MODERN SCIENCE AND ANARCHISM by Peter Kropotkin. eBook — £1.00

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Dec 102015

ModernScience&AnarchsmallMODERN SCIENCE AND ANARCHISM by Peter Kropotkin£1.00 MOBI or ePUB file (readable on your Kindle or other device) Any of our titles can be purchased directly from us for between £1.00 and £1.50 — either from our eBOOKSTORE or by payment by PAYPAL to You can check out all the available Christiebooks titles HERE (Kindle) or  ChristieBooks on KOBO  —   and then order directly from us …

In ‘Modern Science and Anarchism’ Kropotkin argues that the Idea of anarchism originated not with individual thinkers, but from among the people and that it will preserve its vitality and creative force only for as long as it remains a movement of the people. Kropotkin claims in this work that throughout history ‘two currents of thought and action have been in conflict in the midst of human societies,’ — the ‘mutual aid’ tendency, as exemplified in tribal custom, village communities, medieval guilds, and, in fact, all institutions ‘developed and worked out, not by legislation, but by the creative spirit of the masses’. The other current is the authoritarian one, beginning with the ‘magi, shamans, wizards, rain-makers, oracles, and priests’ and continuing with the recorders of laws and the ‘chiefs of military bands’. ‘Kropotkin concludes ‘that anarchy represents the first of these two currents. … We can therefore say that from all times there have been anarchists and statists.’ Kropotkin postulates that the roots of anarchism lie in ‘the remotest Stone-age antiquity’; from this highly personal view of prehistory he continues through all rebellious movements to the rise of the early trade unions, concluding that ‘these are the main popular anarchist currents which we know of in history’. The book’s roots go back to 1887 when Kropotkin wrote an article entitled “The Scientific Bases of Anarchy” for the Nineteenth Century, the magazine edited by James Knowles which published most of Kropotkin’s major works in essay form before they appeared as books. Modern Science and Anarchism originated out of a burst of activity on Kropotkin’s part related to the rise of the clandestine anarchist movement in Russia. The first edition was printed in Russian, in London, in 1901; a later, German edition, was published in 1904, while the English and French versions did not appear until 1912/13. Kropotkin’s intention in writing Modern Science and Anarchism was, apparently, to clarify the basic methodological principle of anarchism, and establish the fact that anarchism is a broad based modern sociological science, i.e. political economy broadly defined, including political sociology, psychology, and law. Far from endorsing ‘the government of science’, he wanted to see established: “A society in which all the mutual relations of its members are regulated, not by laws, not by authorities, whether self-imposed or elected, but by mutual agreement… and by a sum of social customs and habits—not petrified by law, routine, or superstition, but continually developing and continually readjusted, in accordance with the ever-growing requirements of a free life, stimulated by the progress of science, invention, and the steady growth of higher ideals” (Modern Science and Anarchism).

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Anarchism: Arguments For and Against by Albert Meltzer. eBook £1.00

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Dec 082015

AlbertMArgumentsF&AsmallANARCHISM: FOR AND AGAINST by Albert Meltzer£1.00 MOBI or ePUB file (readable on your Kindle or other device) Any of our titles can be purchased directly from us for between £1.00 and £1.50 — either from our eBOOKSTORE or by payment by PAYPAL to You can check out all the available Christiebooks titles HERE (Kindle) or  ChristieBooks on KOBO  —   and then order directly from us …

This is the revised edition of Anarchism: Arguments For and Against that Albert Meltzer was working on at the time of his death on May 7th, 1996. The book was important to Albert, and it was one whose arguments he returned to often in his other writings.

Albert had become increasingly concerned about what he saw as the ghettoisation of anarchism. Separated from the working class base so necessary to achieve social revolution, anarchism could easily fall into the twin traps of philosophical radicalism or revolutionary arrogance — the “we’re more militant than anyone else” approach. Both strands have manifested themselves in British anarchism together with a sometimes demoralising and destructive incestuous approach to revolutionary change. Anarchists tend to talk only to other anarchists and are unable to relate to the majority of people who do not share their ideas and see anarchism as a rather exotic or illogical idea.

