RED YEARS, BLACK YEARS Anarchist Resistance to Fascism in Italy from Revista Anarchica (Translated by Alan Hunter) eBook £1.00/€1.50 (see eBookshelf)

 Fascism  Comments Off on RED YEARS, BLACK YEARS Anarchist Resistance to Fascism in Italy from Revista Anarchica (Translated by Alan Hunter) eBook £1.00/€1.50 (see eBookshelf)
Jun 042016

RedYearssmallRED YEARS, BLACK YEARS. Anarchist Resistance to Fascism in Italy.eBook £1.00/€1.50 (see eBookshelf)  Also available from Kobo  and Kindle
It is a sad fact that so little historical material is available today dealing with the role of the various resistance groups throughout Europe. There are many reasons for this, ranging from the obvious; secrecy equals survival, to the more surprising and depressing fact, fascism was not defeated in 1945. Those who really fought the fascists, as opposed to those who only claim they did, still have to be careful even now. It was only in 1983 that the notorious butcher of Lyon, Klaus Barbie, was brought to trial. Between 1945 and his capture he was at various times working for the CIA, the Catholic Church, Latin American drug barons and Bolivian death squads. Likewise Paul Touvien, head of the Milice (fascist paramilitary) in Lyon, was only captured in 1989. He was protected for almost 50 years by a huge network of extreme right-wing followers, many in the highest positions in the land. If the fascists have such connections then it is quite understandable why those who have fought them do not wish to discuss these matters too openly.

Italian Fascism from Stuart Christie on Vimeo.

In these pages we have recorded some episodes in the Italian anarchist resistance to fascism, particularly in the struggle against blackshirt gangs in the 1920s, and the armed resistance to the Nazis between 1943 and 1945. A few episodes only: We have many more accounts from comrades all over Italy than are given here. To present them all would make a much larger and more fragmented work than this.

We have not attempted to write the definitive history of the Italian anarchists in these struggles. That history, which has yet to be produced, would involve a more systematic search for documents and publications, and the collection of more eyewitness accounts from those involved in the fight. What we have tried to do is to break down the wall of silence which has surrounded the anarchists’ part in the fight against fascism, a fight which the Italian parliamentary parties now claim to have organised and led. — Revista Anarchica

Gli anarchici nella resistenza from Stuart Christie on Vimeo.

DER FÜHRER Hitler’s Rise To Power by Konrad Heiden (Kindle, KOBO, MOBI and ePub)

 Biography, Fascism  Comments Off on DER FÜHRER Hitler’s Rise To Power by Konrad Heiden (Kindle, KOBO, MOBI and ePub)
Sep 262015

FuhrersmallDER FÜHRER  Hitler’s Rise To Power by Konrad Heiden — 761 pages Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE  USA : $4.00 NB! AMAZON have chosen, arbitrarily, NOT to make this available in any other markets, including the UK, but no matter, you can get a MOBI or eBook file from us — PAYPAL £2.00 direct to — which you can load directly onto your Kindle or other reading device— that way Amazon get nothing (their cut is 70% of the cover price!) ChristieBooks on KOBO  — DER FÜHRER  Hitler’s Rise To Power £2.50 — 
Cover illustration by Flavio Costantini. ‘Oranienburg, July 10th 1934. Erich Mühsam.’ “…The following morning he (the overseer) went to enquire after M. When no one replied he said, cynically — ‘If he is not here then he’s dead.’” (K. Mühsam). From ‘The Art of Anarchy’, Cienfuegos Press, 1975. Mühsam was arrested as part of the ‘First Solution’ — on unspecified charges — in the early morning of 28 February 1933, a few hours after the Reichstag fire in Berlin. Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, labelled him as one of “those Jewish subversives.”… Over the next seventeen months, he was imprisoned and brutally tortured in the concentration camps at Sonnenburg, Brandenburg and finally, Oranienburg, where he was murdered.

“IT IS TWENTY-THREE YEARS now since I first attended a National Socialist meeting, saw (without particular enjoyment) Herr Hitler at close range, and listened to the flood of nonsense—or so it then seemed to me—that he was spouting. It was only gradually that the effects of these speeches made me realize that behind all nonsense there was unrivaled political cunning.

