
Category Archives: Palestine

  1. IJV’s Equal Rights Conference: positive, principled, pragmatic and politically-focused


    March 30, 2015 by Antony Lerman

    Anthony Isaacs, a founding member of IJV, reports on the conference held at Birkbeck University of London 14-16 March 2015 …
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  2. Audio of #ERFA2015 now available


    March 22, 2015 by IJV

    IJV would like to thank all our participants for contributing to a frank and profoundly radical discussion on how to …
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  3. Resisting Despair

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    February 20, 2015 by IJV

    Despair, surely, is what Israeli policy has been resolutely instilling in Palestinians from the beginning. It is pointless to resist! Abandon any dreams of justice and sovereignty. This is why, for many Palestinians, resistance is simply about surviving. It is what Eyad himself emphasized, observing ‘the long path of humiliation and despair’ that lies behind the creation of a so-called ‘terrorist’: ‘the struggle of many Palestinians is how not to become suicide bombers’, he wrote thirteen years ago. [3] He tirelessly sought to prevent such destructive martyrdom, standing implacably against all forms of violence, whether from Palestinians or the infinitely deadlier modes of Israeli state violence: that ‘eye for eyelash’, as Schlaim put it. Eyad liked to insist that the Israelis and Palestinians needed each other: ‘for only the Palestinians can release Israel from its moral guilt, from all that has gone wrong since those first Zionist dreams to the nightmare of living in a country permanently at war with its neighbours; while only the Israelis can negotiate a just peace with Palestine, allowing them control over their own affairs and thereby laying the basis for security, freedom and dignity for both sides’.[4]

  4. IJV announces “Equal Rights for All: a new path for Israel/Palestine?” 2-day International Conference

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    February 13, 2015 by IJV

    IJV invites you

    Independent Jewish Voices is pleased to invite you to join us for a our spring conference, organised in conjunction with Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities and the Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue.

    14 – 16 MARCH 2015, BIRKBECK

  5. Alon Liel calls on EU to recognise Palestine

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    November 7, 2014 by IJV

    Alon Liel, former Director of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently thanked the Swedish Prime Minister and government for their …
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  6. Urgent Appeal from Physicians for Human Rights

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    July 25, 2014 by IJV

    Urgent call from Physicians for Human Rights – Gaza

  7. Tony Klug in Letter to The Guardian

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    July 22, 2014 by IJV

    The letter below was published in Saturday’s Guardian, 19 July 2014 Seumas Milne argues that the price of Israel’s occupation needs …
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  8. A visual anthology of the image war for Israel-Palestine

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    July 11, 2014 by IJV


    Operation Defensive Edge began on 7 July 2014. The context is the 2014 FIFA World Cup. And a history of …
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  9. Uri Avnery’s latest: The Atrocity

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    July 11, 2014 by IJV

    Uri Avnery’s latest: When the canon roar, the muses fall silent The Atrocity July 12, 2014 BOMBS ARE raining on …
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  10. IJV SG Statement on current cycle of violence

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    July 10, 2014 by IJV

    We watch in horror and utterly condemn the pointless cycle of violence being stoked by Israel’s ongoing bombing of crowded civilian areas in Gaza, resulting in an escalating death toll, devastating civilian injuries and the continued destruction of homes and livelihoods. We reject the UK government’s one-sided support for Israel’s massive and disproportionate retaliation to the rocket attacks from Gaza and urge instead that it calls for peace negotiations and an end to all bloodshed.


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