This was Albert’s attempt to examine and counter arguments people may have about anarchism. He examines the basic tenets of anarchist thought and practice and challenges some of the myths about anarchist theory and action— a vade mecum for those who hope to win over sceptics to anarchist ideas and break down the walls of the ghetto in which anarchism has been contained for many years.
UK : £1.32 ; USA : $2.00 FRANCE : €1.84 ; GERMANY : €1.84 ; SPAIN : €1.84 ; ITALY: €1.84 ; NETHERLANDS : €1.84  ; JAPAN : ¥ 246CANADA : CDN$2.67 ; BRAZIL : R$ 7.50 ; AUSTRALIA : $2.73 ;   INDIA : R133 ; Mexico : $33.31 —  KOBO edition:  Anarchism: For and Against — £2.00

The General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century by P. J. Proudhon. Reviewed by Robert Anton Wilson.

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Nov 202015

Pierre-Joseph_Proudhon_0The General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century, by P. J. Proudhon. Reviewed by Robert Anton Wilson. (With thanks to the Joseph A. Labadie Collection, Special Collections Library, University of Michigan)

Benjamin Tucker considered this Proudhon’s best book — “the most wonderful of all the wonderful books of Proudhon”— and he may well have been right in that judgment. Like many of the greatest works of the last century’ this “most wonderful book” comes to us from a prison cell: a fact which is probably far from insignificant. It is not without cause that the letters of Bartolomeo Vanzetti, the Pisan Cantos of Ezra Pound, “The Ballad of Reading Gaol,” Nietzsche’s Antichrist, the best poems of Antonin Artaud, Van Gogh’s two or three greatest canvases, Koestler’s Darkness at Noon, and several other of the most significant cultural products of this age, were produced by men who were at the time unwilling “guests of the State.” Nor is it idle to note that some time has been served (unproductively, alas!) by Ford Madox Ford, Nijinsky, Seymour Krim, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Jim Peck, and almost everybody else worth a damn as a serious thinker or artist. It is getting to the point where, as Eustace Mullins noted in his biography of Ezra Pound, lack of a police or psychiatric record is looked on, by avante garde, as a sign that a man has sold out.

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THE ABC OF ANARCHISM by Alexander Berkman (Kindle, Kobi, MOBI ePub)

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Nov 052015

ABCofAnarchismsmallTHE ABC OF ANARCHISM by Alexander Berkman Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £1.94 ; USA : $3.00 FRANCE : €2.73 ; GERMANY : €2.73 ; SPAIN : €2.73 ; ITALY: €2.73 ; NETHERLANDS : €2.73  ; JAPAN : ¥ 362CANADA : CDN$3.92 ; BRAZIL : R$ 11.57 ; AUSTRALIA : $5.60 ;   INDIA R196.00 ; Mexico : $66.01 —  ChristieBooks on KOBO  —  THE ABC OF ANARCHISM by Alexander Berkman. £2.00 For a MOBI (readable on your Kindle) or other eBook file — PAYPAL to — £1.50

THE ABC of ANARCHISM was first published in 1929, by the Vanguard Press of New York, under the title What is Communist Anarchism? It comprised three parts: “Now”, “Anarchism”, and The Social Revolution”. It was re-issued in 1936, by Frei Arbeiter Stimme of New York, with the new title of Now and After: The ABC of Communist Anarchism. Freedom Press first published it in Britain, this time as The ABC of Anarchism, in May 1942, but without part one. The ABC of Anarchism is now an historic document. Indeed, George Woodcock (for whatever his opinion is worth!) has called it a minor classic of libertarian literature. That however is not the reason for its republication. The reason is that it still remains one of the best introductions to the ideas of anarchism, written from the communist-anarchist viewpoint, in the English language. Its author, Alexander Berkman, was no mere theoretician or “intellectual”. He had been a militant activist for much of his life.

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ABOUT ANARCHISM by Nicolas Walter. Introduction by Natasha Walter. (Kindle, Kobo and MOBI files)

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Sep 112015

WalterCoverABOUT ANARCHISM by Nicolas Walter. Introduction by Natasha Walter. Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £1.98 ; USA : $3.00 FRANCE : €2.69 ; GERMANY : €2.69 ; SPAIN : €2.69 ; ITALY: €2.69 ; NETHERLANDS : €2.69  ; JAPAN : ¥ 357CANADA : CDN$ 3.98 ; BRAZIL : R$ 11.53 ; AUSTRALIA : $4.34 ; INDIA : R199 ; MEXICO : $50.82 —  ChristieBooks on KOBO  — ABOUT ANARCHISM  £2.00 For a MOBI or other eBook file — PAYPAL to — £2.00

A concise introduction to the theories and practice of anarchism by the late Nicolas Walter, lifelong libertarian socialist and editor of the New Humanist for 10 years. Introduced by Nicolas’s daughter, Natasha, ‘About Anarchism’ neatly summarises what anarchists believe, how they differ, what they want, and what they do.

