- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 26081868
My OCD (Song)
(3/8) Naze32 Flight Controller - Adding an OSD using MinimOSD
FPV Series Episode 6: Simple OSD Wiring
How to set up Minim OSD Micro
A cheap GPS OSD (part 1)
Easiest OSD for a Quadcopter EVER!! POWER OSD PRO
HobbyKing Mini OSD Setup Guide
Vector FPV Controller with Full Color OSD on a Funjet
PDB+BEC+OSD (with firmware flashing)
Easy All-In-One Plug & Play OSD
A song about making things right. iTUNES: http://bit.ly/MyOCDsong NOTE: We understand that OCD is a serious mental disorder that significantly affects the lives of millions of people (including Rhett's wife). This song is not intended to make fun of people with OCD, but rather to demonstrate and poke fun at the tendency of so many people to point out things that are off-center, off-balance, etc. and say "It's driving my OCD crazy!" We have an extensive discussion about this very thing, as well as what OCD really is, on this episode of Good Mythical Morning: http://youtu.be/-1QeJAmpvGk Thanks - R&L; Click CC for lyrics. RhettAndLINKS- FACEBOOK! http://facebook.com/rhettandlink TWITTER! http://twitter.com/rhettandlink T...
Consider supporting the channel by visiting www.patreon.com/painless360 To watch all the videos in this series visit https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... In this video we configure and install a MinimOSD onto a Naze32 flight control board. Download the Arduino software from http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software MinimOSD is a very inexpensive way to add a useful, exciting on screen display (OSD) to your first person view (FPV) flights. MinimOSD can be found in a number of other videos on the channel and these other videos also cover other firmware and additional tricks and tips. In this video I cover: - What you need (2:25) - Connecting the two 5v systems on the board (3:35) - The Firmware options (4:33) - Installing the firmware into the MinimOSD (6:20) - Uploading the fonts ...
In This Episode, We discuss the Simple Wireing Setup for OSD, Some osds may require Soldering, or reconfiguring of wires. This video will give you the basics and minimum requirements. If you have any questions or suggestions post them in the comments below. Well do our best to answer them. Please Don't Forget to Like and Subscribe if this video helped you. Also Please check out these websites. www.team-legit.com www.csfpv.com Thanks for the Support
ATTENTION: I forgot to mention, the absolute first thing to do in the Arduino software is go to TOOLS, then for "board" select "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini". Then for processor select "ATmega328 (5v, 16Mhz)" I show you every detail to installing a Minim OSD Micro. This is the first video of the series. In this video I show you what you need to purchase, what do download, what changes to make in the Arduino software, what to do in the MWOSD software, then get everything working. The following videos will be how to make changes to the OSD and even tune your PIDS, rates, and expos through the OSD menu in your video. Also how to place the OSD on a Soft Serial port to free up a UART port. How to calibrate your current, rssi, and many more. CP210x driver download https://www.silabs.com/products...
I spied this cheap GPS-based OSD on HobbyKing and thought I'd buy one to review. http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__19832__Hobbyking_G_OSD_II_Mini_OSD_System_w_GPS_Module.html The full review will be coming as soon as I can fly again but in the meantime, I thought you might like to enjoy some of the Chinglish that comes with the printed instructions for this device.
Review and set up guide of what I have found to be the easiest OSD system I have ever found. Plug and play, no programming, 3 and 4 S compatible. records flight time, voltage amp usage, Mah and RSSi AND ITS THE SAME SIZE AS YOUR PDB...link - http://quadrevo.com/index.php?route=product/product&product;_id=56 Thanks to my friend nick who bought a few of these and was nice enough to give me one to use in a build.
The HobbyKing Mini OSD is a simple and effective unit. I've found the instructions to be quite lacking and the GPS info updates quite slowly in flight, but it's still a nice basic unit to have on board an aircraft. In this guide video, I show you how to wire the components and go over some settings. Learn more: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=29798&aff;=1220394 --- SonicOrbStudios Dave@SonicOrbStudios.com http://instagram.com/sonicorbstudios http://twitter.com/sonicorbstudios https://plus.google.com/+SonicorbstudiosOfficial/posts http://socialblade.com/youtube/user/sonicorbstudios ---
PDB_BEC+OSD is another great little addition to the hangers part list. In this video I show the process involved of seeing the OSD's GUI for the Board in operation. This involved flashing firmware to the board via the USB using the Arduino IDE. http://www.mwosd.com Go to this link and follow along. Please Subscribe if you like these videos.
In this video we review the DALRC QOSD (http://bit.ly/1LV4CNB), which is a very easy to use, all-in-one, on screen display (OSD). We perform a full bench review, show how to hook it up and then do a live test were we show a DVR video of the OSD and go through all of its features. The DALRC QOSD is available from: BuddyRC USA: http://bit.ly/1LV4CNB HobbyRC UK: http://bit.ly/1oYHvgG DALRC can be contacted directly through Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1RnYHlT My conclusion: This is a great and easy to use all-in-one OSD for all of my flying machines which do not have a flight controller or GPS already. I will use it on my Bixler, flying wings and all other similar crafts. Further sources for the DALRC QOSD are: Surveilzone: http://bit.ly/1RnPg68 HobbyKing: http://bit.ly/1RGOaVO
Your love shows many colours
Roses will show their thorns
You showed me signs of silence
Showed me my way back home
I break my back, bent over
I dance on broken glass
I hold my breath half to death
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
My love shows it's horns
Could you lead us home?
Break your,
Break your back on broken glass
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
My love shows many colours
Devils will show their horns
I lead you into darkness
Hoped it would lead us home
You break your back, bent over
You dance on broken glass
I know you'll always love me
You can't forget the past
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it goodbye
Is it really worth it?
Is it all just a lie?
Not like I'm giving up now, I am willing to try
Unless you think it's not over
Let's kiss it good