“In 1923, as the leader of a small democratic organization in the University of Munich, I tried, with all the earnestness of youth, and with complete lack of success, to annihilate Hitler by means of protest parades, mass meetings, and giant posters. And so I am entitled to call myself the oldest —or one of the oldest —anti-Nazis now in the United State, for there cannot be many in this country who came into conflict with Adolf Hitler and his handful of followers at so early a date.

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RACE MADNESS by Camillo Berneri (Translated by Paul Sharkey) Kindle and Kobo editions

 Fascism, Racism  Comments Off on RACE MADNESS by Camillo Berneri (Translated by Paul Sharkey) Kindle and Kobo editions
Aug 172015

RaceMadnessRACE MADNESS by Camillo Berneri (Translated by Paul Sharkey)  NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — READ INSIDE.  Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £1.92 ; USA : $3.00 FRANCE : €2.70 ; GERMANY : €2.70 ; SPAIN : €2.70 ; ITALY: €2.70 ; NETHERLANDS : €2.70  ; JAPAN : ¥ 373CANADA : CDN$ 3.93 ; BRAZIL : R$ 10.45 ; AUSTRALIA : $4.06 ; INDIA : R195 ; MEXICO : $49.12  ChristieBooks on KOBO  — RACE MADNESS £2.00

A 1934 essay by Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri (1897-1937) exploring the contentious issue of eugenics, race and racial prejudice in pre-war Europe and the United States, the so-called advanced nations. In Austria, in October 1933, the courts granted a divorce in a marriage contracted between an Aryan and a Jewess, in a verdict in which the grounds cited include incompatibility deriving from race difference between the spouses, a difference that ought “in a symbiosis as close as marriage, inevitably trigger profound frictions.” In Lithuania the National Socialist Party there called for a ban on marriages between Jews and non-Jews. In France a blatantly racist and anti-semitic Celtic League was launched while in the United States of America there were laws banning marriages between blacks and whites, there are universities closed to black students and anthropologists who talk of an American race (not to mention lynching!). And, in Italy, the Italian nationalist press included La Razza, La Stirpe, Il Grido della Stirpe, etc…

EL AÑO DE LA VICTORIA. Memorias de la Guerra Civil Española 1936-39 Eduardo de Guzmán

 Fascism, Spain  Comments Off on EL AÑO DE LA VICTORIA. Memorias de la Guerra Civil Española 1936-39 Eduardo de Guzmán
Aug 232014

AnodelaVictoriaEL ANO DE LA VICTORIA. Memorias de la Guerra Civil Española 1936-39 por Eduardo de Guzmán. (Check out all Kindle editions of ChristieBooks titles) NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £2.47  READ INSIDE!

UK : £2.47 ; USA : $4.00 ; Germany : €3.08; France :  €3.08 ; Spain:  €3.08 ; Italy :  €3.08 ; Japan : ¥ 409 ; Canada : CDN$ 4.36 ; Brazil : R$ 8.86 ; Mexico: $52.30 ; Australia : $4.29 ; India : R243

Nacido en Villada (Palencia) en 1909 pero residente en Madrid hace medio siglo, Eduardo de Guzmán inicía muy joven sus actividades profesionales trabajando en diversos periódicos. En 1930 es nombrado redactor jefe del diario madrileño «La Tierra», cargo que desempeña durante cinco años. En 1935 pasa a «La Libertad» como editorialista y redactor político. En febrero de 1937 se le designa director del periódico matutino «Castilla Libre», órgano de la C.N T en la capital de España.

THE YEAR OF VICTORY is the second volume (in Spanish) of Eduardo de Guzmán’s riveting memoir, telling the story of Spain’s social revolution and Civil War, and the aftermath of the Francoist victory. It gives an unputdownable first-hand account of the tragic fate of defeated republican prisoners detained at the port of Alicante on 1 April 1939. Guzmán’s richly descriptive story of their gruelling three-month odyssey which took them, from Alicante, through the horrors of the Los Almendros and Albatera concentration camps, to their ultimate destination, a sinister Falangist building in Madrid’s Calle de Almargo. The book exposes the entire repressive apparatus of Francoist bloodlust in the aftermath of ‘victory’.

