Jun 012016

NOW AVAILABLE! FACERÍAS  — Urban Guerrilla Warfare (1939-1957). The Libertarian Movement’s Struggle against Francoism in Spain and in Exile by Antonio Téllez Solà (ISBN 978-1-873976-49-4), 413pp (indexed with 16 pp of photographs) £15.95 (+£3.50 p+p UK) eBook £1.50/€2.00 (see eBookshelf)  Also available from Kobo  and Kindle

Anarchist urban guerrilla and member of the Iberian Federation of Libertarian Youth (FIJL) since 1936, José Lluis Facerías fought on the Aragón front during the Spanish Civil War, where he was taken prisoner and held until 1945. Following his release he rejoined the clandestine anarcho-syndicalist trade union, the CNT, and dedicated himself to the armed struggle against the Francoist dictatorship. From March 1946 until his death in a police ambush in 1957, Facerias was the driving force behind the anarchist defence groups operating in Barcelona.

BARCELONA, Friday, 30 August 1957, 10:45 am. In the deserted Sant Andreu district of Barcelona, a burst of automatic gunfire crackles and, as if pushed by some mighty hand, a man on the corner of the Paseo Verdún and the Calle del Doctor Pi i Molist slumps against a low wall. A pistol appears in his hand. His eyes scan the tree-lined boulevard leading off to his right towards the Santa Cruz mental clinic, but he sees no sign of life. Suddenly, he realises he has been betrayed. Unseen assailants are shooting at him from windows overlooking the junction of the Paseo Urrutia and Calle del Doctor Pi i Molist. The first burst of gunfire shatters the man’s ankle. Further rifle shots ring out and bullets ricochet around him . . .

Facerías : Urban Guerrilla Warfare (1939-1957); The Libertarian Movement’s Struggle Against Francoism in Spain and in Exile by Antonio Téllez Solà (reviewed in the Kate Sharpley Library Bulletin )

Facerías “was a steadfast champion of an essentially anarchist-inspired labour movement like the CNT of Spain; an organisation that might offer the proletariat guidance rather than content itself with being a tiny minority in opposition to or critical of reformist and authoritarian activity. He wanted an anarchism that might be at once the head and the arm of the proletariat rather than some sort of laboratory for doctrine or the monopoly of philosophers. … As far as he was concerned, moral solidarity, whilst undoubtedly necessary, had to be matched by material action; and if help was not forthcoming through lawful means, they should resort to unlawful means, to expropriation.” (p303, p305).

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LUCIO URTUBIA — THE INDOMITABLE ANARCHIST by Bernard Thomas. (Translated by Paul Sharkey) eBook — £1.50

 anarchism, Anarchist resistance  Comments Off on LUCIO URTUBIA — THE INDOMITABLE ANARCHIST by Bernard Thomas. (Translated by Paul Sharkey) eBook — £1.50
Dec 142015

LuciosmallLUCIO URTUBIA — THE INDOMITABLE ANARCHIST by Bernard Thomas£1.50 MOBI or ePUB file (readable on your Kindle or other device) Any of our titles can be purchased directly from us for between £1.00 and £1.50 — either from our eBOOKSTORE or by PAYPAL to christie@btclick.com. You can check out all (or most of) the available Christiebooks titles HERE (Kindle) or  ChristieBooks on KOBO  —   and then order directly from us …

