Koh Nomination Provokes Hysteria over Shariah

In March 2007 the National Review-linked blog Phi Beta Cons carried a letter from a New York lawyer named Steven J. Stein addressed to Harold Koh, Dean of Yale Law School: Dear Dean Koh I attended the dinner of the Yale Club of Greenwich earlier this week.  In your discussion of “global law” I recall […]

WND in Distorted Journalism Shock

WorldNetDaily boasts of yet another “exclusive” – and yet again, it’s alarmist rehash of a report published elsewhere and distorted by a hack lacking in any kind of professional integrity: Here’s the shocking report: WASHINGTON – Barack Obama is conducting his own affirmative action program to get more Muslims in the White House. The move began […]

March for England Rebukes Former Royal Anglian Soldier

A couple of days ago I blogged on the decision to cancel a demonstration in Luton in response to the recent provocation by a small group of Islamists who protested a parade of returning soldiers. Luton Today reported: James Yeomans began organising the event after the disruption at last week’s homecoming parade for the 2nd Battalion of […]

Barton in the Beans and the BNP Baptist Chapel

After a bit of prodding, I’ve received a response from the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) about the recent hosting of the British National Party’s Rev Robert West at Barton in the Beans Baptist Chapel (also known as Barton Fabis Baptist Chapel or Barton Chapel). West’s appearance at this venue was noted on a BNP blog, […]

Religion Explains Unfortunate Events

Gary McCullough of Christian Newswire steps in to explain a recent story that has generated controversy: On March 24, our service distributed a submission from Gingi Edmonds that engendered much more than the usual number of replies questioning the character of Christian Newswire. This is not surprising since the item addressed is a combination of abortion, […]

English “Patriots” Capitalise on Islamism

 Luton Today reports on the decision to abandon a counter-demo against the recent small but ugly Islamist demo against returning British soldiers: James Yeomans…has decided to abandon the event in case it attracts further trouble, but has organised another protest in London on April 12, to encourage the government to ban “all protests of hate towards […]

Moriel Scrubs Article Blaming Stephen Sizer for Church Attacks

Back in January, the Rochdale Observer reported on an unpleasant incident: THE pastor of Zion Baptist Church has expressed his disappointment after vandals daubed anti-semitic graffiti on the church wall. An insult aimed at Israeli Jews as well as the words ‘Free Gaza’ were painted in metre high letters on the outside wall of the Milkstone […]

Update on Rev. Moon’s UPF in the UK

From a press release: A recently-appointed “Ambassador for Peace” from the UK is to make an official visit to Pakistan this week. The Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Cllr Abdul Rashid, will be visiting the troubled Asian Republic at a time of heightened political tensions. The official tour will include visits to the Punjab and Azad […]

Don McLeroy’s “Unique and Insightful” Conspiracy Theorist

The Texas Freedom Network brings us some background on Robert Bowie Johnson, whose book Sowing Atheism: The National Academy of Sciences’ Sinister Scheme to Teach Our Children They’re Descended from Reptiles has been recommended by Don McLeroy, chairman of the State Board of Education. The TFN notes that Johnson sees Obama as part of a Satanic conspiracy, […]

Satan is Alive and Well on American TV

WND reports on ABC’s Satan debate: Is Satan a religious fable, or an actual being wreaking havoc in the world? The question was debated yesterday by four unusual suspects – one megachurch pastor, one former television preacher branded by some as a heretic, the alternative medicine guru Deepak Chopra and the founder of Hookers for […]