Claim: “Over 100 Leaders” Expected at School of Economic Science HQ For Conference

Keynote speakers include Walter Schwimmer, former Secretary General of the Council of Europe The “Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative” (GCGI) has details of its second joint conference with the School of Economic Science, due to take place at the SES’s Oxford headquarters in September and entitled “The Value of Values: Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life”: This […]

New York Times Highlights Breakaway Ukrainian Catholic Church

The New York Times has an interesting article by Andrew Higgins about the Ukrainian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church, a breakaway branch of the country’s Ukrainian-Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) with some extravagantly vituperative and conspiratorial rhetoric: The breakaway church… issued an appeal to Mr. Putin in December to intervene militarily to restore order and defeat what it scorned […]

Glenn Beck Says David Barton to Advise Former Soviet State

Right Wing Watch has a clip from Glenn Beck taking about David Barton: David Barton is on his way over to one of the former Soviet states… because the Soviets, the former Soviets, called him up and said “uh, hey, you know more about the underpinnings of your Republic than anybody else, and we would like […]

WND: ISIS Offensive May Be a Sign of the Rise of the Anti-Christ

As Iraq slides into chaos, one man claims to have special insight into how things may develop; not because he’s an expert on the Middle East, but because he’s a “prophecy expert”. Over to Joel Richardson at WND, discussing Chapter 8 of the Book of Daniel in a piece entitled “Is prophecy being fulfilled now in Iraq […]

Some Notes On the Fellowship In Europe

The Republic of Macedonia’s ePublika reports on the latest news about its Ambassador in the USA, Zoran Jolevski: Ambassador Jolevski attends a business lunch in his honor in the Congress, hosted by Congressman Robert Aderholt, member of the Defense Committee to inform the Congress representatives on his new assignment as a Defense Minister… Ambassador Jolevski, who has […]

The Fellowship Comes to Ukraine

From the Religious Information Service of Ukraine: Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast under the auspices of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov was held on Wednesday with participation of representatives from the church, NGOs and religious organizations of Ukraine, as well as foreign guests, diplomatic missions and the people’s deputies of Ukraine, Press […]

Franklin Graham and Mat Staver Speak At Israel Solidarity Event

From the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: “I support Israel,” Franklin Graham said Thursday during the 13th Annual Israel Solidarity Event at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. “I support Israel not only because I worship a Jew but because of what the Bible says about Israel and the future of Israel.” The […]

Report of Russian Oligarch’s “Secret Meeting” in Vienna With Right-Wing Ideologues

Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger has an intriguing article about a “secret meeting” of conservative ideologues and politicians that reportedly recently took place at Vienna’s Palais Liechtenstein under the auspices of Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev and his St Basil the Great Charitable Foundation. According to reporter Bernhard Odehnal, topics discussed included how to oppose liberalism in Europe and the “Satanic” […]