The biography of Lucio Urtubia, a Paris-based Navarese anarchist who was a friend and protégé of the enigmatic Spanish urban guerrilla ‘El Quico’, and the friend of, among others, André Breton and Albert Camus. Lucio played his part in the network of anarchist action and illegalist groups (Laureano Cerrada, D.I., First of May Group, M.I.L., G.A.R.I., Action Directe) that resisted and challenged the Franco and other oppressive regimes from the late 1950s through to the ‘70s and beyond. He is probably best known — because of his arrest in 1977 — for his ‘Robin Hood’ role in the falsification and international distribution of tens of thousands of Citibank $100 cheques— the money raised being used to support the libertarian guerrilla movements in Latin America (Tupamaros and Montoneros) and in Europe (G.A.R.I.). The action so damaged the bank its stock price plummetted. However, in spite of the scale and audacity of the forgery operation, Urtubia received only a six-month jail sentence as a result of an extrajudicial agreement with Citibank, which dropped the charges in exchange for Lucio’s printing plates. A unique story of ordinary politically conscious people — bricklayers, house-painters, electricians, etc. — challenging injustice in the turbulent nineteen sixties- and –seventies.
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THE GUERRILLA WAR AGAINST FRANCO (1939-1952) by Antonio Téllez. Translated by Paul Sharkey. (Kindle, Kobo, MOBI, ePUB files)

 Anarchism in Spain, Anarchist resistance  Comments Off on THE GUERRILLA WAR AGAINST FRANCO (1939-1952) by Antonio Téllez. Translated by Paul Sharkey. (Kindle, Kobo, MOBI, ePUB files)
Oct 012015

TellezGuerCoverTHE GUERRILLA WAR AGAINST FRANCO (1939-1952) by Antonio Téllez. Translated by Paul Sharkey. Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £0.99 ; USA : $1.50 FRANCE : €1.34 ; GERMANY : €1.34 ; SPAIN : €1.34 ; ITALY: €1.34 ; NETHERLANDS : €1.34  ; JAPAN : ¥ 181CANADA : CDN$2.00 ; BRAZIL : R$ 5.96 ; AUSTRALIA : $2.13 ; INDIA : R99 ; MEXICO : $25.46 —  ChristieBooks on KOBO  — THE GUERRILLA WAR AGAINST FRANCO (1939-1952) £1.00 For a MOBI or other eBook file — PAYPAL to christie@btclick.com — £1.00

The guerrilla struggle against Francoism arose in the days following the army revolt against the Spanish Republic on 18 July 1936. In areas which fell immediately to the mutinous army the principal leader of which was Lieutenant-General José Sanjurjo y Sacanell (then a refugee in Portugal) with General Emilio Mola Vidal (relieved by the Popular Front government of his post as general-in-chief of the Armed Forces in Morocco and appointed Army Commander in Navarre instead) as its organiser, a bloody repression was promptly set in motion and this obliged many antifascists to take to the hills to save their skins.

This business of fleeing into the hills for survival’s sake was repeated over nearly three years of civil war in the areas conquered one after another, by the Francoist army and it extended to virtually the entirety of the Peninsula after the Republican troops surrendered in the Centre-Levante zone on 31 March 1939.

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Mar 282014

FrancoCoverGENERAL FRANCO MADE ME A TERRORIST. The Christie File: part 2, 1964-1967 (The interesting years abroad of a West of Scotland ‘Baby-boomer’) Stuart Christie ISBN 1 873976 19 4 (Kindle edition).  Check out all Kindle editions of ChristieBooks titles  — £2.50/€2.99/$4.00  READ INSIDE!  ¡LEER EL INTERIOR! UK : £2.50 ; USA : $4.00 ; Germany : €2.99 ; France :  €2.99 ; Spain:  €2.99 ; Italy:  €2.99 ; Japan: ¥ 409 ; India: R244 : Canada: CDN$ 4.49 ; Brazil: R$9.30 ; Mexico: $52.93 ; Australia: $4.40

‘This volume picks up where the last one ended, namely his leaving Britain to take part in an anarchist plan to assassinate Franco. Christie, however, was arrested by Franco’s secret police long before he completed his mission to give the explosives he smuggled into Spain to those who were planning the assassination. Christie recounts his experiences being arrested and his time in various Spanish prisons with assurance, humanity and wit. He is not afraid to talk about the failures and cock-ups, the bickering and the surreal along with the bravery and dedication. As such, it is a real treat to read, giving the human side which history books never really manage to do. His account of the characters he met and the life of political prisoners in Franco’s regime is engrossing. Flag Blackened

Jan 112014

CoverGrannywebMy Granny Made me an Anarchist: The Christie File: Part 1, 1946-1964. First published by ChristieBooks in 2002 in a limited edition of 100 copies, this fully revised, updated, unabridged eBook (Kindle edition, 2014) is published by Christie(e)Books  —  Check out all Kindle editions of ChristieBooks titles  NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £2.51/€3.03/$4.00  READ INSIDE!  ¡LEER EL INTERIOR!