This is a struggle that we may not win and which may never end, but which is still worth fighting.

Sep 012015

AninMusicsmallAnarchism in Music Edited by Daniel O’Guérin. Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £1.95 ; USA : $3.00 FRANCE : €2.68 ; GERMANY : €2.68 ; SPAIN : €2.68 ; ITALY: €2.68 ; NETHERLANDS : €2.68  ; JAPAN : ¥ 365CANADA : CDN$ 3.96 ; BRAZIL : R$ 10.74 ; AUSTRALIA : $4.18 ; INDIA : R198 ; MEXICO : $50.25 ChristieBooks on KOBO  — Anarchism in Music Edited by Daniel O’Guérin, £2.50 For a MOBI or other eBook file — PAYPAL to

In this eBook edition (Kindle, Kobo and MOBI file) of the third volume of the Arena series ($3.00 £2.00) we gather around the proverbial camp fire where we might listen to tunes to make our toes tap and to words which might reach into our hearts and pull us into a future of wild possibilities, daring us to dream. These songs of freedom push against convention, sing of finding ways and means to move beyond the confines of staid convention and the litany of war, poverty and misery that are the direct consequence of the edifice of capitalism and those frightened elites who hide cowering behind it.

In ancient Rome, after Constantine bent his knee to Christ (or at least saw the convenient propaganda in such a coat of many colours), the music of theatre and of festival dismayed the naysayers of the ascending Christian empire that grew in his wake; the frivolity and joyousness of celebrating life became anathema to the new social order bent on obedience to the will of God and, by divine right, those masters who perpetuated his will. And so they banned it.

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NATIONALISM AND CULTURE by Rudolf Rocker (Translated by Ray E. Chase) Kindle and Kobo editions (£2.25 ;$4.00 ;€3.51)

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Aug 252015

RockerCover2NATIONALISM AND CULTURE by Rudolf Rocker (Translated by Ray E. Chase)  Complete edition (Books I & II, with all 27 chapters, including bibliography and index. Appx. 713 pp) NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE (READ INSIDE) and KOBO.  Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £2.25 ; USA : $4.00 FRANCE : €3.51 ; GERMANY : €3.51 ; SPAIN : €3.51 ; ITALY: €3.51 ; NETHERLANDS : €3.51  ; JAPAN : ¥ 488CANADA : CDN$ 5.28 ; BRAZIL : R$ 14.00 ; AUSTRALIA : $5.47 ; INDIA : R263 ; MEXICO : $67.95  ChristieBooks on KOBO  — NATIONALISM AND CULTURE, £2.50

Nationalism and Culture is a detailed and scholarly study of the development of nationalism and the changes in human cultures from the dawn of history to the present day and an analysis of the relations of these to one another. It tells the story of the growth of the State and the other institutions of authority and their influence on life and manners, on architecture and art, on literature and thought. Nationalism and Culture is, primarily, a 600-page (appx 713pp on Kindle/Kobo) exploration of the origins and development of nationalism, and a scathing denunciation of the corrosive effect of national feeling on the human spirit. Yet it is one of those works, like The Anatomy of Melancholy (Robert Burton, 1621), that springboard from their stated purpose to discourse on everything under the sun. Architecture is analyzed, socialism is defended, and Rembrandt’s paintings are scrutinized at length. It is at once a treatise on the state’s relationship with culture and a manifesto for an enlightened leftism. Most of all, it is a clear-eyed plea for sanity at a moment when nationalist and religious irrationalism threatened to swallow the globe. It could not be more relevant. Rocker’s thesis is straightforward: Nations are the products of states, rather than vice versa. They are manufactured to serve the goals of the powerful, to divide human beings and keep them from recognizing their common interests. Rocker argues this point with a litany of historical examples, from the Renaissance to “the stupid and stumbling provisions of the Versailles treaty.”