The author was editor of the Madrid-based Castilla Libre, the daily newspaper of the revolutionary workers’ union, the National Confederation of Labour (CNT), between February 1937 and March 1939. For me he is the Spanish Solzhenitsyn – the chronicler and indicter of one of Europe’s most enduring and bloodsoaked fascist regimes, one that killed more Spaniards than Hitler killed Germans. Guzmán’s insights and painstaking descriptions of his fellow prisoners, guards, conditions of confinement – the whole world of captivity – had me gripped all the way, from the fall of Alicante until the moment he and his comrades are delivered into the hands of the triumphalist, spiteful secret police and Falangist captors. My personal memories date from 24 years after the events described here — and are nowhere near as dramatic — but all the same I recognise each and every one of the situations and characters — oppressors and victims — and empathise with the latter every step of the way. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich exposed the brutalities of Stalin’s faraway prison system, Guzmán’s The Year of Victory does the same for Franco’s ignored gulag archipelago just the other side of the Pyrenees. The pity is that this three-volume Civil War masterpiece — La muerte de la esperanza (1973); El año de la victoria (1974) and Nosotros los asesinos: memorias de la guerra de España (1976) — remains more or less unrecognised in the very country whose history, vast areas of which still remain suppressed today — albeit more subtly — he tells so movingly.

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HIGH TREASON The Plot Against the People Albert E. Kahn — BOOK 3 — THE WAR WITHIN: XI Dangerous Americans — 1: Secret Offensive

 Fascism, Historical Memory, USA  Comments Off on HIGH TREASON The Plot Against the People Albert E. Kahn — BOOK 3 — THE WAR WITHIN: XI Dangerous Americans — 1: Secret Offensive
Apr 292014

HIGH TREASON The Plot Against the People by Albert E. Kahn NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £2.58 READ INSIDE  Check out all KINDLE Christiebooks titles HERE  UK : £2.58 ; USA : $4.13France :  €3.29 ; Spain:  €3.29 ; Italy :  €3.29 ; Germany: €3.29 ; Holland: 3.29 ; Japan : ¥ 449Canada: CDN$ 4.51 ; Brazil : R$ 9.91 ; Mexico: $53.93 ; Australia : $4.55 ; India : R245 — ALSO NOW AVAILABLE ON KOBO UK, etc.: £3.00 Check out all ChristieBooks titles on Kobo HERE


Holocaust German Am Bund March NYC 2 Hi Res

German American Bund October 1938 march on 86th Street in New York City.

There are also American citizens, many of them in high places, who, unwittingly in most cases, are aiding these [Axis] agents.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, December 29, 1940.

In the United States we have many of our compatriots and even more friends among the citizens of the United States who are favourably disposed toward us. Many of the latter hold important positions in political and economic life.

From a speech delivered in Berlin in 1940 by Reichsminister R. Walter Darre.

I. Secret Offensive

The Axis war against America did not begin on December 7, 1941, with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The momentous events of that morning climaxed a secret war that the German, Japanese and Italian General Staffs had been waging against the United States for almost a decade. The major battles of this undeclared war were fought on American soil.

During the 1930s a huge fifth column apparatus of Axis-inspired organizations, pro-Nazi propaganda centres, military-espionage and racist terrorist cells, ramified through every phase of American life. When Hitler’s mechanized legions swept into Poland on September I, 1939, and launched the Second World War, there were already more than 700 fascist organizations operating in the United States.

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ATADO Y BIEN ATADO Juan Busquets (Asociación de Presos Políticos del Franquismo en Francia). Edición Kindle (en Español) — £1.86, $3.00, €2.26

 Church and State, Fascism, Historical Memory, Nazis/Fascism/Corporatism, Power elites and brokers, repression  Comments Off on ATADO Y BIEN ATADO Juan Busquets (Asociación de Presos Políticos del Franquismo en Francia). Edición Kindle (en Español) — £1.86, $3.00, €2.26
Apr 112014

BusquetsCoverNewAtado y bien atado por Juan Busquets (con la Asociación de Presos Políticos del Franquismo en Francia). Edición Kindle en Español, 2014 Check out all Kindle editions of ChristieBooks titles  —  READ INSIDE!  ¡LEER EL INTERIOR! UK : £1.86 ; USA : $3.00 ; Germany : €2.26 ; France :  €2.26 ; Spain:  €2.26 ; Italy:  €2.26 ; Japan: ¥ 310 ; India: R180 : Canada: CDN$ 3.29 ; Brazil: R$6.71 ; Mexico: $39.01 ; Australia: $3.23