UK : £2.51 ; USA : $4.00 ; Germany : €3.03 ; France :  €3.03 ; Spain:  €3.03 ; Italy:  €3.03 ; Japan: ¥ 419 ; India: R249.00 : Canada: CDN$ 4.25 ; Brazil: R$9.51 ; Mexico: $52.43 ; Australia: $4.47

“This fascinating personal account offers a remarkable picture of the late-20th century, seen through sensitive eyes and interpreted by a compassionate, searching soul.” Noam Chomsky

“Stuart Christie’s granny might well disagree, given the chance, but her qualities of honesty and self-respect in a hard life were part of his development from flash Glaswegian teenager — the haircut at 15 is terrific — to the 18-year old who sets off to Spain at the end of the book as part of a plan to assassinate the Spanish dictator Franco. In the meanwhile we get a vivid picture of 1950s and early 1960s Glasgow, its cinemas, coffee bars and dance halls as well as the politics of the city, a politics informed by a whole tradition of Scottish radicalism. Not just Glasgow, because Stuart was all over Scotland living with different parts of his family, and in these chapters of the book there is a lyrical tone to the writing amplified by a sense of history of each different place. When we reach the 1960s we get a flavour of that explosion of working class creativity and talent that marked the time, as well as the real fear of nuclear war and the bold tactics used against nuclear weapons bases. It is through this period of cultural shake-up that Stuart clambers through the obstructive wreckage of labour and Bolshevik politics, and finds a still extant politics of libertarian communism that better fitted the mood of those times. Now, in 2002,it is Stuart who finds himself quoted in an Earth First pamphlet as the new generation of activists for Global Justice by-pass the dead hand of Trotskyist parties and renew the libertarian tradition.” John Barker

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FORGED IN REBELLION: LUCIO URTUBIA — The anarchist who fucked CitiBank by Lucio Urtubia (Translated by Paul Sharkey). Kindle edition

 Anarchism in Spain, Anarchist resistance, Anarchists in France, Memoir  Comments Off on FORGED IN REBELLION: LUCIO URTUBIA — The anarchist who fucked CitiBank by Lucio Urtubia (Translated by Paul Sharkey). Kindle edition
Oct 242013

LucioBookCoveraFORGED IN REBELLION: LUCIO URTUBIA — The anarchist who fucked CitiBank by Lucio Urtubia (Translated by Paul Sharkey) ChristieBooks 2013 ISBN 978-1-873976-66-1 Published in 2013 by ChristieBooks, Hastings, East Sussex UK —  Check out all Kindle editions of ChristieBooks titles  NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £3.18/€3,76/$5.13  READ INSIDE!  ¡LEER EL INTERIOR!

UK : £3.18 ; USA : $5.13 ; Germany : €3,76 ; France :  €3.76 ; Spain:  €3,76 ; Italy:  €3,76 ; Japan: ¥ 489 ; India: R306.00 : Canada: CDN$ 5.14 ; Brazil: R$10.85 ; Mexico: $64.29

