Guanabacoa is a colonial township in eastern Havana, Cuba, and one of the 15 municipalities (or boroughs) of the city. It is famous for its historical Santería and is home to the first African Cabildo in Havana. It was the site of the Battle of Guanabacoa, a skirmish between British and Spanish troops during the Battle of Havana during the Seven Years' War.
The town of Guanabacoa is found situated in the province of La Havana, some five kilometers to the southeast of La Havana (city) and south of the city of Regla. It rests on a small hill bordered by rivers.
Guanabacoa was also the home of a small community of Florida Indians, mostly Apalachees and Yamasees, who, along with Spanish forces, were evacuated from Florida in 1764, following the conclusion of the Seven Years' War.
It is unknown when the Jewish Community developed in the town of Guanabacoa. In the late 1920s Samuel Epstein, owner of Aetna Knitted Fabrics from New York’s Lower East Side, established Sedanita in rented facilities in Guanabacoa. The company imported $75,000 worth of equipment for the production of underwear, shawls, and scarves; it employed 200 workers. But, Jewish-owned businesses do not constitute a Jewish community. Sedanita moved to San José de las Lajas after it was sold to the Brandon family evidently in the late 1930s.
(Mike on lead, w/ Jian harmonizing)
dont ya tell me what youre putting in my lunch box dont tell me what your
feeding me today, dont fill my head with trouble while im scarfin down a
cheese soufle
i wanna be a new, original creation a cross between a moose a monkey and a
fig im ready Monsanto let me be your guina pig
cuz the seed we sew aint good enough the earth we plow it aint good enough
the food we grow well its never been up to scratch,
the geezer with the beard and all the angels made a few mistakes I dont
know why we dont need him anymore if geneticly modefy
so dont ya tell me what youre puttin in my lunch box i got a crazy
pioneering additude dont bother me with labels gotta get a belly full of
gotta geta belly fulla franken-food