Media Releases

October 2016 media-release-welfare-recipients-speak-out-minister-porter-stop-talking-about-us-and-start-listening-to-us

August 2016 MEDIA-RELEASE-Job-Active-Providers-Wasting-Taxpayers-Money-And-Unemployed-Peoples-Time

August 2016 MEDIA RELEASE – Scrapping Clean Energy Supplement Mean-Spirited Move From Out Of Touch Government

June 2016 MEDIA-RELEASE-Election-Forum-Hear-Unemployed-Speak-Directly-To-The-Pollies-But-No-Show-From-The-Liberals

May 2016 MEDIA RELEASE – Target 80K Jobs – Campaign Launch

May 2016 MEDIA RELEASE – Another Unfair Budget Full Of Pain For Those On Income Support


November 2015 MEDIA RELEASE – Rally – Say No To The Cashless Welfare Debit Card_ Say No To The Family Tax Benefit Cuts

October 2015 MEDIA-RELEASE-Low-Income-People-Gather-In-Adelaide-For-Unique-Anti-Poverty-Week-Conference

July 2015 MEDIA RELEASE – Three Years Of Income Management In Playford_ Three Years Of Failure, Punishment, And Waste (1)

July 2015 MEDIA-RELEASE-Fight-The-Fine-Protest-Against-Harsh-Newstart-Measures-To-Hit-Streets-Of-Adelaide

May 2015 MEDIA-RELEASE-Funding-Extension-For-Income-Management-Shows-Government-Is-Blind-And-Deaf-To-Evidence-Committed-To-Punishing-Poor-People

May 2015 MEDIA-RELEASE-21-Years-Is-Long-Enough-Time-To-Raise-Newstart-Time-To-End-Poverty-For-Unemployed-People

April 2015 MEDIA-RELEASE-Protest-Say-No-To-The-Healthy-Welfare-Card-Say-No-To-Income-Management

March 2015  MEDIA-RELEASE Abbott Government Plans To Expand Failed Income Management Scheme Deeply Concerning

February 2015 Compulsory Income Management not the solution to child abuse and neglect



Nov 2014 MEDIA RELEASE – Number Of Playford Residents Forced On Income Management Continues To Rise, Time For Nick Champion To Respond To The Evidence

November 2014 MEDIA RELEASE – Protest At SA Labor Party Convention – It’s Time To Reject The Forrest Review

October 2014 MEDIA RELEASE – New Government Report Shows Income Management Is Still Failing

September 2014 MEDIA RELEASE – Protest Against Premier Jay Weatherill’s Endorsement Of Andrew Forrest’s Income Management Plan And Other Recommendations

August 2014 MEDIA RELEASE – Premier Jay Weatherill Fails To Listen To The Evidence On Income Management

June 2014 SIMPla Media Release – Coalition Plans To Extend Income Management Ignore The Dismal Track-Record Of The Policy

June 2014 MEDIA RELEASE – Mock Funeral And Protest – The Death Of The Fair Go

May 2014 SIMPla Media Release – 700 Percent Increase In Number Of Income Management Clients In Playford

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