Thousands Of Aussies 'Walk Together' For Asylum Seekers

A national day of action is underway in solidarity with those seeking asylum.

22/10/2016 1:03 PM AEDT | Updated 22/10/2016 2:14 PM AEDT
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Australians are hitting the streets on Saturday to support asylum seekers.

Thousands of protesters are hitting streets nationwide to support asylum seekers and urge the government to take a more compassionate approach to refugees.

The protests, organised by the advocacy group Welcome to Australia, is one of many being held across Australia on Saturday amid ongoing debate about the Turnbull government's treatment of asylum seekers.

The rallies come after a week of intense scrutiny of immigration policy following the release of the Amnesty International report Island of Despair, which was highly critical of current policy.

It's not only capital cities joining in on the national day of action, with rallies also being held in regional centres like Albury, Ballarat, Bendigo, the NSW Central Coast and Dandenong.

"Walk Together 2016 will be a huge celebration of diversity and a loud declaration that thousands of Australians believe we can become a nation known for our compassion, generosity and welcome," Welcome to Australia said on its website.

"Faced with increasing instances of fear and prejudice, it's more important than ever for values of compassion and welcome to reign."

Organisers want to encourage compassion, improve unity and take a more welcoming approach to new arrivals, those seeking asylum, and refugees.

Celebrities like musician Missy Higgins, and comedians Judith Lucy and Tom Ballard are said to be joining the rallies on Saturday.

Welcome to Australia CEO Mohammad Al-Khafaji told the ABC the event demonstrated some of the great things about Australia.

"The walk is a loud declaration that thousands of Australians believe we are a nation known for our compassion, generosity and welcome," Mr Al-Khafaji's quoted as saying.

"A community in Anchorage, Alaska, heard about Australia's Walk Together celebration and they were really impressed with its symbolism and its power.

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