
"The poorest and most vulnerable people in our society suffer the most from the effects of climate change and extreme weather events.

The disadvantaged are more exposed to severe weather conditions through homelessness and poor quality housing structures, and bear increasing food and fuel costs, often from very meagre incomes, i.e, Newstart Allowance. How can we protect our most vulnerable members of society from these effects?

Come along to Anti-Poverty Network SA's How Climate Change Will Hurt Australia's Poor, part of Power To The Poor - Silent No More (Anti-Poverty Week Conference), on Friday October 21st." - Inga Baker.
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How Climate Change Will Hurt Australia's Poor

October 21, 2016, 3:00pm - October 21, 2016, 4:30pm

This forum, part of Power To The Poor - Silent No More (Anti-Poverty Week Conference), will explore the impacts of change change on Australia's poor, including the unemployed, pensioners, sole parents, the homeless, and others on low incomes. Speakers will include Dr. Scott Hanson-Easy and Dr. Danielle Every, from the Vulnerable Communities Network of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. These impacts, including major health issues, more severe weather, rising energy costs, and others effects, will make life even harder for those already living in poverty, and out of work. So what can we do? What does climate change mean for our fight for a more egalitarian, just society? INFO: E: P: 0411 587 663 W: Hosted by ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK SA and WOMEN IN POVERTY, and supported by UNITING COMMUNITIES.

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