“The banks are the real crooks,” says Lucio Urtubia decisively. “They exploit you, take your money and cause all the wars.” Lucio had no moral scruples about forging Citybank travellers’ cheques. His motivation was not his own gain, but to dent confidence in this powerful financial institution. He was arrested for this and ended up in prison, but soon got back on his feet. ‘Forged in Rebellion’ is an engaging portrait of the anarchist Lucio Urtubia, born in Northern Spain in 1931, and who deserted from the Francoist army, working as a tiler in Paris, where he immersed himself in the world of the Spanish exiles. It was a meeting with the legendary Quico Sabaté (1915-1960) that put Lucio on the anarchist path, whereby his talents as a forger of identity papers and currency came in particularly useful. His anarchist nature is revealed in this highly particular, free-flowing memoir, a lively ‘cops and robbers’ story in which — according to the best traditions — the true scale of Lucio’s role is never completely revealed. It is also the impassioned inside story of an unequal war waged by a genuine modern day Robin Hood from the Sherwood Forest of Lucio’s thousand safehouses and hideouts around Paris as he robs the rich and helps the needy: in the latter case the story comes to an exemplary conclusion, with a solemn peace treaty, the sort signed between great powers. But above all else, what must be seen in these pages is a living document that turns the historical spotlight on to a specific time and place and recounts a singular life story which is at the same time — as all human lives are — the story of many lives. Interview: ‘The Life and Crimes of Anarchist Bricklayer, Lucio Urtubia

Pensar la utopía en la acción. Trazas de un anarquista heterodoxo 1950-1975 : en el exilio y en la clandestinidad 1975-2013 : en la “Transición” y la “Democracia” Octavio Alberola (Edición Kindle)

 anarchism, Anarchist ideas, Anarchist resistance, Resistance movements  Comments Off on Pensar la utopía en la acción. Trazas de un anarquista heterodoxo 1950-1975 : en el exilio y en la clandestinidad 1975-2013 : en la “Transición” y la “Democracia” Octavio Alberola (Edición Kindle)
Jun 012013

Octavio_AlberolaPensar la utopía en la acción Trazas de un anarquista heterodoxo 1950-1975 : en el exilio y en la clandestinidad 1975-2013 : en la “Transición” y la “Democracia” por Octavio Alberola Surinach. ISBN 978-1-873976-05-0, ChristieBooks, PO Box 35, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1ZS (Check out all Kindle editions of ChristieBooks titles) NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £2.72/€3,18 READ INSIDE!  ¡LEER EL INTERIOR! See also Spanish anarchism and Revolutionary Action

UK : £2.72 ; USA : $4.11 ; Germany : €3,18 ; France :  €3,18 ; Spain:  €3,18 ; Italy :  €3,18 ; Japan : ¥ 405 ; Canada : CDN$ 4.13 ; Brazil : R$ 8,21

UtopiacoverPara el autor, “pensar la utopía es pensar una sociedad fundada en la anarquía, porque sólo rechazando la autoridad es posible la libertad, la igualdad y la fraternidad”. Y pensarla “en la acción” es por haberlo hecho durante su exilio en México, en donde  militó socialmente y colaboró con el Movimiento 26 de Julio en la lucha contra la dictadura del general Batista en Cuba, y luego al incorporarse en 1962 a la lucha clandestina antifranquista hasta la muerte de Franco en 1975 y comenzar la llamada ‘Transición a la democracia’ que “ha culminado hoy en la regentada por los herederos del franquismo”. 

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Franco Me Hizo Terrorista. Memorias del anarquista que intentó matar al dictator Stuart Christie (Kindle eBook €4,12)

 Anarchist resistance, CNT, Prisons, Spain  Comments Off on Franco Me Hizo Terrorista. Memorias del anarquista que intentó matar al dictator Stuart Christie (Kindle eBook €4,12)
Sep 032012


Franco Me Hizo Terrorista. Memorias del anarquista que intentó matar al dictator Stuart Christie (Traducción y adaptación de General Franco Made Me A Terrorist por Jorge Barriuso con prólogo por Carlos Fonseca). ISBN 978-1-873976-60-9.

