Pennsylvania Christian Right Activist Discusses Ukraine

The Reading Eagle (Pennsylvania) reports on address given by Samuel E. Rohrer, “president of both the American and Pennsylvania Pastors Networks” to members of the Berks County Patriots. Rohrer – a Pennsylvania House of Representatives – discussed his involvement with Ukraine: Rohrer… spent two day in a hotel in Kiev in June leading a summit aimed at ensuring […]

Some Links of a Syriza “Adviser”

Radio Free Europe on Greece’s new government: …recently leaked e-mails are revealing some of the extent and duration of Syriza’s ties with Kremlin-connected Eurasianist ideologue Aleksandr Dugin and Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev, who is believed to have bankrolled much of the separatist movement in Ukraine. …Several dozen of the e-mails reveal conversations between [Georgy] Gavrish [an […]

Some Brief Notes on Panos Kammenos

From the Guardian: Syriza just missed out on the 151 MPs it needed to govern alone after Greece’s election, winning 149 seats with a 36.3% share of the vote. The party has formed a coalition government with Independent Greeks [var. Independent Hellenes – RB], who took 13 seats. …The two parties have vastly diverging world views, standing […]

LaRouche Group Boasts of 200 “Prominent Signers” on Petition

From the website of – cough – Lyndon LaRouche: As of January 19, 2015, the list of prominent signers to the Schiller Institute’s petition, “Why the US Must Join the BRICS” continues to expand, totaling now over 200, with the newest signers including author, activist and Princeton Professor, Dr. Cornel West and filmmaker Sean Stone […]

Dennis Rice and Police Intimidation: How Thames Valley Police Sought to Censor Criticism of a Tabloid Journalist

UPDATE (May 2016): The material below documents how the police mishandled a malicious complaint made against me by an online troll and harasser named Dennis Rice in 2014. This update is a summary of the main point. Dennis Rice made his complaint after I posted Tweets and wrote blog entries documenting his anti-social online behaviour (he […]