Juan Busquets, former guerrilla and author of Twenty Years in Franco’s Jails. An Anarchist in Franco’s Prisons, explains how Franco’s victims, especially the maquis, have been deliberately written out of history by Spain’s post-Francoist governments. His starting point is that the current monarchy is a continuation of Franco regime and that little has changed in the last 40 years in which Franco’s victims have been consistently sidelined and discriminated against by the stewards of the current Borbón monarchy: Suarez, Calvo Sotelo, Felipe Gonzalez, Aznar, Zapatero, Rajoy, and Montilla. The book tells of the author’s struggle to reclaim the memory of the anti-Francoist maquis, and his analysis of the post-Franco years of the dictator’s annointed successor, Juan Carlos Borbón y Borbón, the head of state charged with fulfilling Franco’s legacy for Spain, one that remains virtually intact — as the title indicates – ‘tightly tied and well trussed up’ (Atado y bien atado). Busquets (with additional texts from the ‘Association of Political Prisoners of Franco in France’ — APPFF), gives voice to the memories of another Spain: libertarian, republican, federal, secular, and confederal, and pays tribute to the thousands of imprisoned, exiled and murdered anti-Francoists who were silenced, ignored or demonised as bandits and terrorists. S.C.

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STEFANO DELLE CHIAIE IN BOLIVIA — Notes on the memoirs of Stefano Delle Chiaie by Paul Sharkey

 Bolivia, Fascism, South America  Comments Off on STEFANO DELLE CHIAIE IN BOLIVIA — Notes on the memoirs of Stefano Delle Chiaie by Paul Sharkey
Feb 092013

Tropea, Italy, August 2012: Stefano Delle Chiaie at the launch of his memoir ‘L’aquila e il condor’

 With the publication (in Italian) of Stefano Delle Chiaie‘s memoir ‘L’aquila e il condor‘ (The Eagle and The Condor — see filmed interview below – with SDC (aka ‘Shorty’), Ugo Maria Tassinari of Forza Nuova, Michele La Torre, and Manuel Grillo), a Bolivian comrade asked us to establish from SDC’s account what he (‘Shorty’) claims he was doing during his time in South America. We asked Paul Sharkey to share his thoughts/notes on the memoirs of this particularly pernicious character. Of equal interest is what ‘Shorty’ didn’t say about the Bolivian paramilitary death squads known as Los Novios de la Muerte, nor was there any satisfactory explanation as to his links with Klaus Barbie or how he was able to access such high political and military levels in Spain and Latin America.

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UNAMUNO’S LAST LECTURE — You will win, but you will not convince! by Luis Portillo

 Fascism, Spain  Comments Off on UNAMUNO’S LAST LECTURE — You will win, but you will not convince! by Luis Portillo
Feb 032013


Spain’s most eminent poet, philosopher, novelist and essayist of modern times, Don MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO Y JUGO, Professor of Greek at Salamanca University, became its rector in 1901, but was removed in 1914 for political reasons (in the 1920s the dictator Primo de Rivera exiled him to the Canary Islands). Re-elected in 1931 with the advent of the Republic he was  made rector for life in 1934, and in 1936 he entered the Cortes as an independent republican.


General Millán Astray (1879-1954)

The oldest of the “generation of 98” (the new wave in literature and politics that emerged in the aftermath of the Cuban War) he described himself as a “sower of doubt and an agitator of consciences”. Disillusioned with the republic, the military coup of July 1936 found him in Salamanca, the heart of nationalist territory. Initially, a supporter of the military revolt, believing it to be an attempt to “restore order”, within three months he had come to realise the true nature of Franco’s New Order. As an admirer of some of the young Falangists, he had contributed money to the rising, but by 12 October his view had changed. He had become, as he said later, ‘terrified by the character that this civil war was taking, really horrible, due to a collective mental illness, an epidemic of madness, with a pathological substratum’.

When the great National Festival of 12 October was celebrated in Salamanca University  — within a hundred yards of Franco’s headquarters (recently established in the bishop’s palace in Salamanca, on the prelate’s invitation) — it was supposed he was another captive intellectual . . .