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THE LAW OF NUMBERS by Ricardo Mella (Translated by Paul Sharkey). LA LEY DEL NÚMERO (en Castellano) Kindle and Kobo editions

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Jul 102015

NumbersCoverTHE LAW OF NUMBERS y LA LEY DEL NÚMERO by Ricardo Mella (Kindle and Kobo editions)
NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — READ INSIDECheck out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £1.93 ; USA : $3.01 FRANCE : €2.70 ; GERMANY : €2.70 ; SPAIN : €2.70 ; ITALY: €2.70 ; NETHERLANDS : €2.70  ; JAPAN : ¥ 368 CANADA : CDN$ 3.70; BRAZIL : R$ 9.40 ; AUSTRALIA : $3.99 ; INDIA : R190     ChristieBooks on KOBO  — The Law of Numbers — £2.00

Edición español — aqui

Ricardo Mella Cea (1861–1925) was a prominent Spanish anarchist writer and activist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries who remains one of the most profound,  penetrating, lucid and theoretically sophisticated of anarchist thinkers.

“Spencer has it that the great political superstition of the divine right of kings has been replaced by the great political superstition of the divine right of parliaments. He goes on to say, “The anointing oil seems to have switched undetected from one head to many, consecrating them and their rights.”

Let us take a look at the great superstition which drew such eloquent words from the premier positive philosopher.

Whether we are talking about monarchies or republics, the origin of parliament is the will of the majority, in theory at any rate. At the same time, the supremacy of the greater number rests upon its incontrovertible right to govern everyone, directly or indirectly. The claim is — and the querying of it is scarcely tolerated — that the majority is more far-sighted on every issue than the minority and that, since all men have much in common, it is only reasonable and necessary that the majority should determine how and in what manner general purposes are to be served.

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LA CORRIENTE — El pensamiento antiautoritario Luis Andrés Edo (Kindle and Kobo eBook editions)

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Apr 032015

LaCorrienteamendedLA CORRIENTE El pensamiento antiautoritario por Luis Andrés Edo — Look Inside
NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £3.36 .  Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £3.36 ; USA : $5.00 FRANCE : €4.59 ; SPAIN : €4.59 ; ITALY:  €4.59 ; GERMANY : €4.59 ; NETHERLANDS : €4.59  JAPAN : ¥ 596CANADA : CDN$ 6.30 ; BRAZIL : R$ 16.25 ; AUSTRALIA : $6.45 ; INDIA : R312 ; MEXICO : $76,19

ChristieBooks on KOBO  — LA CORRIENTE El pensamiento antiautoritario por Luis Andrés Edo £3.00

Luis Andrés Edo (1925-2009) pasaba largos años en prisión (1966-1972) y no sólo durante el franquismo, también en 1980, en plena transición, será durante más de un año preso gubernativo, sin acusación concreta alguna. En aquel año, en el Penal de Soria los presos realizan largos y acalorados debates. Los anarquistas son ya menos que los estalinistas del PCE y del PSUC, que se autodenominan comunistas. Como fruto de estos debates y como producto de una reflexión interior, Luis Andrés elabora este manuscrito, escrito en folios de papel cebolla y sacado clandestinamente de la cárcel gracias a la colaboración de Miguel García, también preso.

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WHAT IS PROPERTY? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (Kindle Edition) Translated from the French by Benjamin R. Tucker

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Mar 062015

CharlemagneWHAT IS PROPERTY? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (Translated by Benjamin R. Tucker) LOOK INSIDE
NOW AVAILABLE ON KINDLE — £2.59 .  Check out all Christiebooks titles HERE UK : £2.59 ; USA : $4.00 FRANCE :  €3.57 ; SPAIN  €3.57 ; ITALY:  €3.57 ; GERMANY : €3.57JAPAN : ¥ 479 CANADA : CDN$ 5.01 ; BRAZIL : R$ 11.36 ; MEXICO: $59.80 ; AUSTRALIA : $5.12 ; INDIA : R247

ChristieBooks on KOBO  — WHAT IS PROPERTY? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (£2.50)

Proudhon’s work is a classic for many reasons. Not only did it put a name to a tendency within socialism (“I am an Anarchist”) and raise a battle-cry against inequality (“Property is Theft!”), it also sketched a new, free, society: anarchy.

The bulk of the book contains Proudhon’s searing critique of property. This rests on two key concepts. Firstly, property allowed the owner to exploit its user (“property is theft”). Secondly, that property created authoritarian social relationships between the two (“property is despotism”). These are interrelated, as it is the oppression that property creates which ensures exploitation while the appropriation of our common heritage by the few gives the rest little alternative but to agree to such domination and let the owner appropriate the fruits of their labour. The notion that workers are free when capitalism forces them to seek employment was demonstrably false: “We who belong to the proletarian class, property excommunicates us!”

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