameters specify the links you want to open, depending on the user's platform and whether your app is installed.

When a user opens one of your Dynamic Links, if your app isn't yet installed, the user is sent to the Play Store or App Store to install your app (unless you specify otherwise), and your app opens. You can then retrieve the link that was passed to your app and handle the link as appropriate for your app.

Implementation path

Handle links in your app Enable linking directly to your app's content or create links that initiate app-specific logic such as applying a coupon code to a user's account. You handle links on iOS by using custom URL schemes or Universal Links and on Android by using intent filters
Create Dynamic Links from the links to your app You can create Dynamic Links programmatically or by using the Firebase console.
Handle Dynamic Links in your app When your app opens, use the Dynamic Links SDK to check if a Dynamic Link was passed to it. If so, get the link from the Dynamic Link data and handle the link as necessary.

Next steps

  • Add Firebase Dynamic Links to your iOS or Android app.

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