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Aug 062012

Farquhar McHarg, Belleville, Paris, 1976

¡Pistoleros! 1 – 1918

¡Pistoleros! 2 – 1919

Farquhar’s Chronicles (Vols. 1 ; 2 ; 3 )are folk history, bringing the changes that shook the political and social landscape of Spain (and the world) between 1918 and 1977 into the framework of a contemporary adult lifetime. They make a vexatious but fascinating story that explains the spirit and Idea that moved the selfless, generous, occasionally naïve and recklessly idealistic people involved in the bitter social struggles that marked the hectic insurrectionary and utopian aftermath of the great imperialist war of 1914-18.

This third volume of Farquhar McHarg’s journal focuses on the remarkable adventures of the Glaswegian anarchist during the period 1920-24 as a member of the anarchist action groups: Los Justicieros (‘the Avengers’); Crisol (‘Crucible’); Los Solidarios (‘Solidarity’), and the armed clandestine defence cadres of the CNT, the anarcho-syndicalist labour union. Their militants faced extermination from the calculated violence of the security services of a vicious semi-feudal state, and the mercenary killers employed by landed grandees and an equally savage industrial and commercial bourgeoisie.

Pistoleros! 2 – 1920-1924 (to 1977)

Farquhar’s Chronicles also tell a parallel narrative of plot and counterplot, ranging from 1936 to 1976, exploring the background to the murder of Farquhar’s comrade, the notorious anarchist counterfeiter and facilitator Laureano Cerrada Santos, and the subsequent attempts to kill the seventy-six-year-old Farquhar himself. It is a compelling and dramatic tale of the Govan man’s attempt to ferret out the identity of a long-term traitor within the Spanish émigré anarcho-syndicalist organisation, the CNT-MLE (Spanish Libertarian Movement), a confidente known only as ‘The Priest’.

Farquhar McHarg 1925

This story unfolds against the backdrop of machinations by Spanish and other Western spymasters obsessed with the idea that post-Franco Spain might go ‘Red’. To pre-empt this eventuality they deployed deep-penetration agents of influence, traitors at the highest level of the Spanish émigré anarcho-syndicalist movement. By inducing fear and paranoia through acts of treachery, their objective was to demoralise, disrupt and neutralise the effectiveness of that small band of anarchist militants who had fought relentlessly to topple the old regime by aggressive action and who might thwart their plans for a post-Francoist Spain.

Farquhar McHarg 1959

Farquhar McHarg 1976

These puppetmasters also sought to extend and consolidate their proxy control over the influential anarcho-syndicalist organisation inside and outside of Spain during the ‘disease-prone’ transition period to democracy’ (communism being defined as a ‘disease of transition’). It was the height of the Cold War and, with Spain’s dictator dead, the West’s geopolitical agenda-setters needed to ensure NATO hegemony over the Mediterranean, and the continuity of the Francoist agenda (and elite) at a time when they believed Spanish society would be particularly susceptible to a social breakdown as it underwent modernisation.

PHOTO ALBUMS Vol. 1: 1918 a ; 1918 b ; 1918 c

PHOTO ALBUMS Vol. 2: 1919 a ; 1919 b

PHOTO ALBUMS Vol. 3: 1920-24 a ; 1920-24 b ; 1920-24 c


Jan 302012

Banca Nazionale dell'Agricoltura, Piazza Fontana, Milan, December 12, 4.37 p.m. 1969

The Piazza Fontana massacre of 12 December 1969 is a crucial milestone in post-war Italian history. It was on that date that the criminal intentions of a political class — which demonstrated it would shrink from nothing to cling on to power in the face of ‘the onward march of communism’ — was made flesh. This class did not baulk at leaving a trail of corpses in its wake in order to prevent its leadership being called into question. The Piazza Fontana massacre is not some ‘obscure episode’ in Italy’s history — ‘the nightfall of the republic’. It is a clearly defined chapter whose narrative is that dead bodies are preferable to political change and over the years that followed many more would perish — mainly at the hands of the right, but also some at the hands of the left. It was a perverted game. The right had attacked, therefore the left had a duty to retaliate, thereby cranking up the ‘index of conflict’.

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