España ; France ; Germany ; Italy (€4,12); UK  (£3.25) ; US/Canada/India and RoW ($5.16)

De las calles de Glasgow a las cárceles de la España fascista, es éste el fascinante testimonio personal de un hombre que se enfrenta a los dilemas de una vida dedicada a la libertad. NOAM CHOMSKY

En el verano de 1964 y con dieciocho años recién cumplidos, el anarquista escocés Stuart Christie viajó a España con una carga de explosivos escondida bajo su ropa y con una misión: matar a Franco. Su temprana obsesión con el dictador había nacido algunos años antes, en los albores de su adolescencia, cuando sus familiares y su círculo de amigos adultos nutrían sus reuniones con anécdotas sobre la Guerra Civil y las Brigadas Internacionales, en las que muchos de ellos habían participado.

Pero quien más influyó en su vocación fue una figura mucho más fuerte y determinante en el ideario de Christie: su abuela. Siempre guiado por su curiosa musa inspiradora, Christie comenzaría a contactar con algunos exiliados de la España franquista, a quienes pronto les confesaría su más íntimo deseo: «Quiero hacer algo más que protestar y repartir panfletos», les dijo, y sus nuevas amistades no tardarían en complacerle. En agosto de 1964, cuando su mundo aún no se extendía más allá del sur de Inglaterra, Christie recibió instrucciones para cumplir con su primera misión internacional. Y así comenzó un viaje lleno de insólitas peripecias, que acabó de una manera ciertamente insospechada por su protagonista.

En estas extraordinarias memorias, Christie relata su experiencia, y dibuja un autorretrato digno de ser recordado en la memoria española como el de uno de los ultimo’s idealistas del convulso siglo XX.

Stuart Christie nació en Glasgow en 1946; anarquista convencido, viajó a España en 1964 cargado de explosivos como parte de una misión para matar a Franco, organizada por Defensa Interior, un ala radical de la CNT. Fue arrestado por la Brigada Político Social y sentenciado a una pena de veinte años de prisión en Carabanchel. En 1967 consiguió la libertad gracias a un indulto, pero tres años después fue arrestado y encarcelado en Londres como sospechoso de pertenecer al grupo terrorista Angry Brigade, cargo del que finalmente resultó absuelto.

Fue editor del Cienfuegos Press, donde ha publicado la Review of Anarchist Literature. Ha escrito numerosos libros, entre los que destacan The Floodgates of Anarchy (1970) (Anarquismo y Lucha de Clases – 2012), Stefano Delle Chiaíe: Portrait of a Black Terrorist (l984) y We, The Anarchists/ A Study of The Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-1937 (¡Nosotros Los Anarquistas! Un estudio de la Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI) 1927-1937). Franco me hizo terrorista forma parte de sus memorias, una trilogía bajo el nombre de The Christie Files, compuesta por My Granny Made Me an Anarchist (2002), General Franco Made Me a Terrorist (2003) y Edward Heath Made Me Angry (2004).

Aug 062012

Farquhar McHarg, Belleville, Paris, 1976

¡Pistoleros! 1 – 1918

¡Pistoleros! 2 – 1919

Farquhar’s Chronicles (Vols. 1 ; 2 ; 3 )are folk history, bringing the changes that shook the political and social landscape of Spain (and the world) between 1918 and 1977 into the framework of a contemporary adult lifetime. They make a vexatious but fascinating story that explains the spirit and Idea that moved the selfless, generous, occasionally naïve and recklessly idealistic people involved in the bitter social struggles that marked the hectic insurrectionary and utopian aftermath of the great imperialist war of 1914-18.

This third volume of Farquhar McHarg’s journal focuses on the remarkable adventures of the Glaswegian anarchist during the period 1920-24 as a member of the anarchist action groups: Los Justicieros (‘the Avengers’); Crisol (‘Crucible’); Los Solidarios (‘Solidarity’), and the armed clandestine defence cadres of the CNT, the anarcho-syndicalist labour union. Their militants faced extermination from the calculated violence of the security services of a vicious semi-feudal state, and the mercenary killers employed by landed grandees and an equally savage industrial and commercial bourgeoisie.

