National Church Controversy in Ukraine

Interfax-Religion brings news from Ukraine: Ukrainian MP Leonid Grach accused President Victor Yuschenko of arranging a ‘fifth column’ – the Movement for Local (ecclesiastically independent – IF) Ukraine aiming at a union between the canonical Orthodox Church with the schismatics. ‘It is obvious that Ukrainian president as a politician who follows the Euro-Atlantic plan aimed at […]

Christian Zionists “Repent” for Church Anti-Semitism

Ultra-Nationalist MKs accept “Letter of Repentance” Evangelist: “African Christians…would love to kiss the feet of a Jew” From the Jerusalem Post: In a highly symbolic move, dozens of evangelical Christian leaders will present the Knesset with a “letter of repentance” on Wednesday for crimes committed by Christians against the Jewish people over the centuries. In […]

Farrakhan Rails Against “Illuminati”; Praised by Venezuelan Consul

Final Call, an official website of the Nation of Islam, reports on a recent address by Louis Farrakhan in Detroit. Farrakhan touched on various points, including the following: …One of the methods Satan uses in casting first is by reproducing himself or herself, through the creation of “dumb devils,” whom Satan hides behind and uses […]

Christian Zionist Ditches Knesset Christian Allies Caucus

Describes Israel’s attitude: “We’ll take your aid, your support and your tourist dollars, but we won’t take your Jesus” From OneNewsNow: Christian radio talk-show host Janet Parshall, a high-profile American evangelical known for her strong support of Israel, has dropped out of a Jerusalem conference sponsored by a Christian caucus of the Israeli Parliament. Parshall […]

Students Battle Nationalist Dean at Moscow State University

A few days ago the New York Times reported on dissatisfaction among sociology students at Moscow State University: …The students said, for example, that extremist views had become institutionalized and that conspiracy theories had infiltrated the teaching. “The dean’s office has distributed a brochure to all students that approvingly quotes the ‘Protocols of the Elders […]

Theocratic Surge in Israeli Courts

From Haaretz: Fifteen judges were appointed to rabbinic courts Monday by a committee headed by Justice Minister Daniel Friedmann. …The identities of the judges was determined before the committee met, in a deal between the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shas party and the Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox, committee members told Haaretz. Twelve of the 15 judges are considered ultra-Orthodox. […]

U.S. to Fund “Faith and Economics” Peace Plan for Israel-Palestine

News from the JTA: The U.S. government will fund a new initiative that will examine bringing peace to the Middle East through faith and economics. The plan was initiated by Rep Frank Wolf, who clearly has his finger on the pulse: “If you’re Jewish, you have the Western Wall. If you’re Christian, you have the […]

P&G Wins Satanic Panic Payout

I’m slightly late with this: Procter & Gamble Co. has won a jury award of $19.25 million in a civil lawsuit filed against four former Amway distributors accused of spreading false rumors linking the company to Satanism to advance their own business. …Rumors had begun circulating as early as 1981 that the company’s logo — […]

Spanish Organisation Calls for Prosecution over Anti-Religious Photographs

MediaWatchWatch draws attention to lawsuit in Spain over a book of anti-religious photographs …depicting Christian religious figures in various states of undress and arousal (scroll down for more NSFW images). The photos include a masturbating Jesus, a depiction of the Annunciation with a naked Mary being approached by a visibly-excited Angel Gabriel, and, bizarrely, a […]

Some Have Faith in Mugabe

Numerous news sources have noted the role of church leaders and religious events in the current protests against Robert Mugabe; however, it’s also worth remembering that he does enjoy some religious support. A week ago the Zim Daily reported that President Robert Mugabe has at last handsomely rewarded ZANU PF apologist self-proclaimed Reverend and founder […]