Tell Us Your Story


Your story has power. It can help change attitudes and beliefs about poverty, welfare, and unemployment.

Stories submitted through the form may be published on the Anti-Poverty Network SA website, Facebook page, group, and in public reports and submissions. Stories may be edited for brevity. All stories can have identifying information removed to protect privacy, if requested. Any contact details you provide us will be kept confidential. If you choose to provide your name and contact details we may contact you about your story, but it is entirely up to you whether you provide such details.

Not sure what to write? There are some questions at the bottom of the form to get you started.

Name (optional)

Age (optional)

Email (optional)

Centrelink payment you are or were receiving?

What sort of experience have you had?

What is your story?

How would you describe your experiences with Centrelink? Have they been mostly positive, mostly negative, or neutral?

Have you ever had your payment cut or suspended?

How would you describe your experiences with Job Networks? Have they been mostly positive, mostly negative, or neutral?

Have you ever been forced to do something that you think did not help you?

Have you ever been forced to do Work For The Dole? How did you find the experience?

Have you ever struggled to make ends meet? For example, have you ever failed to pay bills or rent on time, or have you ever skipped a meal? Do you think Centrelink payments are too low for you to meet your needs?

Have you ever struggled to find work?

What kinds of policies from governments would make your life easier? What kinds of policies would make life harder?