Pistoleros! 2 – 1920-1924 (to 1977)

Farquhar’s Chronicles also tell a parallel narrative of plot and counterplot, ranging from 1936 to 1976, exploring the background to the murder of Farquhar’s comrade, the notorious anarchist counterfeiter and facilitator Laureano Cerrada Santos, and the subsequent attempts to kill the seventy-six-year-old Farquhar himself. It is a compelling and dramatic tale of the Govan man’s attempt to ferret out the identity of a long-term traitor within the Spanish émigré anarcho-syndicalist organisation, the CNT-MLE (Spanish Libertarian Movement), a confidente known only as ‘The Priest’.

Farquhar McHarg 1925

This story unfolds against the backdrop of machinations by Spanish and other Western spymasters obsessed with the idea that post-Franco Spain might go ‘Red’. To pre-empt this eventuality they deployed deep-penetration agents of influence, traitors at the highest level of the Spanish émigré anarcho-syndicalist movement. By inducing fear and paranoia through acts of treachery, their objective was to demoralise, disrupt and neutralise the effectiveness of that small band of anarchist militants who had fought relentlessly to topple the old regime by aggressive action and who might thwart their plans for a post-Francoist Spain.

Farquhar McHarg 1959

Farquhar McHarg 1976

These puppetmasters also sought to extend and consolidate their proxy control over the influential anarcho-syndicalist organisation inside and outside of Spain during the ‘disease-prone’ transition period to democracy’ (communism being defined as a ‘disease of transition’). It was the height of the Cold War and, with Spain’s dictator dead, the West’s geopolitical agenda-setters needed to ensure NATO hegemony over the Mediterranean, and the continuity of the Francoist agenda (and elite) at a time when they believed Spanish society would be particularly susceptible to a social breakdown as it underwent modernisation.

PHOTO ALBUMS Vol. 1: 1918 a ; 1918 b ; 1918 c

PHOTO ALBUMS Vol. 2: 1919 a ; 1919 b

PHOTO ALBUMS Vol. 3: 1920-24 a ; 1920-24 b ; 1920-24 c


GINO LUCETTI and his attempt to assassinate Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) 11 September 1926 by Riccardo Lucetti ISBN 978-1-873976-56-2 (Kindle eBook)

Prologue by Marco Rossi. Translated by Paul Sharkey (£5.98, $9.26, Eur 7,55)

 Anarchism in Italy, Anarchist resistance, anti-fascism  Comments Off on GINO LUCETTI and his attempt to assassinate Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) 11 September 1926 by Riccardo Lucetti ISBN 978-1-873976-56-2 (Kindle eBook)

Prologue by Marco Rossi. Translated by Paul Sharkey (£5.98, $9.26, Eur 7,55)

Jul 102012


Gino Lucetti by Riccardo Lucetti (Kindle eBook). Cover illustration by Flavio Costantini

Gino Lucetti (August 31, 1900 – September 17, 1943)

GINO LUCETTI and his attempt to assassinate Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) 11 September 1926 by Riccardo Lucetti. ISBN 978-1-873976-56-2 (Kindle eBook) Prologue by Marco Rossi. Translated by Paul Sharkey (£5.98, $9.26, Eur 7,55) Kindle UKKindle US/Canada, Kindle Italy, Kindle France, Kindle Spain, Kindle Germany

Carrara-born Gino Lucetti was an Italian anarchist who, on September 11 1926, unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini by throwing a bomb at his car in Rome’s Porta Pia Square. Arrested and tried in June 1927 Lucetti was sentenced to 30-years imprisonment, as was his fellow anti-fascist Vincenzo Baldazzi. Lucetti escaped in 1943, having spent 16 years in jail but, unfortunately, he was killed soon after during a German bombardment of Ischia.

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